Бопыев Гурбанмурат1, Беглиев Дидар1
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных языков


Boppyyew Gurbanmyrat1, Begliyev Didar1
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern Languages

Magtymguly Pyragy's language is distinguished by its richness, sharpness and beauty. He is a poet who skillfully uses the vocabulary of the Turkmen language in his work.

Keywords: inversion, Magtymguly Pyragy, poems, repetition, stylistic devices


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Бопыев Г., Беглиев Д. Stylistic feature of Magtymguly's works // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/101043 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

Stylistic twists are often used in the work of the master poet. Stylistic twist is a stylistic technique used by poets to express the thought, idea effectively and verbally, to make the sentences sweet and eloquent. They occur in repetition, antithesis, gradation, and inversion. Let’s have a look at some examples.

A word is repeated several times in a sentence or line. For example, Magtymguly says in the poem ” Jana-janlar andadyr”: ” Türpe begler, türpe hanlar, türpe iller andadyr”, here the word “türpe” are repeated three times in one line. This type of event is a reasonable and of specific use.

If in the text several sentences and ideas that are close to each other in meaning appear side by side, it is called syntactic parallelism. In Magtymguly’s work, syntactic parallelism is actively used as a form of stylistic genres. For example, the poet in his poem ” Ölmezden burun” advises that a person should be content and alert in the world and uses such parallelism:


Saglygyň gadryny bilgin, hasta bolmasdan burun,

Hastalyk şükrüni kylgyn, täki ölmesden burun,

Düz ýeriň gadryny bilgin, derýaga dolmasdan burun,

Gämide hüşgär otur, girdaba gelmesden burun,

Ýaşlygyň gadryny bilgin, tä ulalmasdan burun [4, p. 269].


This is an example of widespread syntactic parallelism. According to Magtymguly Pyragy, one should appreciate health before death, just as one appreciates a plain by the river. In order not to sink in the river, one must appreciate sickness as one appreciates death; Before you grow old, you should be happy in your youth.

As the poet says in the poem ” Buluda gardy meni”:


Yşk ýüregimde gaýnap, ýandyrdy derdi meni,

Tütünim bada berip, buluda gardy meni,

Pelek bilegim towlap, çarhyna sardy meni,

Hyrydar gözi birle kim gelip gördi meni,

Hijran ýagmyry ýagyp, gam sile berdi meni [4, p. 55].


Magtymguly’s poem ” At ýanynda bellidir” is composed entirely on the basis of syntactic parallelism. The idea behind it is to be able to analyze animal-human behaviour separately from each other, to make a clear, individual evaluation of each one in its own right. In the same way, the poet fights against arrogance and self-esteem. Magtymguly:


Eşek özün egsik saýmaz bedewden,

Gymmat etseň at ýanynda bellidir [4, p. 25] –


– so, if he compares a donkey and a horse, then he also distinguishes horses one by one:


Bedew diýgeç, hemme bedew deň bolmaz,

Çyn bedewler meýdanynda bellidir [4, p. 25].


Another form of repetition – anaphora – is also used in the poet’s works. Anaphora repeats the same syllable at the beginning of each line. Magtymguly Pyragy used anaphora in many places. For example, in his poem ” Ili gözlär”:


Kim nan tapmaz iýmäge,

Kim ýer tapmaz goýmaga,

Kim don tapmaz geýmäge,

Kim tirme-şaly gözlär [3, p. 179] –


– The word ” kim” used in each line of the clause is an anaphora. This stylistic device is found in other poems of Magtymguly Pyragy. For example, in the poem ” Begler, şalar galmazlar”, the poet describes the world’s living creatures will eventually disappear, and he repeatedly uses the same language:


Ne ýer galar, ne ýurtlar,

Ne türk galar, ne kürtler,

Ne guş galar, ne gurtlar,

Perrendeler galmazlar [3, p. 179] .


Almost every line of the poem ” Sataşdym” uses ne harmoniously:


Ne tende kuwwat bar, ne içde jan bar,

Bu işde ne sud bar, bilmen zyýan bar,

Ne hasap, ne hesip, ne belli san bar,

Kişi bilmez, ne söwdaýa sataşdym [4, p. 57].


Examples of this can be found in the poem ” Bile myhmandyr”:


Kimseler hak diýer, kimse saz bile,

Kimse humar bile, kimse baz bile… [4, p. 63].

Epiphora, another form of repetition, is also used in the poet’s poems. In the poem ” Näme sen” by Magtymguly, the epiphora is created by the word “sen”:


Altynmy sen, kümüşmi sen, zermi sen?

Ýa arşmy sen, ýa kürsmi sen, ýermi sen?

Ýa ýakutmyň, ýa merjenmiň, dürmi sen?

Ýa çyragmyň,  ýa röwşenmiň, näme sen? [4, p. 15]


In his work, Magtymguly also uses antithesis – an stylistic device composed of words that are opposite to each other in terms of meaning. This stylistic device is expertly used as a form of expression:


Ýagşylyk tamasyn etmäň

Ýamanlyk çykmaýan ärden [3, p. 179].


In this line, the word good and the word evil are words that are opposite in meaning and an stylistic device of antithesis is created through them. The words  tiken – gül, ýigit – goja, patyşa – gul, baý – pakyr, appearing in the poet’s poem ” Geçip baradyr” are also antitheses:


Magtymguly aýdar, tiken ýok, gül ýok,

Ne ýigit, ne goja, patyşa, gul ýok,

Ýalançy dünýäde baý ýok, pakyr ýok –

Barçasy ýer goýnun guçup baradyr [3, p. 179].


Magtymguly Pyragy frequently used the stylistic device of antithesis. The poet enhances the effectiveness of the thought by comparing the good and the bad, the brave and the coward, the right and the sick, the bitter and the sweet, the good and the bad, the rich and the poor, the old and the young, the halal and the haraam, the head and the foot. Let us look through the following lines from the poem “Bilinmez”:


Halal kaýsy, haram kaýsy – saýlan ýok,

Sud kaýsydyr, zyýan kaýsy bilinmez [3, p. 180].


In the poem “Geçip baradyr,” he contrasts wealth and poverty:


Kimseler beglikde düşmez eýwandan,

Kimler ýoksullykda käýiner jandan… [3, p. 180].


In another poem, Magtymguly Pyragy contrasts bravery with cowardice. The poet includes the rich who own property among the poor, and the destitute poor people among the poor:


Köp namarda mal berip sen, sen, dünýä!

Gözi gökde, gaýgysy ýok, ser gider;

Kany aklyň? Oda düşüp ýan, dünýä!

Ne mertler bar, ýoksullykda har gider [3, p. 183].


In the poem “Ädejek sen”:


Halal, haram, her ne tapsaň,

Gözüň ýumup ýuwdajak sen [3, p. 278].


In the poem ” Joş gelse “:


Dostuňy egleme, nepden galmasyn,

Duşmanyň saklama, syryň bilmesin,

Açda algyň, bege bergiň bolmasyn,

Iş müşgildir, aňlamaza duş gelse [1, p. 18].


Magtymguly Pyragy also skillfully uses the stylistic device of gradation. The following gradation is used in the poem ” Andadyr”:


Awy-zäher, şähdi-şeker, türpe ballar andadyr,

Ol ýowuz magşar, musallat, galmagallar andadyr,

Çün ýowuz ahy nedamat, kyly-kallar andadyr… [3, p. 180].


According to the law of gradation, the description of an object grows and expands:


Kimse bir ýyl, kimse ýüz ýyl, kimse müň ýylda geçer,

Beýik daglar, uzak ýollar, suwsuz çöller andadyr.


Magtymguly in the poem ” Pygan eglenmez”:


Dünýäde müň tanap baglaryň bolsa,

At, ýarag, esbaby-şaýlaryň bolsa,

Arja-arja doly mallaryň bolsa,

Paýany ýok, taşlap-taşlap gider sen [3, p. 181] –


In inversion, the order in which the clauses appear in a sentence changes. Inversion is common in Magtymguly Pyragy’s work. In the poem ” Galandar bile”:


Üç ýüz elli alty ýyl älemi gezseň,

Pilkus ogly şahy-Isgender bile [3, p. 181] –


– The lines are examples of inversion. When forming a sentence, the subject should come before the predicate, and if the possessive, the message. The phrase should be in the usual form: ” Pilkus ogly Isgender patyşa bilen älemi üç ýüz elli alty ýyl gezseň.”

An example from the poem ” Gidiji bolma”:

Mert ogludyr, ile ýazar desterhan,

Dogry söz üstünde berer şirin jan,

Ömrüni ötgürer, diýmez bir ýalan,

Jäht eýläp, ýalan söz aýdyjy bolma  [4, p. 96].


In general, the skillful use of stylistic devices in Magtymguly Pyragy’s work deepened the meaning of the poems and had an effect on the high stylistic quality of his poems.

  1. Çöňňäýew Ý. Häzirki zaman türkmen dili. Leksika. – Aşgabat: “Magaryf”, 1988.
  2. Häzirki zaman türkmen diliniň leksikologiýasy. – Aşgabat: “Türkmenistan”, 1972.
  3. Magtymguly. – Aşgabat: “Ylym”, 1975.
  4. Magtymguly. I tom. – Aşgabat: “Türkmenistan”, 1992.
  5. Nepesow G. Metafora çeper diliň möhüm serişdesidir. – Aşgabat: “Ylym”, 1983.

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