Norets Maxim Vadimovich
Tavrida national university
Doctor of sciences in philology

“Cellar” model of genre forming, offered by the author looks like the dynamic relations between genre matrix and genre dominant, the results of which is the forming of a new genre. Changes in genre matrix are influenced by many outer factors. The accumulation of the dynamic features of genre dominant gives the possibility for forming the new genre. Under the influence of historic, political, social, literary factors the genre matrix of detective novel undergoes some certain processes inside, which give the reason for the changes dictated by the time, gaining new features in the genre dominant. When the amount of changes in the genre dominant becomes more than the amount of genre paradigm of the detective genre, the genre dominant of the source gets separated and becomes a new genre matrix. The author of the article presents the “cellar” model of genre forming where the mechanism of genre transformation is highlighted. In the article, the scheme of genre matrix and genre dominant as well as the genre matrix of a new genre are presented.

Keywords: genre forming

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
«Cellar» model of genre forming in the contemporary theory of literature // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 11. P. 3 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2014/11/39878

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