Бабаева Сахра1, Ходжаева Айджерен1
1Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, преподаватель кафедры стилистики и грамматики английского языка


Babayeva Sahra1, Hojayeva Ayjeren1
1Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Lecturer in the Department of English Stylistics and Grammar

Magtymguly Pyragy's 300th anniversary is celebrated. The article explores themes in his work like morality, unity, and hospitality. It highlights President Berdimuhamedov's alignment with these themes and the international recognition of Magtymguly's legacy.

Keywords: 300th anniversary, friendship, hospitality, legacy, Magtymguly Pyragy, morality, national identity, Turkmen literature, unity

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Бабаева С., Ходжаева А. A treasure trove of human wisdom // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/04/101861 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

In 2024, the 300th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding poet-philosopher of the East, a classic poet of Turkmen literature Magtymguly Pyragy, will be widely celebrated. Currently, preparations for this wedding have begun in our country. Within the framework of that preparation, a number of cultural and scientific activities dedicated to the life and creativity of the poet are held. One of those works is the translation of his popular poems into world languages. According to Magtymguly Pyragy, the status, honor, patriotism, heroism, advice, friendship, unity of the Turkmen people, humanitarian ideas about hospitality are put forward. That is why the master’s poems dedicated to good intentions such as ensuring peaceful life, unity and mutual respect are important not only for the Turkmen reader, but for the people of the whole world.

In the poetry of our wise man, discipline is important and instructive. In his poems “Il ýagşy”, “Baş üstüne”, “Bolar sen”, “Zor bolar”, “Iliňni”, “Başy gerekdir”, he is encouraged to be courageous, honest, and moral. Taking the basis of the poet’s poetry from the works of folk art makes their impact even stronger. His lines such as: “Eşiden deň bolmaz, gören göz bile”, ” Agzalalyk agyr ile ýaraşmaz “, ” Her ýaman söz-ýürek bular”, ” Gawunyň gowusyn şagal iýr diýrler” have become proverbs and sayings among the people.

In the poet’s work, there is also a lot of mention of unity and hospitality, which are the principles of Turkmen statehood. His advice and ideas about the principles of statehood are very relevant for our time. In his book ” Türkmeniň döwletlilik ýörelgesi”, the chapters “Myhmansöýerlik” and “Agzybirlik” provide valuable information about our national principles. When our Hero Arkadag talks about nationalism, hospitality, and unity in the book, he refers to the example of the lines of poems of the master poet Magtymguly Pyragy. Because, like Turkmen tales, Magtymguly Pyragy’s poems also consist of valuable sentences. Magtymguly Pyragy:

It gözlemez, pişik bakmaz,

Supra ýazylmaýn ýerde. [2, 153]

 - these thoughts are the national doctrine of the Turkmen people’s attitude towards the guest.

In Magtymguly’s poems, the theme of uniting the Turkmen people, building an independent state, and unity is “Türkmen binasy”, “Türkmeniň”, “Döker bolduk ýaşymyz”, “Gidiji bolma”, “Il ýagşy”, “Gözlär men”, “Mert bolmaz”, “Başy gerekdir”.  found a more vivid expression in his poems. In the poet’s poem “Döker bolduk ýaşymyz”, he wrote about it:

Türkmenler baglasa bir ýeri bili,

Gurudar Gulzumy, derýaýy Nili…  [2, 134]

He said that there is no force that can stand in front of the united people. In such poems, the poet called the Turkmens to unity through artistic words. He artistically elaborates the sayings of our ancestors: “Müsürde şa bolandan, Kenganda geda bol!”, “Ilim-günüm bolmasa, Aýym-Günüm dogmasyn” in his poems. In the works of Magtymguly, hospitality is often mentioned, which is considered the essence of Turkmen life and is one of the national qualities. Magtymguly in his poem “Meýdan ýoluksa”:

Mert çykar myhmana güler ýüz bile,

 Namart özün gizlär myhman ýoluksa. [2, 129]

- it is said that hospitality is a quality that decorates a person. In the poet’s poem “Söwüş bile”, when a guest arrives from far away, it is known that it has become a tradition to welcome him with a war. In general, the poet’s works, combined with his exhortations about the unity and hospitality of the people with the principles of statehood, have a deep meaning today and serve as a model school for educating young people.

The guest house is discussed in a separate chapter in the book “Türkmeniň döwletlilik ýörelgesi” by our Hero Arkadag. In the book: “Hospitality traditions are one of the characteristics of our people. Because these traditions are the surest means of bringing people together” [2, 152]. This is the continuation of Magtymguly’s wisdom in our days.

It should be noted that today the principles of our nation’s statehood are reflected in the domestic and foreign policy of the country, and they are being successfully implemented. The country’s unity, integrity, hard work, and esteem for friendship and brotherhood ensure peace, prosperity, and happy life in the country, great results of development are achieved, and the international reputation of the country is maintained. Having successfully implemented the foreign policy of our independent and eternally neutral state of Turkmenistan, friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation relations are being conducted with many countries of the world, including neighboring countries. The actions of our Hero Arkadag and Honourable President in this regard are highly appreciated in the countries of the world. This can be seen in the example of friendly countries being awarded with high state awards. Today’s activities in international relations show that the policy of maintaining friendly relations with neighboring countries in an independent country has its origins in our ancestral principles. When looking at Magtymguly’s poems, it can be seen that the concept of friendship, which is important to all mankind, is the main part of the poet’s poetry. Such characteristics as loyalty to a friend, unity, unanimity, and commitment, characteristic of the Turkmen character, form the core of the poet’s admonishing poems. They express the best aspects of human qualities through friendship. Perhaps, the poet’s words: ” Dost işiňe hoşwagt” originate from them.

Başdan gerek ýar ýigide,

Dost tapylmaz dar ýigide —

Iki dostuň arasynda,

Ýaman-ýowuz iş olmasyn.


Aklyň bolsa, ýagşylarga hemdem bol,

Akmak özün nadan bile ýar eýlär —

- the poet advises how to make a friend in life, and who to be friends with, through artistic words. Magtymguly Pyragy describes friendship through various tales and legends.

The poems of the wise poet were translated into world languages and made available to a wide readership, and 2024 was declared “The Year of the Great Poet of the Turkic world and Thinker Magtymguly Pyragy” by TURKSOY on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy’s birth. This shows that the poet’s literary heritage and wisdom have a special place in world literature.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Türkmeniň döwletlilik ýörelgesi.- Aşgabat:Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy, 2022.
  2. Magtymguly.Köňul nagşy.- Aşgabat:Türkmen medeniýet neşirýaty, 1994.
  3. Osman Ödäýew. Magtymguly Pyragy- Aşgabat: Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy, 2014.

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