Какабаева Бахар Керимовна
Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади
аспирантка института


Kakabayeva Bahar Kerimovna
Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages
graduate student of the institute

This article explores the concept of grammatical form within Russian phrases. It investigates the role of subordination in phrases, focusing on agreement, control, and adjunction. The analysis emphasizes the importance of considering both internal semantic relations and external contextual factors when interpreting phrases. It outlines a systematic approach for dissecting phrases, encompassing initial shape, structural type, lexico-grammatical classification, coherence degree, semantics, and form.

Keywords: adjunction, agreement, grammatical form, linguistic analysis, Russian language, subordination, syntax


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Какабаева Б.К. Exploring grammatical form in Russian phrases // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 3 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/03/101663 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024).

The study of language structure and syntax has long been a focus of linguistics, shedding light on the complex patterns and relationships that govern the formation of phrases and sentences. In this context, the concept of a grammatical form within a phrase, formulated by V.P. Sukhotin, becomes clear. Sukhotin reveals a fundamental aspect of linguistic analysis. Sukhotin argued that grammatical form is a set of certain linguistic indicators or grammatical means, such as affixes, function words and word order. These elements serve as external markers that reveal the relationships established between independent words within a phrase. Thus, the concept of a phrase is exhaustively outlined through the expression of syntactic relations or “syntactic devices” such as agreement, control and merger, which are especially characteristic of the Russian language.

In addition, I.P. Raspopov emphasized the subordinate nature of syntactic connections within phrases. Subordination, characterized by a direct and unidirectional connection between managers and subordinate elements, clarifies the complex play on words. Among the three main ways of connecting words, agreement acts as a form of subordinating connection, in which the grammatical forms of the dependent word are predetermined by the corresponding forms of the control word. Whether complete or partial, agreement determines syntactic coherence, exemplified by phrases such as “зеленая трава” or “грамотный человек.” However, some phrases, such as “женщина -космонавт” is a conventional form of agreement. D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky defined this as a unique form of agreement, and E.V. Krotevich proposed a correlation approach, in which the grammatical forms of the dependent word coincide with the grammatical forms of the control word.

In essence, the study of grammatical forms in collocations reveals the complex mechanisms underlying syntactic relationships, offering invaluable information about the structure and organization of language. Through an analysis of the ideas of Sukhotin and Raspopov, as well as the contributions of Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky and Krotevich, this article delves into the nuances of collocation formation, shedding light on the underlying principles that govern linguistic structure.

In weak governance, the spread of the dominant word is optional. Adjunction is a type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is unchangeable, isolated from the system of cases due to its part-sentence, the dependence on the main word is expressed semantically. Participles, adverbs and infinitives can be adjacent. When analyzing a phrase, one should remember that a phrase as a syntactic unit exists in a sentence and, when characterizing it, one cannot ignore the surrounding context, since the semantics of a phrase, like words, is determined not only by internal semantic relationships between components (for a word this is the dictionary meaning ), but also external relations with other words in the sentence, so the meaning of the phrase must be specially clarified. Without violating the essence of the analysis, I consider it appropriate and more logical to use a slightly different order of analysis and clarify some characteristics.

1. Initial shape (determined by the initial shape of the rod component).

2. Structural type (simple, complex, combined).

3. Lexico-grammatical type of phrase, structural diagram (way of expressing the main and dependent components).

4. Type according to the degree of cohesion of the components (free, non-free; establish the reason why the phrase is not free: informative insufficiency of the core component or structural conditionality).

5. Semantics of the phrase (determine syntactic relationships between components using the method of questions; if the question is impossible, analyze the set of basic semes in both components and establish the seme of agreement; indicate the internal and contextual meaning of the phrase).

6. Form of the phrase (determine the type of syntactic connection, degree of connection, ways of expressing syntactic relationships: form of components in the phrase, prepositions, word order).

In conclusion, an examination of subordinating relations and collocation structure in Russian sheds light on the complex dynamics of syntactic relations within sentences. In cases of weak governance, the distribution of the dominant word becomes discretionary. The adjunct, characterized by the invariability of the dependent word and its semantic dependence on the main word, includes participles, adverbs and infinitives. It is critical to recognize that a phrase functions as a syntactic unit within a larger sentence, and its semantics is determined not only by internal semantic relations, but also by external contextual factors. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of phrases requires a detailed approach that takes into account both internal and contextual meanings. By prioritizing the original form, structural type, lexico-grammatical classification, degree of coherence, semantics and form of a phrase, you can achieve a more systematic understanding of its syntactic structure and meaning. This framework improves our understanding of the complex interaction of words within phrases and contributes to a deeper understanding of the syntax of the Russian language.

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