Kochetova Ludmila Pavlovna
Southern Federal University
seeker of language theory and Russian language department

In our article we analyze the fictional dialogues extracted from M.A. Sholok-hov’s novel «Quiet Flows the Don». Our choice is predetermined by the fact that in this fictional text – on the level of the protagonists’ speech interaction – marked heteroglossia is systematically identified. The fictional dialogue analysis performed in the publication is based on defining various dialogic structure types marked with definite linguistic and speech means. Herewith as the dominant criterion of dialogic structure classificatory typology we use the author’s employment of linguistic and speech means marking the protagonists’ interaction character.

Keywords: dialogic structure, fictional dialogue, heteroglossia, M.A. Sholokhov’s novel «Quiet Flows the Don», point of view, protagonist’s image

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Dialogic structure types in M.A. Sholokhov’s fiction // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2016/12/76705

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