Articles by keyword «morphology»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

The main causes of historical transformation of Greek Morphosyntax

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Характерные особенности омонимов в языках разных типов (на материале русского, английского и японского языков)

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Эпидемиология и морфология рака молочной железы в Кабардино-Балкарской республике за период 1990-2014 гг.

№ 7 July 2016 | Category: 14.00.00 Medicine

Rozyyeva A., Myradova G. Beyond Synonyms or Variants: Examining the Nuances of Word-Modifying Suffixes in Turkmen Morphology

№ 2 February 2024 | Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kan E.V. Grammatical features dialect Semeiskie of village Urluk Krasnochikoysky District Chita region (based on the stories of records Fedorova T. A.)

June, 2016

Shumeyko Y.A. Word-formation and morphological features of spoken language in the text of the novel N.V. Gogol "May Night, or the Drowned"

July, 2016