Айдогдыева Бахар Ровшеновна
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули

Искусство перевода пословиц — это постоянный баланс между точностью, культурным резонансом и творческой адаптацией. В руках опытных практиков этот процесс становится мостом между культурами, способствуя пониманию и оценке общей мудрости, вплетенной в ткань человеческого опыта.

Ключевые слова: важные, задачи, каждая страна, поговорки, полезные, пословицы


Aydogdyyeva Bahar Rovshenovna
Magtymguly Turkmen State University

The art of translating proverbs is a constant negotiation between accuracy, cultural resonance, and creative adaptation. In the hands of skilled practitioners, this process becomes a bridge between cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation for the shared wisdom woven into the fabric of human experience.

Keywords: challenges, every country, important, proverbs, sayings, useful


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Айдогдыева Б.Р. The art and challenges of translating proverbs // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/01/101411 (дата обращения: 28.04.2024).

Proverbs, those pithy pronouncements of wisdom, pack a punch in their conciseness. But when crossing linguistic borders, their meaning can get lost in translation. Translating proverbs isn’t just about swapping words; it’s about navigating cultural nuances, historical echoes, and figurative language.

Proverbs, those nuggets of wisdom distilled through generations, transcend mere language. They carry cultural nuances, historical echoes, and shared human experiences within their concise forms. But when we attempt to bridge cultures through translation, these very qualities pose unique challenges. Translating proverbs is more than a linguistic exercise; it’s a delicate dance between accuracy, meaning, and cultural resonance.

The ideal translated proverb isn’t a mirrored image, but rather an equivalent that carries the same weight of meaning within its cultural context. This often involves seeking proverbs in the target language that express similar ideas, even if the wording differs.

The Role of the Translator as Cultural Bridge:

A skilled translator of proverbs is not just a linguist, but also a cultural anthropologist. Understanding the historical context, cultural references, and underlying values embedded within the proverb is crucial. This knowledge allows the translator to navigate the delicate balance between preserving the essence of the original and finding a form that resonates with the target audience.

Beyond Accuracy, Towards Appreciation:

A successful translation of a proverb does more than convey meaning; it opens a window into another culture’s perspective. It allows readers to appreciate the shared human experiences reflected in these concise expressions of wisdom. Whether it’s the Japanese proverb, «Fall seven times, stand up eight,» or the Swahili proverb, «Haraka haina mwisho,» meaning «No journey has an end,» these translated gems offer glimpses into diverse worldviews and enrich our understanding of the human condition.

The art of translating proverbs is a constant negotiation between accuracy, cultural resonance, and creative adaptation. In the hands of skilled practitioners, this process becomes a bridge between cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation for the shared wisdom woven into the fabric of human experience.

Proverbs, those gems of condensed wisdom, often seem timeless, plucked from the very air we breathe. Yet, like well-worn paths, they carry the footprints of those who walked before us. References, both explicit and subtle, weave through their fabric, connecting us to the rich tapestry of history, literature, and mythology.

Take the ever-present «A rolling stone gathers no moss,» echoing the Greek philosopher Diogenes’ belief in a life of movement and experience. Or «Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,» a sentiment shared by Aesop’s fable of the viper and the farmer. Even Shakespeare gets a nod in «All the world’s a stage,» reminding us of the performative nature of life.

These references aren’t mere ornaments; they lend proverbs depth and context. Knowing the origin of «Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,» from Virgil’s Aeneid, adds a layer of caution to the seemingly generous offer. Similarly, understanding the biblical roots of «Pride comes before a fall» reinforces the dangers of hubris.

But references can be playful too. «Curiosity killed the cat,» though often interpreted as a warning against inquisitiveness, actually stems from a 15th-century proverb with a more nuanced meaning: be cautious, but learn from experience. In this way, proverbs become living dialogues, adapting their meaning across time and cultures.

Beyond specific references, proverbs often draw from shared human experiences. The image of the tortoise in «Slow and steady wins the race» transcends Aesop’s fable, resonating with anyone who’s ever persevered through hardship. Similarly, «Birds of a feather flock together» speaks to the natural tendency of like minds to find each other, a truth echoed in countless cultures.

So, the next time you encounter a proverb, take a moment to ponder its lineage. Look for the whispered echoes of myths, fables, and even literary giants. You might just discover a deeper understanding, not just of the proverb itself, but of the shared human story it whispers.

Remember, proverbs are not static pronouncements; they are conversations across generations, whispers of wisdom carried on the wind. By recognizing their references, we become part of that dialogue, ensuring that these gems of knowledge continue to shine for generations to come.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Source of Wisdom. Ashgabat, 2016
  2. Пословица // Литературная энциклопедия. В 11 т. Том 9 / Гл. ред. А. В. Луначарский. — М.: Гос. Ин-т «Советская энциклопедия», 1935.
  3. Пословицы // Литературная энциклопедия. В 2 т. Том 2 / Под. Ред. Н. Бродского, А. Лаврецкого и др.— М.—Л.: Л. Д. Френкель, 1925.

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