Акмаммедова Бахар1, Халлыева Гульджан2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, старший преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных языков
2Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных языков


Akmammedowa Bahar1, Hallyyeva Guljan2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern Languages
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern Languages

This article explores the influence of Magtymguly Pyragy's poems on self-discipline and moral development. It argues that Magtymguly's work serves as a valuable tool for classification, a method for shaping individual conduct. The article analyzes specific poems to illustrate how Magtymguly promotes values like hard work, integrity, and patriotism. It emphasizes the importance of mothers in raising children with these virtues and highlights the power of words in shaping behavior.

Keywords: classification, Magtymguly Pyragy, moral development, patriotism, self-discipline, Turkmen literature

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Акмаммедова Б., Халлыева Г. Harmonious life in Magtymguly Pyragy's poems // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/04/101859 (дата обращения: 30.04.2024).

There are many internal and external influences that lead a person to begin self-discipline. Classification (that is, the schematic unity created by classifying methods according to their relationships, similarities, placing them in their places) is an important factor that motivates the correct and consistent conduct of the educational process. It is divided into three major groups. The first of those groups is called methods that shape the mind of the individual. This group is also commonly referred to as verbal methods. Because speech serves as the main means of interaction [2, 67]. When talking about his power, it would be right to cite Magtymguly Pyragy’s poems as an example.

The poetical theme of the great thinker and poet Magtymguly Pyragy, who has been the spiritual wing of Turkmen since the 18th century, is multifaceted. By reading Magtymguly’s poems, every reader finds clear ways to cope with the most complicated paths encountered in life. It is always recommended to recite poems of Magtymguly Pyragy to his heart so that every action of a person is suitable and he becomes an inspiration. The Turkmen people have always paid great attention to the issue of education and called for a serious approach to this issue from childhood. As it is said, “Çaga eziz, edebi ondanam eziz” [3, 345], the most valuable treasure of a person is taking care of the high level of the letter of his inheritance. Because “Adam bir ýaşar, edebi iki” [3, 54] is a school of manners that governs the actions and traditions of that family. The main responsibility for raising children in the spirit of patriotism, morals, and self-confidence falls on the shoulders of women. Because mothers breathe day and night taking care of their children. Shahir emphasizes that women have a great service in the family, in raising children, especially in raising noble, polite, active girls and boys who are brave, loyal to the country, and take care of the nation. Magtymguly urges the woman of the family to set an example for her daughters with intelligence, hard work, and integrity, and emphasizes the importance of being polite:

Maňlaýy bir garyş, bolsun at ýüzli,

Tawus guş simaly, ütelgi gözli,

Mylakatly, şirin tilli, hoş sözli,

Ol periler kä ýigide duş geler.

-                     – he wrote. Of course, Magtymguly’s poems in all fields are a valuable treasure of world literature. Therefore, a comprehensive study of his multifaceted works is necessary. The ability of a person to bravely face any life’s trials without giving up in any problem, protecting the nation, the will and dreams of the people for a united, peaceful, stable state, and at the same time, as a father who experienced hardships and heartache. The heart murmur can be seen in the lines of “Yzlamaýan bolarmy”:

Aýralyga adam ogly neýlesin?

Kim galar, görmeýeen ajal hilesin?

Magtymguly, haýwan bilse balasyn,

Ynsan bagryn duzlamaýan bolarmy? [4, 94]

The main source of proverbs like “Köp sözüň azy ýagşy, az sözüň – uzy” comes from Magtymguly’s poems, which is from folklore. He taught his compatriots to speak meaningfully, to be gentle, and to be honest [4, 7]. The theme of patriotism occupies a special place in the works of Magtymguly Pyragy. As the poet says, “If you are a young man, don’t be a fool. “Ýigit bolsaň, ýoknasyzlyk eýleme. Batyr bolsaň, etjek işiň oýlama” are also important in educating the present and future generations. Magtymguly Pyragy strongly condemned bad behavior. Magtymguly Pyragy, as a great orator and thinker of his people, encouraged his contemporaries and future generations to be patriotic, humanitarian, and virtuous. That is why many of the poet’s poems are related to the issue of education. A great speaker addresses the pressing issues that arise in people’s lives. Disliked behavior in public life revealed flaws that hurt a person’s reputation.

It is clearly written in the poem “Gidiji bolma”, which is loved by the people and set to music by the bagshys [4, 191]:

Eger sen hem bolsaň nermi-mylaýym,

Mylaýym sen bolsaň, guluň bolaýym,

Gulagymga beren pendiň alaýym,

Kişige gaty söz aýdyjy bolma.

A word is a linguistic unit that serves to express individual concepts [5, 310]. The poet describes the effect of words on a person in the following lines in his poem “Geçer sözi janyňdan”:

Bolan işler barça hakyň işidir,

Aňa ten bermegen akmak ten kişidir,

Bir ýaman söz jana ýylan dişidir,

Soksa, zähri asan çykmaz iniňden.

Or the lines of the poet’s poem ” Ýoldaş bolan” testify to this concept:

Her ýaman söz ýürek bular,

Ýagşyny älem arzuwlar.

A well-spoken person always deserves great respect among the people and is welcomed with honor in any society. In the second stanza of his poem ” Ýagşy at galsyn”, Magtymguly urges us to be polite, and the first step of politeness begins with saying good things:

Ýagşy söze gulak salgyl,

Säher wagty bidar bolgul,

Ýagşylardan alkyş algyl,

Ömrüň artyp, zyýat galsyn.

The poet writes in the first stanza of the poem “Görüm görülmegem ýerde” about the culture of speaking well, speaking appropriately and, as in everything else, the culture of speech.

Akyl bolsaň, söz aýtmagyn

Nobat berilmegen ýerde.

In the lines of the poem “Märekä barmaz”, it is said that excessive speech is not liked by the society and causes problems with the language:

Akylly az gürlär, gorkar tilinden,

Namart aýyp gözlär dogan ilinden.

or encourages clarity of thought (“Zat ýagşy”):

Magtymguly dostdan syryň gizleme,

Biwepadyr, nämähremi gözleme.

Ümsüm otur, halk içinde sözleme,

Sözlär bolsaň, söz aslyna ýet ýagşy.

It is one of the human-centered images in Magtymguly’s poetry. The poet wants man not to make mistakes, not to be a victim of inevitable things. That is why his entire poetry is a word that guides a person to the right direction. At the same time, when we say “Adam”, we mean the light of his soul. The desire to capture that light without giving it away drives the poet to spiritual research. There is a struggle between two forces – passion for things and devotion to God. If a person stands on the side of sincerity in that struggle and can overcome himself and his ego, then there is no greater victory in the world than that. The poet’s poems such as “Turgul” and “Satasdym” describe not human unity, but its substantial basis – the journey of the soul [6, 156].

Turkmen literature is not a phenomenon that arose independently from the culture of other nations, but it is a literature that has been formed in political, economic and cultural contact with many states, peoples, and tribes for many centuries. The national character and spirit of the people is the main core of this literature, but at the same time, problems and issues of general humanity are also widely present in Turkmen literature. The setting and solution of such problems arose in relations with other nations and peoples over the centuries.

Accordingly, studying the relationship between Magtymguly’s poetry and Eastern literature is not only important for studying Magtymguly’s poetry, but also for studying the development history of 18th century Turkmen literature [8, 19]. Its presence is vital for every human being, it is a collection of basic ideas that advises in improving and cultivating one’s character, calls for decency, and encourages spiritual development. Therefore, 30 years ago, the Magtymguly International Prize for the Turkmen language and literature was established, and it is awarded annually for special achievements in scientific research and in the wide dissemination of the poetical heritage of the founder of Turkmen classical literature in the world. It has been translated into various languages and is popular all over the world.

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