Розыева Алтын1, Джумаева Огулай2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади, кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка
2Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка


Rozyyeva Altyn1, Jumayeva Ogulay2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, The candidate of Philological sciences, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language

Language is an important means of communication that clearly reflects the various situations and ideas of human life. The history, traditions, customs, and national behaviour of the people are revealed through the language. Every language has a rich set of expressions unique to that language, ready-made in various situations of speech. Ideomatic expressions, which are a type of phraseology and are characterized by their own characteristics, also belong to this category.

Keywords: idioms, semantic group, Turkmen language


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Розыева А., Джумаева О. A semantic group of idioms in the Turkmen language // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/12/101148 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

Language is an important means of communication that clearly reflects the various situations and ideas of human life. The history, traditions, customs, and national behaviour of the people are revealed through the language. Every language has a rich set of expressions unique to that language, ready-made in various situations of speech. Ideomatic expressions, which are a type of phraseology and are characterized by their own characteristics, also belong to this category.

The theoretical and practical problems of the phraseology of the Turkmen language have been reflected in the works of numerous linguists [1; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8]. There are also some works on the special study of phraseologisms that form separate semantic and thematic groups of phraseology [3; 5; 8].

The fact that the expressions related to the greeting literature form a certain lexical layer, as a unique and specific phraseological thematic group, provides a basis for special study for this purpose.

Historical, linguistic and other information about the expressions related to greetings in the Turkmen language can be found in K. Ataev’s “Könelmeýän söz” [4], O. Charyeva’s, O. Charyeva’s “Dilewarlyk sungatynyň taryhy we esaslary” [6], A. Rozyeva’s and G. Myradova’s “Türkmen dili. Dilewarlyk” [7]. In these works, interesting information is given, albeit briefly, that the most important – initial period of speech is connected with greeting, and its main purpose is a call to peace and kindness. In addition, there is information that on the basis of this tradition observed among the people, the speech is carried out in accordance with a certain action.

Different from other thematic groups, this tradition related to people’s daily life differs in terms of its range of use and activity in language.

The use of expressions belonging to this lexical layer is characteristic of most Turkic-speaking peoples. Apart from some phonetic and lexical differences in their use in Turkic languages, the formation and use of these expressions have originated according to the same historical, religious, linguistic, geographical, etc. conditions. The emergence of such a situation in the use of expressions related to the tradition of greeting is due to the fact that these languages come from one root – the ancient Turkic language. Therefore, almost all the expressions used in the Turkmen language related to the greeting tradition are idiomatic.

In fact, an “idiom” is a unique expression/individual phrase unique to that language, the meaning of which does not correspond to the meaning of its components. Therefore, idioms usually cannot be literally translated into another language [5, p. 244].

Expressions related to greetings used in the Turkmen language are embedded in the language in the form of ideomatic structures that cannot be literally translated into another language. Their main feature is the structural integrity of the words in the composition, their use in literal and figurative meanings. For example, “Salam haty”, ,,Taňry salamy’’, ,,Salamyňy ýuwutmak’’, ,,Bir gün duza –  müň gün salam’’, ,,Salam öýüň ilkinji hormatydyr’’. Such expressions are words that reveal the unique characteristics of our mother tongue, it is difficult to translate them into other languages.

When it comes to component integrity, not all are created equal. For example, salam ýollamak/ugratmak, salamyňy ýuwutmak, salam haty, ýürek salam, dostluk salamy, ýalkymly salam, gyzgyn salam, goňşy salamy  In such cases, the integrity between the components of the set expression is not too late in the set state.  Conversely, in some expressions  salawmaleýkim, saglyk-amanlyk soraşmak, salam-helik bolmak/soraşmak, gelin salamy, Taňry salamy. The same meaning has become structurally inextricably integrated. These ideomatic expressions are characteristic not only for the Turkmen language, but also for all Turkic languages. The main word of the idioms included in this thematic group – the word salam itself – is a word of Arabic origin in Turkic languages, including the Turkmen language. As a result of the lexical-semantic mastery of this word, it became part of an expression with Turkmen words, and as a result of its active use, it led to the formation of an ideomatic series characteristic of the Turkmen language.

Expressions related to greetings can be structured in two or three letters, such as salam haty, salamdan soňky sözüm, Taňry salamyny bermek/ almak, Salam Hudaýyň haky, agzy/dili  salamly bolmak. Even some set expressions belonging to this thematic layer, such as Salam is the God of the house, Salam is the good of literature, have been mastered in the form of a whole sentence.   

The word salaam usually comes from the compound verb salam aýtmak, salam bermek, salam almak, salam ugratmak /ýollamak/ göndermek, and it is a noun component.

From this word, a more commonly used greeting verb was made in our language, and verbs such as shaking hands, meeting, asking (health, safety, condition) are used in this sense.

In terms of usage activity, expressions related to greetings are the most actively used form of other set expressions compared to other thematic groups. It is repeated daily in the language of a person of different ages several times a day in different forms among people of different ages, and is more active in its use. Thus, expressions related to greetings in the Turkmen language form a unique thematic group used in the language of a type of national traditions of the people in the phraseological structure of the language.

The use in different ways and variants is characteristic not only of words, but also of phrases, especially set phrases, that is, expressions related to greetings – phraseology. Variants of phraseology are formed by the fact that only the images of their components or the words in their composition are different, while maintaining the similarity of their meaning.

Linguist K. Babaev explains the emergence of meaning (variation) in the semantic groups of idioms presented in his work “Ideomas in the Turkmen language” [6, p. 136]. The variant use of idioms also differentiates the forms of the words they contain. For example: Taňry salamyny bermek-Taňry salamyny almak; saglyk-amanlyk soraşmak – saglyk-amanlyk soraşmak; saglyk-amanlyk soraşmak, salam-helik bolmak/soraşmak, saglyk-amanlyk soraşmak, salam-helik bolmak/soraşmak; ýalkymly salam-gyzgyn salam;; salamyňy iýmek – salamyňy ýuwutmak; agzy salamly – dili salamly; sag gidip salamat gelmek – sag gidip aman gelmek; salam edebiň başy – salam edebiň ýagşysy we ş.m.. In addition, it can be seen that in the expressions related to this tradition, which are observed together with various actions, without using the word “salam”, the name of the body part involved in the action is indicated by adding the compound verb. For example,   baş atmak (salamlaşmak üçin) – baş egmek; gujaklaşyp salamlaşmak – gujak açyp salamlaşmak; elleşmek (salamlaşmak üçin)- elleşip görüşmek, egnine kakmak- egnine kakyp görüşmek (salamlaşmak), el galdyrmak (uzakdan salamlaşylanda)   - el galgatmak.

Variants of words, phrases (phraseologisms) are a linguistic phenomenon that occurs mainly in connection with the features of their use in the language and, as a result, the normalization of the language. Because those options differ from each other to a certain extent in terms of their usage, meaning and stylistic tone.

The meaning of the literary language, such words belong to the neutral (intermediate) lexicon, and the meaning of their variants, such words are used in the poetic lexicon. If those options do not differ from each other in any way, then one of them is considered to be in accordance with the norms of the literary language, and the other is not used.

The work of the National Leader of the Turkmen people entitled “The meaning of life” [2] also provides historical and linguistic information about the origin, meaning and use of the word “salam” among the people. The reasons for the introduction of the word into the speech culture and its becoming the norm of speech literature are explained.

As it turns out, expressions related to greetings form a common system with other thematic groups included in the phraseological structure, and at the same time, they form a unique lexical layer that differs in terms of lexical, semantic and usage.

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  2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Döwlet guşy. – Aşgabat, 2013.
  3. Annamämmedow A. Türkmen dilinde frazeologik wariantlar. –Aşgabat, 1984
  4. Ataýew K. Könelmeýän söz. – Aşgabat. Magaryf. 1991.
  5. Babaýew K.  Türkmen dilinde ideomalar. –Aşgabat, 1962
  6. Çaryýewa O., Çaryýewa O. Dilewarlyk sungatynyň taryhy we esaslary, -Aşgabat, 2018
  7. Rozyýewa A., Myradowa G. Türkmen dili. Dilewarlyk. –Aşgabat, 2022
  8. Культура русской речи. –М., 1994, 154 с.

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