Довлетов Гайгысыз Реджепмаммедович1, Аннагулыев Сулейман Аннагулыевич1
1Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, преподаватель кафедры стилистики и грамматики английского языка


Dowletov Gaygysyz Rejepmammedovich1, Annagulyyev Suleyman Annagulyyevich1
1Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Lecturer in the Department of English Stylistics and Grammar

This article delves into the national moral aspect of Magtymguly Pyragy's poetry, exploring the depiction of Turkmen people's moral qualities in his works. The Turkmen people, renowned for their brotherly bonds, friendships, mutual support, and hospitality, find representation in Magtymguly Pyragy's verses.

Keywords: human qualities, Magtymguly, poems, positive and negative

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Довлетов Г.Р., Аннагулыев С.А. Magtymguly Pyragy's attitude towards human qualities // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/01/101348 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

The Revival of the new Era of Powerful State is a happy time that has been anticipated and longed for. The dreams of our great poet Magtymguly Pyragy to have an independent state, to unite as a united Turkmen nation under a national leader of state, have been fulfilled today under the of our Hero Arkadag, Hero Arkadag Serdar.

We have analyzed the national moral aspect of the poetry of our thinker and poet Magtymguly Pyragy in describing the national moral qualities of the Turkmen people.

According to the national character, the Turkmen people are known for their brotherly relationship, friendship, mutual support, and hospitality. These ideas also permeate Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry. Magtymguly Pyragy:

Myhman geler alys ýerden,

Garşylasaň söwüş bile [1, p. 304]

It is a noble Turkmen tradition to welcome a guest with a greeting, and it is also written in the classic work of Turkmen folk art, “Gorogly”. Dismissing a guest without pleasure is contrary to this concept. In the poet’s poems related to this attitude, he describes that he should show respect to the guest, that he should not be shy about anything, that the person who came not for your food, but for his good word.

The accumulation of qualities such as eloquence and loyalty in a person is a guarantee of his praise and recognition as a worthy and honourable man. Our wise poet says:


Soran bolsa, synam içre suzlar bar,

Ýüz tümenden ýegdir, niçe sözler bar [1, p. 315].


Each line the poet has to cover in gold shows how high the power of the word is. The works of our wise poet Magtymguly Pyragy are an undiscovered treasure in educating children who are still teenagers in high school. For this reason, studying Magtymguly Pyragy’s life and poetry is a value that is needed in the education of young generations of all ages.

It is well known that sayings related to human relations such as ” Dost dostuň aýnasy”, ” Özüňi süýt bil, dostuňy gaýmak”, ” Dogan dogana gala”, ” Kyýamat güni goňşudan”, ” Öý alma, goňşy al” are related to the national characteristics of the Turkmen people. Everything that is said about friendship and familiarity in the works of Magtymguly Pyragy has a common characteristic with Turkmen national characteristics and friendly relations in the proverbs. Bravery is the most common adjectives used to describe positive and negative characters in this field. Thoughts related to general Turkmen national moral qualities in these quotes are widely expressed in Magtymguly Pyragy’s work. It is possible to cite dozens of related verses from the poet’s work:

Magtymguly, dogry söze ten bergil,

Sogap mundan ötmez, tapsaň, nan bergil,

Köňlüň tapan dost ýolunda jan bergil,

Işiň nedir seni diýmez ýar bile [1, p. 315].


The positive influence of his father can be seen in the fact that Magtymguly Pyragy, who was his student in science, raised his level in science after being brought up by Dovletmammet Azadi, who equates the destruction of the mosque with the destruction of the Kaaba.


Ýetimi göreňde, güler ýüz bergil,

Goldan gelse, oňa tagam-duz bergil,

Bir gamly göreňde, şirin söz bergil,

Entäni goldara hemaýat ýagşy [1, p. 341].


In the work of our wise poet, ego is the greatest test of man, the most terrible enemy, because not being able to say no to ego is the beginning of the bad qualities that lead people to unhappiness. In his poems, Magtymguly Pyragy mentions that conscience is the devil’s ear and a person should always be protected from it. Conscience is the representative of the devil within us, his closest assistant. The poet points out that if you put your ego ahead of your character, it will lead you to do bad things. In the poem, the poet asks people not to be a slave of their conscience:

Okyr bolsaň, ok ur nebsiň gözüne,

Gara, çyn göz bilen meshap ýüzüne,

Aldanyp girmegil şeýtan sözüne,

Ýagsylygy hiç wagt goýujy bolma [1, p. 167].


Magtymguly, haram işe baş goýsaň,

Müň gün aç bolar sen, bir güni doýsaň,

Nebsiňi yzzatlap, şeýtana uýsaň,

Iman bilen abraýdan daş goýar [1, p. 488].


To be a slave to Ego is to engage in dirty work. This brings a person into disrepute among the people and in the presence of God.

Saying that anger is a bad behaviour and these qualities destroy people and lead them to enmity and revenge, the poet advises to stay away from these bad behaviours. As anger leads to irreversible situations, to anger is to move away from good and towards evil.

In his poems, Magtymguly Pyragy denounced shyness as one of the qualities that do not develop in humans. Humility is also considered one of the bad qualities, and the poet encourages generosity in his poems. Man’s greed is rooted in his desire to accumulate wealth. We come across such thoughts when we read the poem “Eýlär”.

Also, the poet points out that it is a bad thing to disturb people, and it is a good thing to reconcile them. Condemning interpersonal communication, the poet notes:


Her kişi kim, ýamanlyga kast eýlär,

Iki dünýä öz işine kest eýlär,

Ýagşy gylyk duşmanyňy dost eýlär,

Gylygyň bet bolsa, işiň jeň bolar [1, p. 357].

In conclusion, Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry stands as a testament to the enduring moral values of the Turkmen people. Through his verses, the poet immortalizes the cultural richness of brotherhood, friendship, and hospitality inherent in Turkmen society. The emphasis on respectful reception of guests and the recognition of their presence beyond material provisions aligns with the noble Turkmen tradition.

Magtymguly’s insights into virtues like eloquence and loyalty as pathways to praise and honor contribute to a deeper understanding of the poet’s philosophical outlook. The acknowledgment of the profound impact of words, encapsulated in the poet’s verses, underscores the transformative power of language. Importantly, the article emphasizes the relevance of Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry in the education of young generations, highlighting the need to integrate his life and works into educational curricula for a holistic moral development.

  1. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy I jilt. – A.: Türkmenistanyň Ylymlar akademiýasynyň Milli golýazmalar instituty, 2012.

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