Мyрадов Шохрат1, Аймакова Айбиби2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади, студент 5 курса
2Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади, студент 1 курса


Myradow Shohrat1, Aymakova Aybibi2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, 5th year student
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, 1st year student

The service of the great thinker Magtymguly Pyragy, who contributed to the treasure of world literature with his witty poetry, is spreading to the world under the leadership the national Leader of the Turkmen people, the President of the Turkmenistan Arkadag Sardar. Today, the poems of the passionate poet who glorified the holy Motherland, give double wings to the spiritual world of the world's readers and possess the invisible miracle of the literary universe.

Keywords: Dovletmammamet Azady, Hero Arkadag, Magtymguly Pyragy, poetry

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Мyрадов Ш., Аймакова А. The poetry relationship of Dovletmammamet Azady and Magtymguly Pyragy // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/12/101049 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

Our Hero Arkadag: “Dovletmammet Azadi is a perfect father and outstanding teacher who created a unique world-educational school that includes the moral principles, preaching, and exhortations of the Turkmen people, and who spread the most noble thoughts of mankind to the world – Magtymguly Pyragy.” ” [1, p. 255]. Magtymguly Pyragy received his first perfect lesson, the benevolence of science and education from his father, a scientist, scholar and poet, Dovletmammet Azadi. Azadi’s intelligence, scientific knowledge, his ability in human relations, his prestige in society had a significant impact on the formation of Magtymguly Pyragy as a person. Pyragy, who is naturally gifted and has a heart for words, was especially attracted by his father’s expertise in this field. Dovletmammet Azadi gave his son excellent lessons in this field. Then the warm relationship of the poet’s heart brought the thinkers closer together in poetry.

Azadi, who created many wonderful works with his pen, asked his son some difficult questions to find the right path in the world of creativity. This can be seen in the following sample questions.

Azadi: -Şeýtanyň kaýsy ogludyr,

Adam ata bilen duşdy?!

Haknyň resuly – pygamber,

Haýbarda näçe uruşdy?![ 5, p. 58].

Magtymguly: – Şeýtanyň Hannas ogly döw,

Adam ata bilen  duşdy…

Haýbar dagynda pygamber,

Çün ýedi aýlap uruşdy[ 5, p. 58].

Azadi: -  Nedir, galkyp, howa uçdy,

Näsinden zemine düşdi?

Niçe günde Nuhuň kişti

Junut dagyna ýetişdi?! [ 5, p. 58].

Magtymguly: – Derýa galkyp, howa uçdy,

Köpüginden ýere düşdi.

Ýetmiş günde Nuhuň kişti

Junut dagyna ýetişdi[ 5, p. 58].

Azadi: -  Rum şähriniň serdary

Nirde saldyrmyş gülzary?

Kaýsy galanyň diwary

Muhammet le magraç aşdy?! [ 5, p. 58].

Magtymguly: -  Şetdat Rumuň serdary,

Şamda saldyrmyş gülzary.

Mukaddes şähriň diwary

Muhammet le magraç aşdy[ 5, p. 58-59].

Azadi: -  Azady aýdadyr,  ýetmiş,

Nedir bu dünýäni tutmuş?

Kaýsy pygamberdir ýitmiş,

Nirede gardaşyna duşdy?[ 5, p. 59].

Magtymguly: – Magtymguly, aýdar ýetmiş,

Yklymdyr dünýäni tutmuş.

Ýusup pygamberdir ýitmiş,

Müsürde ile ugraşdy[ 5, p. 59].

Magtymguly managed to answer his father’s profound questions. This shows that the poet memorizes various fields of science and is well aware of folk legends. Magtymguly, who is perfect in the world of creativity, develops the ideas of his father in some of his poems. This can be confirmed by comparing several poems created in the creative workshop of the masters. For example, the work “Wagzy-Azat” consisting of 6,000 lines, 2,314 verses, and four chapters, written by Doveletmammet Azadi, has the following lines:

Ýagny kimse aç doýursa dünýäde,

Jennet ähli bolgaý ol kes, eý dede[ 2, p. 100].

Magtymguly Pyragy bu pikiri “Keçdir, ýaranlar” atly şygrynda şeýle beýan edýär:

Gutular sen hak ýolunda jan berseň,

Hülle bolar, bir garyba don berseň,

Saýa bolar,  mätäçlere nan berseň,

Bir ajy doýurmak haçdyr, ýaranlar[ 3, p. 456].

Azadi in his work “Wagzy-Azat”:

Birisi Müňkerdir, ol biri Nekir,

Bolma müňkür, sorgaý ony, eý kebir[ 2, p. 176].

Magtymguly replies:

Eýýup bolmadyň sabyrda,

Takatyň ýokdur jebirde,

Müňker, Nekir dar gabyrda

Sorag, sowal kylmak hakdyr[ 5, p. 49] -  he added to his father’s words.

Lines about scientists occupy a special place in Azadi’s work. The scholar expresses his respect for them in the beautiful lines of poetry:

Raýygan jennete girgeý ol kişi,

Bolsa onuň alymy söýmek işi [ 2, p. 204].

Magtymguly develops this idea of his father in the poem “Bolar sen” as follows:


Ýagşylar ýanynda ýörgül sen özüň,

Dür bolsun daýyma, sözlegen sözüň.

Alymlara uýsaň, açylar gözüň,

Jahyllara uýsaň, kör dek bolar sen[ 3, p. 261].


Now it’s about learning and practicing science. Azadi says:

Ylym okyp, agmal edenleri Huda,

Gaty söýmüşdir, eşit, eý kethuda[ 2 , p. 193].


Magtymguly also supported this idea, “Janan bolarmy?” In his poem, he writes:

Magtymguly diýer, bu sözüm çohdur,

Men ejap  eder men, hiç aýby ýokdur,

Kitap okan gullar magnydan dokdur,

Anlaryň kalbynda şeýtan bolarmy?[ 4, p. 195].


Since Magtymguly followed the path of his father in the field of scientific-literate, poetic thinking, some of his ideas are similar to those of Azadi. For example, Azadi writes:

“Seçip älemde sen ýagşy ýamandan,

Agyrrak ne bolar bu asmandan.

Taky giňräk bu ýerden ne turar bu,

Ganyrak derýadan, gel, sözle hoşhu.

Habar bergil, nedir daşdan gatyrak?

Ýene nedir bu otdan ýakyjyrak.

Nedir aýgyl, sowukdandyr sowugrak,

Zäherden ajy nedir, eý şaýhy-täk?

Sabyr hem ajyrak ermiş zäherden,

Eger jebr-u sütem ýetse bir ärden[ 2 , p. 138-139].


These questions and answers of Azadi appear in Magtymguly’s poem ” Boldum girýana”:


Diýdim: “Gökden agyr, ýerden mert nedir?

Derýadan baý nedir, daşdan saht nedir?

Otdan ýakyjyrak, suwdan sert nedir?

Zäherden ajyrak nedir bu jana?” [ 3, p. 102-103].


Diýdi: “Ýaman töhmet agyr asmandan,

Gaharsyz ýagşy söz giňdir jahandan,

Mynapygyň köňli sahtdyr daşdan,

Pahyra jebr etmek ajy zäherden”[ 3, p. 103].


In order to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of our master poet Magtymguly Pyragy with a grand ceremony, several activities are being carried out under the leadership of Hero Arkadag, Hero Arkadag Serdar. In order to include the 300th birthday anniversary of the poet in the list of celebrations at the UNESCO level, our Hero Arkadag, Hero Arkadag Serdar are making tireless efforts. This is a sign of high respect for Magtymguly Pyragy, a famous sage of the wise East.

  1. Berdimuhamedow Gurbanguly.  Ösüşiň täze belentliklerine tarap. Saýlanan  eserler. – 6 T. – Aşgabat, 2013.
  2. Azady D. Eserler ýygyndysy. Wagzy-Azat. – Uludag Uniwersitesi Basimewi Bursa, 2012.
  3. Magtymguly. Saýlanan goşgular. –Aşgabat: Türkmenistan, 1977.
  4. Magtymguly. Şygyrlar. Üç tomluk. I T. –Aşgabat: Türkmenistan, 1992.

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