Kurbanova Kamilla Rashidovna
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

The article analyzes the impact of the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies on the company's profit in the DIY segment, also examines the effective impact of AR on brand image and customer loyalty. The Russian experience of the successful application of AR technology is illustrated by the example of the company Leroy Merlin.

Keywords: AR technologies, augmented reality, DIY, implementation, innovation, innovative marketing, innovative technologies, Leroy Merlin, Management

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
Kurbanova K.R. The implementation of augmented reality technologies in Leroy Merlin to attract consumers to interact with the company // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2022. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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Scientific advisor: Novikova Ekaterina Sergeevna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Every year, an increasing number of people switch to online shopping, augmented reality technology makes the shopping process more convenient and interesting, helps consumers avoid unnecessary purchases and a long process of returning goods. AR technology is an integral part of the innovation strategy of many companies, this marketing move helps to increase the involvement of consumers in communication with the company, working on its image and increasing the public’s preference for the products/services of the brand. [1]

Literature review

The first mention of virtual and augmented reality occurred in the 60s of the XX century, when the first virtual stimulator “Sensorama” was patented, which was invented by Morton Hyling. The device was a bulky device that allowed the user to experience the experience of immersion in virtual reality. [2]

The practice of using this technology is considered by Paul Migram and Fumio Kishino, Trachuk A.V. and Linder N. V., and many other experts of innovative marketing technologies. In his reports, Artur Sinitsyn, Director of Business Development, evaluated the effectiveness of this technology. [3]

In its research, the British agency “Engine creative” speaks about the importance of AR in the retail sector, about the impact of technology on brand awareness and profitability. [5]

This article is based on a study of the effectiveness of the use of AR technology in companies. Its purpose is to analyze the practical application of these technologies on the example of Leroy Merlin and the results of their work.


During studying this topic, the author identifies the following object, subject, and hypothesis of the study.

The object of the research – Leroy Merlin Company.

The subject of the research – AR technology as a tool of attracting consumers to interact with the company.

The hypothesis – The company’s use of augmented reality technology attracts more consumers.

The following methods were used in the research paper: Theoretical methods (analysis, abstracting, generalization, comparison, induction); Empirical methods (study of the information sources, analysis of the received information); Quantitative research methods.


AR (Augmented Reality) is an augmented reality technology in which you can view 3D objects on the screens of electronic devices and visualize non-existent objects in a particular room. In recent years, augmented reality has become the main technological trend in retail. [1]

Foreign studies predict an increase in the number of mobile AR users to 811 million people. Revenue from the use of augmented reality technology is also growing, with plans to reach $ 3.1 billion by the end of 2021 and $ 3.78 billion by the end of 2024. [5]

Innovative AR solutions allow customers to visualize products in real time from the comfort of their homes and gives the opportunity to see what items might look like in their space before they make a purchase. More than 76% of respondents to the British agency «Engine creative» claim that they would most likely buy more products if they were able to use the “try before you buy” option. This option reduces the likelihood that customers will return the product when it is delivered, which reduces the company’s costs. 69% of customers expect brands to give them the opportunity to interact with the product through AR and release mobile applications n the next 6 months. 42% of buyers believe that the use of augmented reality helps to make a decision about the next purchase. That is why AR is rapidly gaining momentum in the retail industry, becoming part of the everyday life of gadget users, thereby changing the consumer’s shopping experience. [4] [5]

The main advantages of using AR in retail include: brand awareness; increase the audience; profit growth.

Augmented reality technology helps customers remember the brand and increase their level of trust because the person is experiencing an interactive interaction with the brand, which causes a surge of emotions that affects the subconscious of the person. The feeling that the product is in the hands of the consumer is a powerful incentive for the consumer to make a purchase. [3]

The use of AR technology has a positive impact on the company in the case of high uncertainty with the product, so companies use AR to reduce customer uncertainty and increase sales.

In 2018, the French company Leroy Merlin, part of the ADEO group, released its updated app with augmented reality. This application allows customers to view furniture items, try them on to their interior and make a purchase through the camera of their smartphone, without leaving the program. [6]

Implementation of AR technology provided good results for the company:

  1. The number of app installs increased by 300%
  2. The number of users increased by 300%
  3. The duration of the session in the app increased by 20%
  4. Increase in sales of expensive goods.
  5. Promotion of little-known products and brands stimulating.
  6. The transition of offline customers to online sales channels.

Augmented reality technology has allowed people to interact with the brand regardless of where they are.

Despite the successful work of the application with augmented reality technology, Leroy Merlin has a lot to grow. The big problem is that the augmented reality feature is available for a very limited number of products. The inability to translate favorite products to reality can lead to outrage and customer dissatisfaction.

The experience of Leroy Merlin is an excellent example of the successful application of innovative AR marketing technology, which helps to increase customers and improve the company’s image. [6]

Discussion & conclusion

In today’s society, which has free access to smartphones and the Internet, visualization technologies are constantly developing. One of these technologies can be called augmented reality, which is increasingly being used in retail.

Leroy Merlin’s experience proves that AR technology is one of the competitive advantages in the DIY market. The use of technology will allow the company to remain among the leaders, strengthen the brand image and win consumer loyalty.

However, the company should work out the shortcomings of its application, namely:

- increase the range of products that use AR technology.

- develop a version of the app for android users.

- implement an advertising campaign of the augmented reality function.

Holding these events will increase the company’s customer base.

Thus, AR, as an innovative marketing technology, has a significant impact on the integration of the consumer with the brand, helps to increase the turnover of online commerce, and helps the company to remain innovative in the eyes of its consumers.

  1. Яворник, А. (2016) Дополненная реальность: программа исследований для изучения влияния ее медийных характеристик на поведение потребителей. Журнал розничной торговли и потребительских услуг, 2016, 30, 252-261.
  2. Скрынникова А. Все, что вам нужно знать о VR/AR технологиях. – Русбаза. -2017. URL-АДРЕС:
  3. Шольц, Дж.; Даффи, К. (2018) Мы дома: как дополненная реальность меняет отношения мобильного маркетинга и потребительских брендов. Журнал розничной торговли и потребительских услуг, 2018.
  4. Клейнен М., Раманатан С., Ризли Р., Холланд С., Моррисси С. (2016) Маркетинг мобильных покупателей: Ключевые проблемы.
  5. Данные исследования креативного агентства Engine/[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  6. Развитие сети. Леруа Мерлен./[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:

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