Маликгулиева Гульнар Акмурадовна
Государственный медицинский университет Туркменистана имени Мырата Гаррыева
преподаватель кафедры медицинской химии


Malikgulyyeva Gulnar Akmyradovna
Myrat Garryev State Medical University of Turkmenistan
Lecturer in the Department of Medical Chemistry

Proteins are an essential organic substance that is involved in the construction of muscle tissue, and is also part of hair, nails and internal organs. It is the most abundant compound in the body (after water). Without it, the existence of the human body is impossible, therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor the sufficient amount of protein in the diet.

Keywords: amino acids, chemical structure, protein

Рубрика: 02.00.00 ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Маликгулиева Г.А. Protein and its chemical structure // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

It is a complex structure consisting of small elements (amino acids). Amino acids, in turn, are divided into replaceable and essential. Essential ones are called so because the human body does not know how to produce them on its own, so they must certainly come with food. Essential amino acids include isoleucine, leucine, valine, phenylalanine, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan. For a child’s body, this list is somewhat broader. Disturbances in the metabolism of essential acids (for example, phenylketonuria) lead to severe and sometimes irreversible consequences.

Proteins can be obtained from both animal foods and plant foods. These sources have certain advantages and disadvantages:

• animal protein is rich in B vitamins, zinc and iron;

• also, animal sources, especially wild salmon, contain polyunsaturated fatty acids;

• plant-based foods contain a large amount of fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive system;

• in addition, they contain a large number of vitamins and beneficial microelements;

• animal sources are high in calories and high in cholesterol, and abuse of such products can lead to the formation of malignant tumors;

• but with the help of plant proteins it is quite difficult to obtain all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities.

All proteins are polymers whose monomers are amino acids. They are mainly composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. In the majority of the studied proteins of all living organisms, 20 amino acids were identified that were involved in their construction.

In the human body, this element performs five important functions:

  • Recovery (being a “building material” for cells, ensures their normal development);
  • Saturation with energy (the body uses it as a source of energy, subject to sufficient consumption);
  • Transport of molecules (for example, hemoglobin, which saturates all tissues and organs with oxygen);
  • Protection (sufficient protein intake has a positive effect on the immune system);
  • Carrying out chemical reactions in the body (some of them are simply impossible without the participation of this element).

This organic substance is especially necessary during pregnancy. It is actively used for the development of a healthy fetus. It should also be consumed in sufficient quantities during puberty, recovery and rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries.

Proteins are solid substances that have a crystalline or amorphous structure. They have different solubility in liquid media. They are:

• fat-soluble;

• water-soluble;

• soluble in saline solutions, etc.

The classification of proteins is based precisely on their solubility. More often they have no color or have a white tint. If the protein has a color, it means that it contains components found in metals (for example, copper or iron).

From a chemical point of view, proteins have a specific molecular structure. They are divided into a huge number of different groups with a complex system of connections at the chemical level. That is why their physicochemical properties are so diverse.

The chemical properties of proteins include:

• combustion with the release of a characteristic odor. It smells like “burnt horn or bone.” If such a reaction exists, then we are talking about a qualitative reaction, on the basis of which the animal and plant origin of a substance are distinguished;

• decomposition at low temperatures.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ability of proteins to hydrolyze. First, the system that contains the protein enters into the coagulation process (we are talking about a colloidal system). Next, the molecular structure of proteins is destroyed. Catalysts in the form of the enzymes pepsin and trypsin enter into the reaction, and hydrolysis itself occurs under acidic conditions with the destruction of primary protein structures.

There are nine amino acids that are essential. Each of them is found in certain products and is valuable in its own way for humans:

• valine. Helps the tissues of our body to fully develop. Responsible for the most important bodily functions – in particular, coordination of movements. Valine is contained in almost all types of fish, as well as meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds and dried herbs;

• leucine. Responsible for the growth and development of muscles and connective tissue, regulates the amount of sugar in the bloodstream, promotes rapid healing of the skin from wounds and injuries. Like valine, leucine is found in fish, meat, legumes, nuts and cereals;

• threonine. Ensures the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin. In addition, threonine takes an active part in the activity of the immune system. A person gets this amino acid from fish, mushrooms, meat and cereals;

• methionine. Participates in digestive processes, helps the body process fats, and provides it with protection from toxins and poisons. They are rich in eggs, meat, liver, legumes, soybeans and all types of nuts. There is methionine in unprocessed rice, wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, barley;

• tryptophan. Thanks to him, we sleep soundly and fully. With enough tryptophan, a person almost always has a stable mood and a good appetite. This amino acid is contained in cheeses, all types of nuts, rabbit and turkey meat, fish, dairy products, millet and buckwheat;

• lysine. Without it, we cannot absorb calcium. The human body produces enzymes and hormones with the active participation of lysine. Thanks to it, muscle tissue becomes stronger and more resilient, memory becomes sharper, and hair becomes stronger. Lysine is found in red meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, and potatoes. It also contains soy, nuts, lentils and wheat;

• phenylalanine. Helps improve mood, reduce pain, improve memory processes and reduce appetite. Eggs, beef, fish, soybeans, nuts, milk and milk products are rich in phenylalanine;

• arginine. Slows down the development of tumor processes, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in muscle tissue, and regulates blood pressure. It is found in pumpkin seeds, rice, peas, buckwheat, chicken, pork, high-fat milk;

• histidine. Ensures proper functioning of joints, restores tissue and even auditory processes. It is found in cereals and legumes, nuts, and meat.

  1. Белки // Химическая энциклопедия. — Москва: Советская энциклопедия, 1988.
  2. Филиппович Ю.Б. Белки и их роль в процессах жизнедеятельности // Книга для чтения по органической химии. Пособие для учащихся. — М., 1975. — С. 216—234.
  3. Цветков Л. А. § 38. Белки // Органическая химия. Учебник для 10 класса. — 20-е изд. — М., 1981. — С. 184—193.

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