Нурмухаммедова Гулалек1, Боппыев Гурбанмырат2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, старший преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных языков
2Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных языков


Nurmuhammedova Gulalek1, Boppyyew Gurbanmyrat2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages

The article portrays Magtymguly as a national treasure, whose poetry continues to inspire and educate the Turkmen people. It highlights the breadth of Magtymguly's work, encompassing themes of unity, honesty, patriotism, and virtuous living. The article draws parallels between Magtymguly's ideals and the current era of Turkmen independence, crediting the National Leader of Turkmenistan, Hero Arkadag, for realizing Magtymguly's vision.

Keywords: classical literature, Magtymguly Pyragy, poetry

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Нурмухаммедова Г., Боппыев Г. Our Scholar Arkadag on Magtymguly Pyragy in his books // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/02/101594 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024).

The name of Magtymguly, his poetic voice in his time and in the years after that, especially during the period of Independence, especially during the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful State, as a result of the general state policy of our Scholar Arkadag at the highest level, was like the fire heard from the mountains, and still is and it is echoed and spread throughout the universe. The unique, highly valuable aspect of this name and sound was characterized by the fact that it did not mean the dignity of a single individual, but also that it left behind the sound and reputation of the entire Turkmen people.

To be honest, the true unified image of the Turkmen, which includes courage, humanity, hard work, honesty, patriotism, prudence, contentment, kindness, hospitality, hope, companionship and a bunch of other good qualities of a person, is still the same as in Magtymguly’s poetry. It is full and comprehensive, artistic and profound, corresponding to the reality of life of all times.

Today, the Turkmen people live in the era dreamed of by Magtymguly, the poet. Magtymguly Pyragy, who calls mankind to unity, honesty, diligence, and confidence in the good days of the future, has been the spiritual wing and lamp of the Turkmen people since the 18th century, and is a firm believer in a pure and humane life. The poetry of Magtymguly, the thinker who laid the foundations of Turkmen classical literature and combined the literary language with the colloquial language of the people, encompassed all the problems of his time and Turkmen life.

The poet’s poetry is a school of education. To build an independent Turkmen state, to be happy and proud of it, to love the holy land, the fatherland, to live as friends and brothers with representatives of other nations, to respect parents, to respect the elder, to love the younger, to help and support the deceased, giving alms for the sake of ancestors, being scientific-educated, polite-honourable, humanitarianism, love, human dignity, family upbringing, leading a healthy life…

Each of the poet’s works is a school of life education. Because each of them contains a sharp and high intelligence with folk education. Magtymguly Pyragy was interested in history, geography, astronomy, physics, mathematics, philosophy, language, and literary sciences. Therefore, Magtymguly’s poetical field is wide, deep and versatile. The diversity and breadth of the poet’s poems were influenced by the great wordsmiths of the East, such as Mane baba, Ferdowsi, Nizamy, Omar Khayyam, Jalaleddin Rumi, Hamedani, Sagdy, Sayyadi, Hapyz, Jami, Noway and Fizuly.

Courage is one of the good qualities that adorn a person. Our people have invested a lot in courage and brave people. Among our many national values, our forefathers bequeathed courage to the next generation. Bravery is one of the national qualities that have entered the Turkmen people with their soul and blood. State Anthem of Turkmenistan:


“Janym gurban saňa, erkana ýurdum,

Mert pederleň ruhy bardyr köňülde”


There are many great personalities who left a mark in the history of the Turkmen people with their bravery.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero Arkadag, also wrote in the book ” Mertler Watany beýgeldýär” that bravery and brave people are the pillars of the country at all times, its honourable sons and daughters, their names are always respected and their names are written in golden letters on the pages of history. valuable ideas are expressed. The stories of brave, careless individuals who became the national joy and pride of the Turkmen people and whose bravery lives forever in the minds of the centuries are folk legends that have been passed down from word to word, but whose effectiveness and educational significance have not diminished.

Our Hero Arkadag says: “Only the brave sons of the Country, honour the Country.” Magtymguly Pyragy is one of those sons who raised the name of the Turkmen people and spread their glory.

Magtymguly Pyragy has a multifaceted approach to the concepts of “mert” and “mertlik”. His views on courage include many of the qualities that should be characteristic of a courageous man.

There are a lot of lines in the poet’s work that praise brave people. His poem “Gerekdir” contains the whole set of qualities that a man should have.

Mert oldur ki, bolsa köňli rehimli,

Göwresi giň gerek, özi pähimli,

Giň ýerde garga deý bolsun wehimli,

Ýerinde hünäri, işi gerekdir.


Gaplaň kimin arlap girse meýdana,

Tilki kimin bazy berse her ýana,

Duranda gaýa dek durup merdana,

Alar ýerden at salyşy gerekdir.


Ýigidiň hyýaly bolsa serinde,

Çykar bir gün, çöküp galmaz garynda,

Hile hem bir batyrlykdyr ýerinde,

Ony basarmaga kişi gerekdir.


At gerek gaçarga, kowsa ýeterge,

Ýowny gorkudarga, tirik tutarga,

Meýdanda sangysyz köp iş bitirge,

Ýigrimi-otuzly ýaşy gerekdir.


Bürgüt guş dek ganat kakyp dügülden,

Muhannesler geçer jandan, oguldan,

Gurt dek girip, goýun kimin dagyldan,

Är ýigidiň mert ýoldaşy gerekdir.


Magtymguly, goç ýigitler çapylyp,

Gök damardan gyrmyz ganlar sepilip,

At salanda, doňuz kimin topulyp,

Aýy kimin asylyşy gerekdir.


During the revival of the new era of stable state, the memory of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker of the Turkmen people, is held in high esteem. In his wonderful book “The Unquenchable Light of the Human Soul” dedicated to our great Mind, our Hero Arkadag wrote: “Magtymguly Pyragy is a great sage and poet whose name is enthroned in the world of poetry with the power and miracle of his words. Magtymguly guided his contemporaries, the people to understand what is the source of a just society, a happy life, to recognize itself as a nation. The great poet, who wished for his country to live a peaceful and peaceful life, to be scientific and educated, and to beautify its culture, left a treasure of wonderful poems full of wisdom and sweet feelings to his people.

Magtymguly Pyragy is a poet who made a great contribution to the improvement of Turkmen classical literature in the 18th century and laid the foundations of the Turkmen literary language.

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