Вассель Сергей Сергеевич
филиал Московского государственного университета технологии и управления в г. Ростове-на-Дону

В статье описывается устройство для преобразования энтропии перемешивания пресной и соленой воды в электрическую энергию.
В отличие аналогов, в предложенном устройстве отсутствуют полупроницаемая мембрана.Работа устройства основана на разделении в магнитном поле ионов, дрейфующих от соленой к пресной воде.


Vassel Sergey Sergeevich
Rostov branch of Moscow State University of Technology and Management

Device for generation electrical power using fresh and salt water mixing is developed. The work of suggested device is based on separation ions, which drift from salt to fresh water, in magnetic field.

Keywords: fresh and salt water mixing, generating electrical power, non-membrane device

Рубрика: 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Вассель С.С. Non-membrane device for generating electrical power using fresh and salt water mixing: concept and early results // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2015. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2015/11/59550 (дата обращения: 23.04.2024).

Introduction. The main problem of osmotic power stations is high resistance of the membranes[1],[2]. Earlier we suggested the concept of concentration galvanic cell, working on salt and fresh water [3]. The concentration galvanic cell could use more thin membranes, than traditional osmotic power station. But non-membrane device could be more powerful, than any another device with semi-permeable membrane with the same size.

Non-membrane device.
We developed the concept of non-membrane way of electric power generation by mixing fresh and salt water.

The scheme of ion separation we can see in Fig. 1

Fig 1. The scheme of ions separation in magnetic field

Na+ and Cl- ions drifts from salt to fresh water. Their trajectories are curved by the magnetic field. So Na+ ions are accumulates near one electrode and Cl- ions near another. It is the reason of potential difference appearance.

When potential difference (∆ φ) will equals 1,8 V it will be enough to carry out the reaction:


2Cl- —2e=Cl2

To avoid Cl2 releasing to the atmosphere it is possible to cover electrodes by the gas adsorbent and sometimes change the direction of magnetic field or replace the electrodes.

Until ∆ φ<1,8V we will have no current, so, no electric power will generate

This potential difference could be calculated as

∆ φ=vBl, where

“B” is magnetic induction,

“l” is the distance between electrodes and v is the effective velocity of ions drift.

It is rather difficult to calculate in theory, but it is easy to carry out an experiment. The materials for experiment we can see in Fig.2

Fig. 2. Materials for experiment

We have two graphite electrodes, magnet from radio speaker and textile (in another experiment paper) in salt water from one side and fresh water from another.

The distance between electrodes was 0,03 m and ∆ φ was 0.06V (Fig 3). It is necessary to add, that this potential difference never appear immediately. It requires a time (about an hour) to get maximum potential difference.

Fig. 3. Experiment

So, even in such weak magnetic field it is enough 0.9 m between electrodes to obtain ∆ φ in 1,8V, which is necessary for current appear.

Using more powerful magnet (Fig. 4) and distance 0.06 m between electrodes we obtain ∆ φ=0.22 V. In this case to begin power generating distance between electrodes could be only 0.35 m.

Fig. 4. Our second magnet


  1. The ions Na+ and Cl- which drift from salt to fresh water, could be separated by magnetic field.
  2. Ever a weak magnetic field of magnet from radio speaker could perform ion separation, which is necessary for creation electric field in 2 V/m.

  1. Княжев В. В. РЕСУРСЫ И СПОСОБЫ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ЭНЕРГИИ ГРАДИЕНТОВ СОЛЕНОСТИ // Вестник ДВО РАН . 2010. №3. URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/resursy-i-sposoby-preobrazovaniya-energii-gradientov-solenosti (дата обращения: 18.11.2015).
  2. Михайлик, Б. Енерго- та ресурсозберігаючі технології. Осмотичні електростанції / Борис Михайлик // Наукові здобутки молоді – вирішенню проблем харчування людства у ХХІ столітті : програма і матеріали 80 міжнародної наукової конференції молодих учених, аспірантів і студентів, 10–11 квітня 2014 р. – К.: НУХТ, 2014. – Ч. 2. – С. 314-315.
  3. Вассель С.С., Вассель Н.П. Концепция концентрационного гальванического элемента, работающего на соленой и пресной воде // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2014. № 5 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://web.snauka.ru/issues/2014/05/34761 (дата обращения: 22.10.2015).

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