Vasilenko A.A.1, Plotnikova E.S.2
1Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University, student
2Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University, Assistant Department of Psychology

The article describes a study of the dynamics of change in the age of fear and features of display in the basic age periods. Discusses the types of fears, as archaic, vital, social, work-related fears, fear of the future, spatial fears. Detected gender differences in the age of fear development.

Keywords: archaic fears, fear, fear of the future, fears vital, social fears, spatial fears, work-related fears

Category: 19.00.00 Psychology

Article reference:
Age-related changes of actual human fears // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 12. P. 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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