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Moroz Marina Nikolaevna1, Belyakovа Elena Aleksandrovna2, Semenov Аnton Aleksandrovich3, Petukhov Andrey Vladimirovich4
1Penza State University of architecture and construction, candidate of technical sciences
2Penza State University of architecture and construction, candidate of technical sciences
3Penza State University of architecture and construction, head engineer
4Penza State University of architecture and construction, student
1Penza State University of architecture and construction, candidate of technical sciences
2Penza State University of architecture and construction, candidate of technical sciences
3Penza State University of architecture and construction, head engineer
4Penza State University of architecture and construction, student
The paper presents the results of research on the effect of different water resistance additives to water absorption, strength and water resistance coefficient of slag-alkali binder. The most effective additives are identified.
Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences
Article reference:
Increasing water resistant slag-alkali binder with modern additives // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 12. P. 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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