Buliga Inna Volodimirivna
Chernivtsi National University handicrafts
Assistant Professor of Psychology

The article chapter deales with psychological characteristics of becoming a mature personality, which are peculiar to modern Ukrainian society. The author analyzes the content of the concepts of "personality formation", "acmeological quality", "personality" and "professional self-realization", performs the theoretical differentiation of the given concepts and paradigms, according to individual psychological features of a mature personality; defines rates, terms, levels, mechanisms, methods, means acmeologic achievements.

Keywords: Acmeo-qualities, maturity, self-actualization, the personality formation and professionalism

Category: 19.00.00 Psychology

Article reference:
Психологічні особливості акмеологічних здобутків зрілої особистості // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2011. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2011/07/1297

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