Атаниязова Бахар1, Джейхунова Джерен Сапаргелдиевна2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, старший преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных языков
2Специализированная средняя школа №140 в Ашхабаде, Туркменистан, учитель английского языка


Ataniyazova Bahar1, Jeyhunova Jeren Sapargeldiyevna2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages
2Specialized secondary school #140 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Teacher of English language

The study focuses on the universal resonance of literary masterpieces, transcending national boundaries to become enduring human values. Magtymguly Pyragy, the revered Turkmen poet, stands out as a paragon of the transformative potential of the artistic word. His insightful verses, celebrated by the Turkmen people, illuminate the profound impact of literature on shaping collective consciousness.

Keywords: Magtymguly, poetry, power of language, power of words

Рубрика: 24.00.00 КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Атаниязова Б., Джейхунова Д.С. The transformative Power of Language of Magtymguly Pyragy // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2024. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2024/01/101345 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

Since the earliest epochs of human history, language has been the most reliable means of influencing people. Speech plays a decisive role in the expansion of a person’s understanding of the world and life, the expansion of his horizons and the development of his consciousness. The history of human culture clearly shows that the service of fiction in influencing the public consciousness is unmatched. It can be seen that with the arrival of individual masters of the word in the field of literature, not only the spiritual world of peoples and nations, but also the radical change of living conditions and new ways of thinking of people. Even though the most prominent artists created their views and exhortations from the beginning, focusing on their own people and nation, over time, it can be seen that they have gone beyond national borders and become universal values. A clear example of this is the works of Tolstoy, Byron, De Balzac, Hugo, Dostoyevsky and several other writers and poets.

About the literary legacy of the great classical poet Magtymguly Pyragy, our Scholar Arkadag rightly notes: “The dignity of Magtymguly Pyragy, the wise son of Turkmen, who decorated the human soul with the light of goodness with his wonderful poems, is one of the most sacred things for the Turkmen people” [1, p. 10]. Indeed, Magtymguly Pyragy is a thinker who understood better than anyone the value of the artistic word in developing the consciousness of the people, and managed to use it with great skill.

Magtymguly, sözle her ne bileniň,

Özüňe kemlik bil aýtman öleniň,

 Taraşlap, şaglatgyl köňle geleniň,

Senden soňkulara ýadygär bolar [2, p. 502]

It also testifies to the fact that the great sage used the artistic word as a unique weapon for the improvement of his day.

Pyragy, who wished the Turkmen people to achieve a peaceful, prosperous and happy life, did not only express his great ideas and views to the people artistically, but also sifted through the wisdom of the people collected over the centuries, the teachings of many sages, and combed them in a clear way for his nation.

When talking about the role of words in Magtymguly’s poetry, his poem “Türkmeniň” became famous during the years:

Serhoş bolup çykar, jiger daglanmaz,

Daşlary syndyrar, ýoly baglanmaz,

Gözüm gaýra düşmez, göwün eglenmez,

Magtymguly, sözlär tili türkmeniň.  [2, p. 10]

It should be noted that in the poems of the wise poet, the opinions about the great importance of language and words in human life are found. The master of speech emphasizes the importance of carefully approaching each word:

Söz manysyn bilmän sözlän adamdan,

           Ondan ýene sözlemeýen lal ýagşy. [2, p. 497]


…Bildigiñçe, mydam ýagşy sözlegin,

Ýagşy söz tapmasañ, otur sem bolup. [2, p. 378]

-         was repeated in many poetic lines

As can be seen from the verses of the above poem, Magtymguly says that it is better to sit without speaking than to speak. This is not a thought expressed by Pyragy in the sense of the word or in order to make the lines of the poem artistic. Indeed, it is difficult to determine the level of intelligence of a person who sits quietly and does not speak, and in most cases, it is considered a sign of mental retardation. The view that knowing one’s place and sitting without speaking is a sign of intelligence is a sign of wisdom. In his poem ” Syn bilen”:

Şum aýralyk adamlara dakyldyr,

Ata-baba aýdar şeýle nakyldyr:

“Sözlemän oturmak, bilseň, akyldyr”,

                   Pyragy, hemra bol gözel din bilen.  [3, p. 24-25]

He artistically comments that such an attitude was common among our ancestors, and it became a folk tale, and it was also considered favourable from a religious point of view.

Magtymguly pays special attention to public speaking. His lines about speaking sparingly, appropriately, and meaningfully in crowded public places are a whole school of manners. He said that a wise poet should keep his words short and concise:

Magtymguly, imdi özüňi gözle,

Haýyr işiň artdyr, ýamany düzle,

Aklyň bolsa, märekede az sözle,

               Köp söz seni il içinde har eýlär  [2, p. 511]

as the poem testifies. The master of the wise word calls upon the scholars to associate with and listen to their advice in order to speak meaningfully. He artistically comments in several poems that if you are a companion to scientists, things will always be successful. About this, the great Pyragy wrote in his poem ” Ýol alar”:

Duçar bolup alym bile ýörene,

Nesihat sözlere gulak berene,

      Uzyn boý, hoş sakal, ýüzi nurana,

                 Şoňa duçar bolsaň, işiň ýol alar   [3, p. 33]

In the poem “Bolar sen” he advises:

…Alymlara uýsaň, açylar gözüň,

                   Jahyllara uýsaň, kör dek bolar sen.    [2, p. 420]

By the way, it should be noted that none of Magtymguly’s appeals about manners have lost their relevance even in our days. Some of our young people today may be a little hesitant to think that they should learn their manners from academics. Indeed, it seems that it is enough to learn manners in the family, in school, and from respected elders. At the same time, scientists can say a lot about the issue by studying the rich experience of the people in the centuries-old history of culture, ethics, national principles and traditions from various sources. Thus, it comes to the conclusion that in education, scientists give advice not only from their own life experience, but also from all kinds of books written in this field over a long period of time, and by explaining their meaning. Magtymguly gives his teachings to the day through such an approach.

In his poems, Wise Pyragy emphasizes the importance of talking to people in a pleasant, polite and sweet way.

Bu sözler menden nyşana,

Abyraý dileseň jana,

 Jahan içre musulmana,

                     Hoş sözler ýagşy sanawer  [3, p. 178]

in other words, he artistically expresses the fact that eloquence leads to an increase in reputation. At once, this idea of the great Magtymguly does not require an ordinary, clear, additional explanation. However, when we take a deeper and more thorough look at the meaning that comes from it, in our opinion, it is possible to draw the following conclusion: the human being by his nature strives for pleasant and beautiful things and avoids disappointing things. He wants to have a pleasant conversation with a person with a smiling face, an appropriate speech, and a polite person, and he wants to leave a bright memory of that person in his heart, and he wants to talk with him again. At the same time, a person does not rarely see that he should stay away from evil, false, slanderous, rude people. The great philosopher clearly understood this characteristic of human psychology:

Öňüň gara, ardyň gözle,

Hoş sözüň diý, gahryň gizle,

Sözlä bilseň, ýagşy sözle,

         Halk ýamanyň bizarydyr   [2, p. 302]

The poetic exhortation also fully testifies. It can be said that Pyraga was taught by his father Dovletmammet Azadi in his childhood that it is necessary to talk to people in a pleasant and polite manner. As far as we know, in Azadi’s poem “Wagzy-azat”:

Sen dahy gel hoş ynanlyk eýlegil,
Halk era hoş, mähriban söz söýlegil  [4, p. 46]

Most of Magtymguly Pyragy’s views on the importance of words in human life are of a religious nature. However, their religious nature does not contradict the secular nature of the issue, but rather complements each other, and as a result, the roots of the great thinker’s rational thoughts go deep.

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  2. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. I-jilt – Aşgabat: Ylym, 2013.
  3. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. II-jilt – Aşgabat: Ylym, 2013.
  4. Döwletmämmet Azady. Eserler ýygyndysy. – Aşgabat: 2012.

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