Bratyschenko Anastasia Sergeevna
Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
master’s Degree student of Department of Marketing

Analyzed existing approaches to customer loyalty. The proposed revised definition of the term "customer loyalty". Shows the strategic importance of the formation of customer loyalty. Discuss necessary conditions for the achievement of customer loyalty. Emphasized the role of staff loyalty to the enterprise in the formation of consumer loyalty. Principles of effective management of customer loyalty. In conditions of market relations in Ukraine, the key to a successful business is to gain and retain consumers. This necessitates a transition from the concept of traditional marketing to relationship marketing, providing for the establishment of long-term and mutually beneficial relations of the enterprises with consumers. This approach allows the company to receive a stable profit in the long term by maintaining a permanent relationship with customers and maximize the satisfaction of their needs. The presence of well-defined terms of regular consumers, loyal to the company, is also one of the determining factors of competitiveness of the enterprise. Moreover, the experience of developed countries shows that attracting new customers requires much more effort than retaining existing ones. Therefore, the current strategic direction of the company's management is to promote customer loyalty and management.

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
The formation of consumer loyalty as a strategic marketing direction of the company // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 5. P. 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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