Suvorova Olga Veniamivovna1, Singina Irina Alekseevna2
1Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), professor of the chair of classical and practical psychology
2Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin, Graduate student of the chair of classical and practical psychology

The article is devoted to the problem of communication of parents with the youngest student in the aspect of relationship of socio-personal development of the child and the parent style of communication in complete and incomplete families. Empirically studied the following characteristics social and personal development of younger pupils, as the prevailing type of orientation of the child's behavior, prosocial or egoistic aboutthe elimination of children to significant others. Features of the socio-personal development of children and sole parent families, the authors identify the style of parental communication.

Keywords: junior schoolchild, prosocial behaviour, respect of important adults to the child, social and personal development, subject oriented communication

Category: 19.00.00 Psychology

Article reference:
Personal-social development of junior schoolchildren depending on parent interaction // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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