Prokhorova Maria Petrovna
Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of innovative technologies of management

Implementation of process of professional training on discipline with use of individual educational routes acts as the integral requirement of the existing educational standards and is a significant methodical task of each teacher. In the provided article procedural bases of designing of an individual educational route of the managerial cycle studying at an example of disciplines are described. For the solution of this task the analysis of the main approaches to determination of content of a concept of an individual educational route of studying of discipline (module) is carried out; the description of the sequence of its development on the example of managerial disciplines is provided; factors and conditions of effective implementation of individual educational routes of development of discipline in practice are formulated. Novelty of article contains in development of levels of complexity of the educational tasks reflecting features of managerial disciplines which are reasonable for designing in case of development of individual educational routes of studying of discipline (minimum necessary, average and increased complexity levels are offered). Besides, types of educational tasks and forms of assessment of the planned results of training corresponding to them which are reasonable for using in case of development and implementation of an individual route of development of managerial disciplines are offered, the necessary sales terms of individual educational routes providing effective development of a training material by the student are described. The practical im-portance of article is constituted by specific recommendations about use of types of educational tasks and forms of estimation of results of training for development of individual educational routes of disciplines.

Keywords: complexity level, designing, discipline, Individual educational route

Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Article reference:
Theoretical bases of designing individual educational route at the level of discipline // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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