Алтыева Айбиби1, Ходжикова Мерджен1
1Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, преподаватель кафедры стилистики и грамматики английского языка


Altyyeva Aybibi1, Hojikova Merjen1
1Magtymguly Turkmen State university, Lecturer in the Department of English Stylistics and Grammar

Magtymguly's poetry remains largely unexplored, offering new generations the opportunity to uncover fresh perspectives on his profound meaning and impact. Through his poetry, Magtymguly articulated timeless ideals and values, providing invaluable insights into the human condition and the moral fabric of society. Against the backdrop of the 18th century, characterized by significant social and political upheaval in Turkmen society, Magtymguly emerged as a unifying figure, advocating for the establishment of an independent Turkmen state.

Keywords: 18th century, Magtymguly, social ideals, unity

Рубрика: 24.00.00 КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Алтыева А., Ходжикова М. Magtymguly: «I would like to have a powerful state» // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/02/101544 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024).

The works of the great Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy contain infinite wisdom and philosophical ideas that formed an entire era in the spiritual life of the Turkmen people. His poetical legacy touches the soul of every Turkmen, whose song about the great love for the Motherland, people, humanity, and life. Therefore, Pyragy’s poetry is important not only for literary science, but also for studying it from the point of view of artistic expression. Magtymguly Pyragy is a wise poet who created valuable philosophical ideas and social ideals for all mankind.

It can never be said that the poetry of such a great personality has been fully explored. Its deep meaning, power and impact on the environment has never been easily understood. Each new generation can study these works, and future generations can open wider and new perspectives on the meaning of Magtymguly’s legacy.

The versatility of the world of poetry of the great Turkmen poet and thinker, the fact that each of his poems describes important life events, can be understood only when one begins to interact with them. Each line of the great poet reveals the eternal ideas of humanity, the spiritual and moral values of the people.

In order to better understand the social meaning of Magtymguly’s social-philosophical ideas and ideals, let’s have a look at the period in which the poet lived and created.

The 18th century is distinguished by deep social and political processes that took place in the Turkmen society. The idea of unification among the Turkmen tribes arises and the idea of creating an independent Turkmen state is put forward. People needed an individual who could help them achieve social ideals that would serve as a basis for future development.

Magtymguly traveled a lot and took care of his people even where he traveled to Bukhara, Khiva, Afghanistan, and India. It is possible to get rid of the quarrels, conflicts, disputes that have been going on for a long time among Turkmen tribes and Magtymguly Turkmen, to unite all the Turkmen tribes, to establish them as one body and one soul, and on the basis of that united power, freedom, independence, and peace can be achieved. He concludes that it is possible to build an independent centralized Turkmen state:

Köňüller, ýürekler bir bolup başlar,

Tartsa ýygyn, erär topraklar-daşlar,

Bir suprada taýýar kylynsa aşlar,

Göteriler ol ykbaly türkmeniň. [1, p.461]

Magtymguly believes that Turkmen gathering together and is a high limit and a reliable form of mutual trust. The poet believed that if the whole nation gathers together and obeys one Leader, then a great power will be created, and nothing, no power can stand in front of it:

Türkmenler baglasak bir ýere bili,

Gurudars Gulzumy, derýaýy-Nili,

Teke, ýomut, gökleň, ýazyr, alili,

Bir döwlete gulluk etsek bäşimiz. [1, p.132]

Magtymguly wishes for the bird Humay from the Lord for his people, he urges all the people to stand up against the foreign invaders, to become an unshakable fortress, then no one will be able to conquer them, and there will be no force that can defeat them:

Ýomut, gökleň täsip edip özünden,

Çekdi goşun, öňi-ardy bilinmez.

Sygmaý çykdy deşti-sähra düzünden,

Ýörän ýoly, gonan ýurdy bilinmez. [1, p.563]

In his poem “Türkmen binasy”, the poet continues this idea and repeats that united power can become an indestructible fortress:

Teke, ýomut, ýazyr, gökleň, Ahal ili bir bolup,

Kylsa bir jaýga ýörişni, açylar gül lälesi. [1, p.192]

Magtymguly dost-doganlyk, agzybirlik, birleşmek baradaky pikirleri öňe sürmek bilen, agzalalygy, özara oňuşyksyzlygy, duşmançylykly garaýyşlary berk ýazgarýar:

Agzy ala bolan iliň,

Döwleti gaçan ýalydyr. [1, p.181]

Magtymguly ömürboýy il-gününe hyzmat edipdir, olara ähli ukybyny, başarnygyny, zehinini bagyşlapdyr. Şahyr hemişe Watan hakyndaky oý-pikirler bilen ýaşapdyr. Watansyz, il-günsüz ýaşaýyş onuň asla ýadyna-oýuna-da düşmändir. Ine, şonuň üçin hem ol «Gözel ilim, sen diýip sökerem ýollar», «Saba turup, watan, seni çaglar men», «Pyragy, watan diýip, gan döker gözüm» diýen sözleri ýygy-ýygydan gaýtalapdyr.

Türkmen halkynyň milli Lideri Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedowyň  kitaplarynyň sahypalarynda Oguz hanyň, Alp Arslanyň, Togrul begiň, Göroglynyň we beýleki şahsyýetleriň şöhratyny, ata-babalarymyzyň keşplerini dikeltmek bilen, garaşsyzlygy gazanmagyň we özygtyýarly türkmen döwletini döretmegiň möhümdigine çuňňur düşünmäge çagyrýar. Watana bolan çäksiz, gyzgyn söýgi, uly buýsanç Magtymgulynyň goşgularynda-da belent owaz bilen ýaňlanýar. Şeýle mähirli garaýyşlar bilen ol il-ýurdunyň abadançylygyny, bagtly, gözel durmuşda ýaşamagyny, ähli işleriniň rowaçlanmagyny arzuw edipdir. Munuň üçin bolsa ilkinji nobatda azatlygyň, erkinligiň, parahatçylygyň zerurlygyny öňe sürüpdir:

Türkmen ilim, eý, adamzat!

Azat il, güzer gözlärin. [1, p.259]

Magtymguly considered it the sacred duty of every Turkmen to love the Motherland and protect it as much as possible:

Eşit, adam, dogan ilden –

Gaýry mähriban ýurt bolmaz.

Gözüm gaýra düşmez, köňül eglenmez,

Magtymguly, sözlär tili türkmeniň. [1, p.227]

Emphasizing that no one should stand aside in defense of the Motherland, it is his duty, Magtymguly lists the urgent and necessary conditions for a true patriot, brave young man one by one. According to Magtymguly, a person who goes to the defense of the Motherland should have a house, a horse, weapons, clothing and food supplies in the local area.

Today, the happy future that the sage poet dreamed of for his people has become a reality. Independent neutral Turkmenistan is known to the world as a country of peace and harmony.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Ynsan kalbynyň öçmejek nury. – Aşgabat, TDNG, 2014.
  2. Magtymguly. Goşgular. – Aşgabat, 2008.
  3. Magtymguly. Saýlanan eserler. Iki tomluk. – Aşgabat, 1983.

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