Articles by keyword «профессиональная культура»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Продуктивность и преемственность самореализации девушек, занимающихся регби

№ 3 March 2015 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Нравственный императив врача как главный ориентир гуманизации педпроцесса медицинского вуза

№ 4 April 2015 | Category: 22.00.00 Sociology

Учебная практика по туризму в структуре подготовки будущих педагогов по физической культуре: профессиональный и адаптивный компоненты

№ 8 August 2015 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Социализация студентов-медиков: на пути от этического кодекса к зрелой форме правосознания

№ 2 February 2016 | Category: 14.00.00 Medicine

Культурно-нравственные основы построения профессиональной карьеры специалистов

№ 8 August 2016 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Специфика профессиональной культуры в перспективе педагогической деятельности

№ 11 November 2017 | Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Sergina E.S. Fundamental project of ​​self-creation of personality: construction of the image "I'm a professional"

April, 2012

Klimova O.N., Grebenshikov K.T., Gorbunova I.A. Modeling capabilities of Professional Education of the case of future teachers of physical culture as a professional and pedagogical problem

August, 2015

Ageeva N.A. Medical students’ socialization – ethical and legal aspects

February, 2017

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Шумакова О.А. Профессиональная культура личности и опыт с позиций нуклеарного подхода

November, 2012

Svinarenko V.G., Alexander N.G., Kuznetsov A.P. Some aspects of the determination and study of corporate culture in the structure of the search for optimal conditions of its formation

October, 2014

Trofimova I.A., Svinarenko V.G., Kozyreva O.A. Some aspects of the study of the foundations of legal education of future teachers in the structure of their general pedagogical training

October, 2014

Zubanov V.P., Rudenko E.N., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Some features of socialization and self-realization of a teenager in the structure of football

December, 2014

Теория, проблемы и типология лидерства в детском движении и ученическом самоуправлении

April, 2018

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kozyreva O.A. The corporate culture of the teacher as function and system application management unit quality training at an educational institution

September, 2014

Zybina E.V., Platonenko A.I., Schwarzkopf E.Y. The specifics of the modeling software-pedagogical support of the course "Teaching and practice of tourism as a resource for the formation of professional and pedagogical culture of teachers of physical culture

January, 2015

Grigorenko S.A., Pantyukhov O.A. Some aspects of formation of professional and pedagogical culture of trainers in the organization of training process in taekwondo

January, 2015

Zubanov V.P., Mikhailov A.N., Stroykina L.V. The quality and scope of the study course "Introduction to pedagogical activity" in the structure of training of future teachers of physical culture

January, 2015

Ugolnikova O.A., Zubanov V.P. Final qualifying work of future teachers of physical culture as a result of formation of culture of self-dependent work

March, 2015

Boikova I.V., Avdeenko M.O., Monakhov M.S. The quality and features of the determination of the basics of pedagogical interaction in the structure of the study course "Theoretical pedagogy"

June, 2015

Boikova I.V., Chornyi I.V., Aksionova A.N. Some features of the determination of the concepts of "socialization" and "self-realization" resources for the future training of muay thai coach

July, 2015

Feofilova M.R. To the problem of studying of essence of modern requirements to professional competence and culture of the social teacher

March, 2016