Ulanov Mergen Sandzhievich
Kalmyk State University
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, member of the Russian Philosophical Society and the Russian Sociological Society named after MM Kovalevsky

The article is devoted to the early spread of Buddhism in the West. The relevance and importance of scientific studies of Buddhism in the West is caused by the fact that in today's world, there is a deep interest in the study of socio-cultural and philosophical heritage of the Eastern religions , especially Buddhism. This can be explained by the fact that the advent of the new millennium was marked by acute problems associated with the environmental crisis , information overload , and spiritual degradation obschestva.Novizna of the problem lies in the fact that the planned follow specific spread of Buddhism in the West. It is noted that at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the efforts Buddhologists , as well as a number of philosophers and theosophists there were conditions for a wide dissemination of ideas of Buddhism in the West.

Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Article reference:
On the early release of buddhism in the west // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2013. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2013/11/28482

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