Базаров Амангельди1, Тангиев Арслан2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры русского языка
2Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры дальневосточных языков


Bazarov Amangeldi1, Tangiyev Arslan2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Russian language
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Far Eastern languages

This article delves into the enduring legacy of Magtymguly Pyragy, a literary luminary who has left an indelible mark on the Turkmen people. Recognized as a national treasure, Magtymguly's poetry stands out for its profound exploration of contemporary issues, expressed with both artistic brilliance and deep meaning. While acknowledging the influence of prevalent thoughts on some of his works, the article asserts that Magtymguly was undeniably one of the leading intellectuals of 18th-century Turkmen society.

Keywords: Magtymguly, master of words, poetry, situations in the 18th century

Рубрика: 24.00.00 КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Базаров А., Тангиев А. Magtymguly Pyragy is a master of the world of poetry // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/01/101347 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024).

The great Magtymguly Pyragy, who became the national joy of the Turkmen people, is one of the masters of words who have done great services in enriching and developing the poetry art of the East. His poetry is distinguished by the fact that the poet expressed the important issues of his time in a high level of meaning and artistically, and that he was introduced to the world of ideas that support the interests of humanity.

It is known that there are poems written under the influence of thoughts in Magtymguly’s work. But this does not deny that the poet was one of the leading thinkers of the 18th century Turkmen society.

It is one of the main duties of modern cultural centers and people working in that field to convey the deep thoughts and words of literary and religious figures of past centuries and eras to today’s generations. Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker and poet of Turkmen, is one of the prominent classical poets who served the world of poetry, especially Turkmen literature, with his educational philosophical poems. In order for today’s young generation to benefit from the works of the great poet, it is necessary for the workers of science and culture to carry out a wide range of activities in the Renaissance of the new era of the stable state.

Magtymguly’s works have become the history of the people’s language and continue to live forever. Because the poetical heritage, which is eternally connected with the fate of the people, does not bow to the test of time. In the poet’s poems, the ideas of improving the people’s lifestyle, patriotism, morality, hospitality, women’s dignity, hard work, integrity, decency and other issues are echoed in our days.

Hyzyr gezen çölde iller ýaýylsyn,

Ýurt binamyz gaýym bolsun, goýulsyn…[4, 104]

he said, if it was something like a dream during his lifetime, now it has become a reality in the era of Independence.

Turkmenistan gained its independence. The establishment of our country building has begun. Our country has its own natural resources. The economy of the state has been able to take a successful step towards improving the welfare of the people.

He addressed the emerging issues related to the political and economic development of the Magtymguly’s period and tried to solve them correctly. In his works, he expressed people’s thoughts, desires, hopes, and acted as a spiritual educator of the people.

Magtymguly,  söz binýadyň,

Agzyndan ýakynyň, ýadyň,

Hünär ýol, söz bilen adyň

Halk içinde belli görner-diýip aýdýar [2, 244].

Magtymguly Pyragy was a great classical poet, thinker, guardian, a person who lived the life of the nation. Accordingly, his words are sharia and his wisdom is truth. Magtymguly Pyragy, in general, calls people to morality, decency, humanity, unity, patriotism, and loyalty.

No matter what issue of life Magtymguly talks about, he thinks about it as a person who understands it, observes it, and can extract social meaning from it. He knows that it is human beings who create the flaws and social inequality of his time. He correctly assesses the problems of that time and expresses them through his poems.

Kyýamatdan bir söz diýdim baýakda,

Garaw bardyr ýersiz urlan taýakda,

Zalymlar har bolar, galar aýakda,

Garyp, sen ýyglama, şir dek  bolar sen.[4, 111]

The wise poet passionately loved his Motherland, his country, and his whole life, his poems about the beauty of his country occupy one of the most prominent places in his poetry. In connection with this issue, Magtymguly Pyragy wrote “Türkmeniň”, “Ýeli Gürgeniň”, “Depe nedir, düz nedir”, ” Öňi-ardy bilinmez”, ” Döker bolduk ýaşymyz”, ” Gidiji bolma”, ” Gözlär men”, ” Başy gerekdir”, “Mert bolmaz”. His idea of loving the country, protecting it, and serving it is reflected in these poems. Because for Magtymguly there is no dearer country than his own Motherland.

…Eşit adam, dogan ilden,

Gaýry mähriban ýurt bolmaz.[4, 111]

In his poems about the country, the patriotic poet praises the vast, beautiful and fertile deserts, mountains, similar resources of Turkmenistan, especially Etrek, the place where he, the brave Turkmen men and women grew up:

Öňünde belent dag, seriňde duman,

Deňiziňden öwüser ýeli Gürgeniň,

Bulut oýnap, dolsa çaýlara baran,

Akar  boz bulanyp sili Gürgeniň.[4, 111]

Tokaýlary bardyr gargy-gamyşly,

Gözelleri bardyr altyn-kümüşli,

Boz güsbent, gyr ýylky, gara gäwmişli,

Argaly, gäw bolar maly Gürgeniň.[4,111]

Throughout its history, the Turkmen people have attached great importance to the spiritual values of life. This situation has also found its worthy expression in Turkmen literature.

In Magtymguly’s poetry, poems of admonition, which educate humane qualities in people, occupy a particularly prominent place. In his poems, the concepts of bravery are very wide. The humane poet considers brave men not only men who showed bravery and heroism in the battles for the country, but also men who love the people, especially the country, who have the qualities of a real man. What should be the guy that Magtymguly considers a man?

Must be broad-minded, resourceful, professional:

Mert oldur ki bolsa köňli rehimli,

Göwresi giň gerek, özi pahimli,

Giň ýerde garga deý bolsun wehimli,

Ýerinde hünärli, işi gerekdir.[4,113]

Should be loyal to a partner:

…Ýa başyň biýr, ýa baş alar.

Goç, ýigit ýoldaş üstünde.[4, 113]


… Mertden aşna tutsaň, abraýyňa şärik,

Namart aşnasyna hile getirmiş.[4, 113]

Should be kind, benevolent, fair-spoken:

Mert ogludyr,ile ýazar desterhan,

Dogry söz üstünde berer şirin jan,

Ömrüni ötgerer, diýmez bir ýalan,

Jäht eýläp ýalan söz aýdyjy bolma.[4, 114]

Must be hospitable:

…Mert çykar myhmana güler ýüz bilen,

Namart özün gizlär myhman ýoluksa.[4, 114]

The poet believes that it is the primary duty of young people to care of their elders, respect them, and their parents’ family should be their first consideration. His attitudes towards his own father, Dovletmammet Azadi, and his dignity in what he said, are a role model for today’s boys and girls. It is an example of how young men should treat their fathers.

As time passed, Magtymguly’s witty, insightful lines were absorbed by the people and turned into folk sayings:

Eşiden deň bolmaz gören göz bile…

Ýaman bilen ýoldaş olma…[4, 117]


As mentioned above, Magtymguly’s poetry covers various issues of 18th century Turkmen life. For example, his works contain ideas related to history, economics, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy, literature, art, pedagogy and other sciences. Today, scientific work on these issues is being carried out. Only then can we fully explore the legacy of the great poet. This is also of great importance in studying the history of Turkmen literature.

The great thinker Magtymguly Pyragy is an outstanding representative of Turkmen classical poetry. He is a great master of poetry who completed great works for the benefit of the people and unity during his lifetime.

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