Bykova Yulia Sergeevna1, Gafarov Dinara Zamirovna2, Snezhkina Olga Viktorovna3
1Penza state University of architecture and construction, student
2Penza state University of architecture and construction, student
3Penza state University of architecture and construction, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor “Mathematics and mathematical modeling”

The article discusses the practical aspects of mathematics in problems of geodesy. Demonstrated the relationship of courses in mathematics and geodesy of specialty “Land management and cadastre” for example, build a profile of linear structures.

Keywords: applied mathematics, design of linear structures, tasks of geodesy

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Applied mathematics in problems of geodesy // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 12. P. 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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