Articles by keyword «СССР»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Особенности советского диссидентства

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Некоторые «результаты» деятельности диссидентов в СССР

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Создание добровольно-спортивного общества «Колхозник» в Пензенской области

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Из истории Пензенского областного комитета по делам физкультуры и спорта (начало 1950-х гг.)

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Развитие массовой физической культуры и спорта в Пензенской области к середине 1950-х гг.

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Экономические последствия распада СССР

№ 6 June 2017 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Анализ и история создания изобретений Калашникова и других инженеров в начале ВОВ

№ 11 November 2017 | Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Постмодерн как культурная парадигма и философское явление

№ 11 November 2017 | Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Роль ленд-лиза в Великой Отечественной войне

№ 3 March 2018 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Обсуждение доклада Н.С. Хрущева «О культе личности и его последствиях» на XX съезде КПСС в парторганизациях страны

№ 6 June 2020 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Религиозное диссидентство в СССР в 1950-70-ых годах

№ 2 February 2022 | Category: 07.00.00 History

История банковского дела в России

№ 3 March 2023 | Category: 07.00.00 History

История пионерской орагнизации

№ 5 May 2023 | Category: 07.00.00 History

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

О формировании международных железнодорожных маршрутов в постсоветском пространстве

January, 2019

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Йылдыз Д. Соотношение сил в Европе в преддверии "холодной войны"

October, 2012

Levchenko V.V., Svirskaya E.S. Development of deviantology in the USSR

October, 2012

avitskiy A.A. Referendum 17 March 1991: objectives and results. According to the materials of the Karelian ASSR

March, 2013

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Evangelical activity of Muslim clergy of Central Volga Region. 1945-1980 (on materials of the Tatar ASSR and the Penza region)

November, 2013

Guryanov P.A. Standard of living of workers in the Russian empire and in the Soviet Union (1885-1941)

November, 2013

Mebaduri S.Z., Korolev A.A., Koroleva L.A. To a question of number and geography of dissident movement in the USSR

July, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A., Molkin A.N. Meskhs movement for homecoming in the USSR

September, 2014

Mebaduri S.Z., Korolev A.A., Koroleva L.A. From history of the movement of the Crimean Tatars in the USSR (the 1950-1970th)

October, 2014

Sheshukova O.I., Antonov A.B. Self-assertion as a method personal fulfillment , society and state

January, 2015

Silvanovich S.A. On the question of the ethnic composition of the Bialystok region in 1939 – 1941, BSSR

January, 2015

Moiseyev I.S., Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A. From distribution history of "anti-Soviet anonymous documents" in the USSR in the 1960th

June, 2015

Murashova P.D. Language representation of the Soviet household in Vladimir Kaminer’s works (on the examples of german textes)

July, 2016

Koroleva L.A. Islam in the Soviet Union. 1960s (on the materials of Ulyanovsk region)

February, 2017

Koroleva L.A., Mezinova M.V. Sports judges in the USSR: preparation and professional development. 1945-1950 (on materials of the Penza region)

April, 2017

Кризис и окончание разрядки в советско-американских отношениях в отражении советской печати

May, 2018

Articles in journal «Philology and Literature»

Jdanova V.A. March cinema. Problems of ideological reform of the 1930s: the reflection in the Soviet filming

November, 2013

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A., Molkin A.N. Western policy toward the Soviet dissidents (1950-1980th)

October, 2014

Mebaduri S.Z., Korolev A.A., Koroleva L.A. Emigration from the USSR and the West (1950-1980th)

October, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A., Molkin A.N. Use of psychiatry in political goals in the USSR

October, 2014

Molkin A.N., Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A. The Penza diocese in the 1960-1980th

November, 2014

Miku N.V., Molkin A.N. Forms of manifestation of dissident practice

November, 2014

Miku N.V., Molkin A.N. The movement of workers for the social and economic rights in the USSR in the 1950-1980th. (Origin of a historiography)

November, 2014

Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A., Kinal A.V. Physical culture and sport in the Penza region: from development history

November, 2014

Miku N.V., Molkin A.N. "The northern capital" as the center of opposition in the USSR. the 1970-1980th (on materials "Messages from the USSR")

November, 2014

Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A., Kinal A.V. The XIX All-Union party conference about sport and physical culture in the USSR

November, 2014

Mebaduri S.Z., Korolev A.A., Koroleva L.A. Muslims of Central Volga area and the power in the 1950-1980th.

November, 2014

Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A., Kinal A.V. Sports policy in the USSR: from history of sports magazines

November, 2014

Boriskin D.A., Lyubomirova L.P., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A., Kinal A.V. Family values of the Soviet evangelical Baptist Christians (on materials of the Penza region. the 1940-1980th)

November, 2014

Tokarev V.A. About the End of NEP

April, 2015

Kinal A.V., Miku N.V. Soviet policy for "nationalist manifestations" in the early sixties

June, 2015

Articles in journal «History and Archeology»

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Georgian national movement in the USSR. 1950-1980

February, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Oppositional national movements in the USSR. 1950-1980

February, 2014

Garkin I.N., Koroleva L.A. Human rights movement in the USSR (1960-1980)

April, 2014

Glukhova M.V., Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Socialist oppositional movement in the USSR. 1950-1980

April, 2014

Orlovsky V.V. Formation and development of NATO until the mid 80-ies of the XX century

April, 2014

Mebaduri S.Z., Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. The Ukrainian national movement in the USSR (1950-1980th)

May, 2014

Skripkar M.V. Role of the USSR in the settlement of the Vietnam-China conflict 1979

May, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. The Armenian national movement in the USSR (1950-1980)

June, 2014

Garkin I.N., Koroleva L.A. The Russian national movement in the USSR (1960-1980)

June, 2014

Mebaduri S.Z., Korolev A.A., Koroleva L.A. The Crimean Tatars in the USSR: from history of the deported people

July, 2014

Garkin I.N., Koroleva L.A. A.D. Sakharov and A.I. Solzhenitsyn about the Soviet recusancy

July, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. The power and religion in the USSR. 1940-1980

August, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Evangelical Baptist Christians in the USSR (the middle of the 1940th – the beginning of the 1980th)

September, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A., Molkin A.N. Ethnic question in the USSR (the 1950-1980th)

October, 2014

Papilon P.I., Dzyubenko O.L., Bertleuov K.A., Karas V.N. The birth and development of the airfield technical operations of the Soviet Air Force (1917-1920)

October, 2014

Papilin P.I., Dzyubenko O.L., Bertleuov K.A., Karas V.N. The first stage (1910-1930) development tools airfield-technical support for aviation in the USSR

November, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A., Molkin A.N. Confessional practice of Muslim clergy of Central Volga area (the 1960-1970th)

November, 2014

Papilin P.I., Dzyubenko O.L., Bertleuov K.A., Karas V.N. The second stage (1931-1945) development tools airfield-technical support flights Air Fleet of the Soviet Union

December, 2014

Noykina O.V. Collectivization in the Soviet Union: the US press reaction

December, 2014

Koroleva L.A., Molkin A.N. Political regulation of activity of religious associations and scientific and atheistic work in the 1960-1980th in the USSR (on materials of the Penza region)

December, 2014

Papilin P.I., Dzyubenko O.L., Bertleuov K.A., Karas V.N. The third stage (1946-1960) development of airfield-technical support of flights of the air force of the Soviet Union

January, 2015

Papilin P.I., Dzyubenko O.L., Kadourzhan A.B., Karas V.N. The fourth stage (1961 - 1980) development means of airfield-technical support of the air force flight USSR

February, 2015

Miku N.V., Vakhidov R.R. From history of "nationalist manifestations" in the USSR. 1960th

May, 2015

Savitsky A.A. Election of the President of Russia June 12, 1991 in Karelia. The election campaign and the results

October, 2015

Kazhayev S.S., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A. Activities of the Soviet authorities for improvement of work with the managerial personnel in the sports organizations of RSFSR (the beginning of the 1950th)

October, 2015