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Wiegel Narine Liparitovna
Rostov state medical university
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of department of History and philosophy
Rostov state medical university
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of department of History and philosophy
The paper contemplates of a cultural phenomenon of food in modern vital style or "the vital world". Food of cultural globalization as well as religion original passion people is pleasant to be shared with friends. Being a subject of local and national pride it is inclined to global eclecticism today. The concept foodism as estheticism, that is that force which found the expression in life as life is understood as art is accented.
Keywords: art, estheticism, food, foodism, global eclecticism, globalization of culture, modern vital style
Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy
Article reference:
Foodism as estheticism of the XXI century // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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