Articles by keyword «self-culture»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Некоторые особенности социализации и самореализации юношей, занимающихся самбо

№ 4 April 2016 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Возможности исследования качества формирования социализации и самореализации юношей в самбо

№ 6 June 2016 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Konovalov S.V., Ugolnikova O.A., Vasiliev D.S. Some features of socialization, self-improvement and self-learning students in swimming

June, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Shneider K.V. Some aspects of planning, organization, and analysis of classroom hours in the work of the class teacher

June, 2015