Aliev-Khetagov Rashid Sayadullaevich
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia»
engineer-mathematic 2 category master of applied mathematic and physics of faculty aeronautics and space researches of Moscow physics and technics institute, graduated from postgraduates courses of Rocket and cosmic corporation “Energia” by S.P. Korolev

In the paper considered angular motion of automatic spacecraft on high elliptical orbit. Loop consist from two parts: work (near apogee ), where rigs decides target, and attendant. There is the decision correction orbit task on attendant part of orbit by using of electric jets and gravity discharge of accumulated kinetic moment of flywheels. For enter to the modes of correction orbits or to the orientation demanded on work part executed program rotations of spacecraft. To increasing time of gravitation recharge its need to minimizing time of rotations spacecraft. At the time data’s of spacecraft orientation into the worker part of orbit will know before half an hour.In the paper considered angular motion of automatic spacecraft on high elliptical orbit. Loop consist from two parts: work (near apogee ), where rigs decides target, and attendant. There is the decision correction orbit task on attendant part of orbit by using of electric jets and gravity discharge of accumulated kinetic moment of flywheels. For enter to the modes of correction orbits or to the orientation demanded on work part executed program rotations of spacecraft. To increasing time of gravitation recharge its need to minimizing time of rotations spacecraft. At the time data’s of spacecraft orientation into the worker part of orbit will know before half an hour.

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Definition of admissible deviation domain total initial momentum for execute of rotation for preset time // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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