Айдогдыева Бахар Ровшеновна
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули

Наша главная цель – воспитать поколения истинных патриотов, знающих прошлое нашего народа, гордящихся достижениями своего государства, научных и образованных, способных сделать нашу Родину еще лучше. Перед нами, работниками образования, стоит важная задача – дать образование молодым людям на мировом уровне и современное образование воспитать интеллектуально развитыми.

Ключевые слова: будущее, важное совершенство, молодое поколение, образование


Aydogdyyeva Bahar Rovshenovna
Magtymguly Turkmen State University

Our main goal is to educate generations of true patriots who know the past of our people, who are proud of the achievements of their state, who are scientific and educated, and who are able to make our Motherland even better. It is an important task for us education workers to educate young people at the world level and modern education to raise intellectually developed.

Keywords: education, future, important perfect, young generation

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Айдогдыева Б.Р. Foundation of a perfect future // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/01/101412 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

It is an important task for us education workers to educate young people at the world level and modern education to raise intellectually developed, spiritually perfect and physically healthy generations in our fatherland, which defined concern for people as a priority direction of the state policy.  For the successful implementation of these lofty tasks, we education workers should work creatively and persistently to introduce the scientific and educational innovations of our country and the world, leading innovative practices into the national education system, to educate generations of people who are able to think modernly, have a broad outlook, are deeply educated, and are true patriots.  Education and science are considered a valuable resource that is a constant need for humanity. Man also gains great honour by searching, building, creating, making the world more beautiful, and growing towards perfection.  To this end, lessons should be aimed at improving digital literacy and should help to increase the general understanding of the characteristics and capabilities of digital technologies, the development of industries and their impact on the social system.

We hope that our youth will become a literate and well-educated generation, and that they will make a worthy contribution to the wealth of world science, technology and culture achievements.  Based on science and education, we need to improve the education and upbringing of young people on the basis of ancient traditions and universal values of the Turkmen people.

They came knowing that forbidden things will not lead to good, they will have to regret later and they will bring many troubles.  In education, we must first of all be guided by our national values and interests.  The spiritual and material values, the principles governing social relations, the power of social thought, noble family traditions, respect for elders, respect for parents, hospitality, honesty, and fairness, which have been collected and created by our loving people over the centuries, are the main issues of education given to young people.

Our main goal is to educate generations of true patriots who know the past of our people, who are proud of the achievements of their state, who are scientific and educated, and who are able to make our Motherland even better.

Directing the positive initiatives to the national education system for the bright future of the country is of great importance in the formation of an educated, healthy and intelligent young generation.

  1. Rivkah Harris (2000). Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia.
  2. Fischer, Steven Roger (2004). A History of Writing. Reaktion Books.

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