Розыева Алтын1, Джумаева Огулaй2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка
2Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка


Rozyyeva Altyn1, Jumayeva Ogulay2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Candidate of Philological sciences, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language

This article examines the use of auxiliary words in Magtymguly Pyragy's poems. It argues that these auxiliaries, originally possessing lexical meaning, have evolved to serve grammatical functions. The article analyzes various categories of auxiliaries used by Magtymguly, including those indicating means, purpose, case marking, and time. It highlights how these auxiliaries contribute to the syntactic structure of the poems and the expression of various concepts. The analysis reveals the influence of both internal linguistic factors and the poet's thematic focus on unity and national identity on the choice and usage of auxiliary verbs.

Keywords: auxiliary verbs, grammaticalization, lexical meaning, Magtymguly Pyragy, national identity, poetry analysis, syntactic structure, Turkmen language


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Розыева А., Джумаева О. The use of auxiliary words in the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/04/101860 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024).

The great thinker Magtymguly Pyragy’s poems based on simple vernacular have an artistic and impressive language. Through the rich linguistic resources of the great master of words, he expresses the spiritual world of the people in his wonderful poems. The artistic and effective language of the poet expresses the historical events and concepts of the time in an artistic way.

Means that have experienced certain grammatical events in the Turkmen language, have lost their lexical function, and serve only to express grammatical meaning, i.e., auxiliaries that have experienced the phenomenon of grammaticalization are also used as a means of expression in poems.

In the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy, many types of auxiliaries are used to express different kinds of meaning relationships. Words that occur in poems are derived from words that appear in the subject, possessive, accusative, and exclamatory clauses. Accordingly, the words used in the poems can be divided into several groups according to the word endings.

a)    Some conjunctions that come with the words in the nominative case come in the service of the word ending and denote the means by which the action takes place:  

Doga bilen är dörär,

Ýagmyr bilen ýer gögär,

Är oldur – alkyş alar,

Ýerlerge baran gerek. [4,156]

Baş bile barsam aňa, handan olursa güzeri,

Tutsam ol ýerde watan, ol ýer ki onuň ýoludyr. [6,17]

Diýerdi ýar: Men aşygym öz elim-le katl edem,

Ondan owwal gam meni gaýmal edip almalydyr. [6,17]

Näge hyýal etsem, ele getirdim,

Kaýda baksam, oňa nazar ýetirdim,

Bu hal ile men parahat ýatyrdym,

Ýüzüme tüýküip: “Tur, gul!!” diýdiler. [6,17]

b)    It means matching the word ending with the words in nominative case:  

Sapar edip barsaň Nuha mülküne,

Köňül isläni dek ýaýlaňlar bilen,

Seýran etsek gunçasyna, gülüne,

Bakjasynda bilbil oýnahlary [4,135]


Ýamany goý, ýagşylyga göz ildir,

Kelhemeç hem: «Öz oglanym gözel diýr».

Gargyş gurduň zürýadyny azaldyr,

Goýun kimin çar tarapa il bolgul. [6,377]

Magtymguly, hyýal düşüp özüme,

Köp tomaşa gelip, geçer gözüme,

Eşidenler, aýp etmesin sözüme,

Iller kimin sözüm uz hem bolmasa. [6,347]

c) The words in nominative case, meaning the concept of purpose, result, cause:

Bilbil aýdar: köşküm bar,

Bahar gözleşigim bar,

Gülzar üçin yşkym bar

Bagy-bostan içinde  [4,139]

Guş-gumursy idäp dagdan geçdiler,

Balyklar ýol diýip suwun içdiler,

Gelin-gyzlar gyrmyz donlar biçdiler,

Kamysdan lybaslar hem don, Çowdur han. [6, 29]


d) Possessive adjectives indicate the place where the action occurs:  

Gaýry-le bezm eýleýip, eýlese hoş köňlüni ýar,

Mejlis içre ýat edip diý: «Ol garyp gaýgylydyr». [6,17]

e) In the words of objective case, refers to the concept of space, direction, and spatial awareness:

Kürresi elinden gitse eşegiň,

Telmirip tört ýana gözlär uşagyn,

Akmaýa aldyrsa elden köşegin,

Bagryn bozup, bozlamaýan bolarmy? [4,195]

f) The speaker comes up with the words in dative case and expresses the meaning of time:  

Ýaşlygyň gadryn bilgil,

Tä ulaşmazdan burun  [6,538]

 f ) come up with the words in dative case and make a comparison:   

Magtymguly, akyl-huşuň,

Akdy gözden ganly ýaşyň,

Ellä ýetdi gamly başyň,

Mundan gaýry perýat bolmaz. [6,311]

As it can be seen from the examples, in poems, auxiliary words served as a unique means of maintaining the syntactic relationship between words, giving different types of grammatical meaning, and expressing life events, as well as concepts. Among them, if you look at the comments from the other helper service, you can see that the linker is more active with the latter service. In the poems, the word has undergone certain phonetic changes, and even its shortened forms such as le and le are found. By means of these auxiliaries used with phonetic options, the meanings of familiarity, commonality, and unity are expressed. This situation can be explained by external linguistic conditions – the main idea-content of the poet’s great poems, as well as internal language conditions – the more active of certain means compared to others. In the language of the poems, we can also see the active use of verbs such as who, who.

Thus, Magtymguly Pyragy’s ideas about unity, free speech, and statehood expressed in his poems by using the rich resources of our mother tongue, on the one hand, reveal the depth and value of the spiritual world of our nation, on the other hand, the richness of the lexical composition of our mother tongue. It is the perception of the perfection of the grammatical structure that clarifies the views.

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