Чарыева Сельби Какамырадовна
Специализированная средняя школа №140 в Ашхабаде, Туркменистан
учитель туркменского языка и литературы


Charyyeva Selbi Kakamyradovna
Specialized secondary school №140 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Teacher of Turkmen language and literature

Magtymguly Pyragy, a prominent Turkmen thinker and poet, has left an indelible mark on literature with his works that encompass a wide array of themes such as morals, patriotism, manners, and love. This article explores the multifaceted and meaningful themes embedded in Magtymguly's poetry, demonstrating how each of his creations serves as a valuable source of guidance and information. Magtymguly's poetry not only resonates within Turkmenistan but has also gained popularity worldwide, influencing literary poets of his time.

Keywords: bravery, Magtymguly, patriotism, poetry, upbringing a child


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Чарыева С.К. School of patriotism in the works of Magtymguly Pyragy // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/01/101352 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024).

Each of the works created by Magtymguly Pyragy, a great thinker and poet of Turkmen, includes morals, patriotism, manners, love and many other themes. If we refer to each of his works or each of his poems as an example, we can find the things and information we need. His poetry is not only popular in our country but also in many parts of the world. Literary poets of that time also widely used his poems and used them as models in their works. Poems of a wise poet are very important in the life of mankind and found a place in hearts. It also encourages people to do things that are beneficial to life, rather than spending time worrying about them. What made Pyragy a true poet was his true love for the Turkmen people.

The themes of Magtymguly’s poetry are multifaceted and meaningful. Every problem can be solved from his creativity. The poet’s consciousness, its depth, is absorbed into creative works. His eloquent themes were mainly condemning the vices of life and promoting peace. The focus of the poet was on the ability of the Turkmen people to live together as a group. Magtymguly Pyragy is working on building a powerful state. Magtymguly’s life coincided with a very complicated period, he was only concerned about the peaceful life of the people and called them all to unity.

Magtymguly Pyragy used it widely in his works and poems, especially on the theme of patriotism. He wanted his people to live a peaceful life under a clear sky. His concerns about independence can also be seen in his poetry. Here are some examples of his poems:

Nadan menem, düşdüm pelek toruna,

Çoh garaşdym ajap eýýam gelmedi.

Çydamaz men indi hijran zoruna,

Çoh garaşdym, ajap eýýam gelmedi.

- from such lines, he dreams about a prosperous age, and tries to eliminate war and conflict. He wanted all the Turkmens to be united and to be led by a certain leader. He put unity first and stressed peaceful life.

Magtymguly Pyragy mentions the names of people he respects in his poems, such as Ovez Batyr and Chowdur Khan in his poem “Ärden”:

Agyr döwletler aýrylar,

Bir agza bakmaýan ärden —

- while in the poem ” Ýalydyr”:

Öter ömrüň — dünýa seýliň,

Hak ýoluna bagla biliň,

Agzy ala bolan iliň

Döwleti gaçan ýalydyr —

Thus, he put forward his attitude towards the era.

Pyragy mentioned that he should not sacrifice his life for his country, if it is necessary to keep his country and homeland peaceful. Because it is not easy to maintain the independence of the country. At that time, there were many enemies who wanted to take over the country. He managed to instill in the minds of the people that real Turkmen men should fight for their homeland without sparing their lives, and if necessary, sacrifice their lives for it. Considering such ideas, we can take Magtymguly Pyragy’s poem “Bolar Sen” as an example:

Kämil tapsaň, goý ýolunda başyňy,

Är adynda gezseň, är dek bolar sen

- The poetic line has such a valuable meaning, or in his poem “At gerek”:

At gazanar goç ýigidiň,

Owwal bedew ay gerek.

Gelene garşy çykmaga,

Ýagşy muhupbeti gerek

- in his lines, he evokes the brave young man with his horse.

Magtymguly wished that the bravery, patriotism, and generosity of our ancestors would be concentrated in the character of people, and he dreamed of a strong state all his life and wished for the coming of a wonderful era. His thoughts are rich and profound. Magtymguly Pyragy’s patriotism and bravery themes are compatible with the works of our time. It can be cited as an example of the book of our Hero Arkadag ” Mertler Watany beýgeldýär”. Thus, the poet emphasized that the presence of patriotism in a Turkmen boy is one of the wonderful qualities that adorn him.

Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry is intended not only for adults, but also for young people. In particular, the child’s manners depended on it. The changes that occur during the child’s development period are described in the great poems of the great poet dedicated to educational and national thoughts, such as ” Nahana geldiň”, ” Düşen günlerim”, ” Ýaşynda”. In the poem ” Nahana geldiň”:

Bu nakyldyr adamzat, sen bu mekana geldiň,

Owwal ataň bilinden syzyp nahana geldiň.

Atadan enä baryp, bir katra gana geldiň,

Enede surat bolup, bir şirin jana geldiň

Dokuz aýy ötürip, inip jahana geldiň,

Emip eneň süýdüni, gundalyp, dona geldiň.

- through such lines of poetry, he gave a great opportunity to the mental, physical, and intellectual development of children and teenagers.

As we have seen, the poetry of Magymguly Pyragy is very rich and has a deep meaning. His dignity is greatly appreciated in the country. Buildings, theaters and museums named after the poet are one of its clear signs. Statues of Magtymguly Pyragy were installed in the beautiful parts of the country. Festivals are organized every year in honour of the poet. This shows the greatness of Magtymguly Pyragy’s work for the Turkmen people.

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