Оразова Халлыбагт Рахмановна
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули
преподаватель кафедры английской фонетики и лексикологии


Orazova Hallybagt Rakhmanovna
Magtymguly Turkmen State University
Lecturer in the Department of English phonetics and lexicology

An idiom is a short expression peculiar to a language, people, or place that conveys a figurative meaning without a literal interpretation of the words used in the phrase. A number of phrases used in Magtymguly’s poems contain words related to environmental vocabulary. He paid much attention to the usage of phrases.

Keywords: figurative meaning, idioms, Magtymguly Pyragy, phrases, poetry


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Оразова Х.Р. Environmental idioms in Magtymguly’s poems // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/100957 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024).

The joy of the Turkmen people, a great thinker, who left an indelible mark on the 18th century Turkmen literature, recognized himself as a great historical figure of the world, Magtymguly Pyragy’s philosophy of human life is widely revealed. The poet followed Sufism in the world of poetry, and in most of his poems, he gave wisdom to open-mindedness and deep feelings, giving a great place to truth in human life. The great sage poetically expressed his dreams about the welfare and bright future of the people in his poems.

Magtymguly Pyragy’s poems are characterized by the fact that the meaning of the word is skillfully expressed in an artistic language, and figurative phrases are given a significance. In the creative world of the poet – in the world of poetry, the artistic service of phrases with a figurative meaning has occupied a great place in the focus of the scientific work of linguists until today. A number of phrases used in the poems of Magtymguly contain words related to the environmental lexicon. For example:

Kimseler meýlisde, kim oda bişer,

Agaç uzyn bolsa, kölgesi düşer (The poem “Pelegiň”).


Magtymguly, ýandym-bişdim

Ynanmazlar oda düşsem.

Oda bişmek/düşmek – The metaphorical phrase used in the sense of suffering for something describes the poet’s situation in these lines through a more effective image. Here, it is appropriate to refer to the explanations given to the terms of the environmental lexicon, a figurative vocabulary.

The term, which is used as a stable phrase in the Turkmen language, was introduced into scientific circulation in the 70s and 80s of the last century. Due to the fact that the object of the words in the stable vocabulary in the Turkmen language was not identified, the concepts of “frazeologizmler”, “idiomalar”, “durnukly söz düzümleri” were one of the controversial issues until those years.

The concept of “idiom” in the Turkmen language was described for the first time in K. Babaev’s work “Idioms in the Turkmen language” as follows: Conditional and free use of words that its meaning is not proved and is not entirely dependent on the meaning of its components, the lexical structure of which it is composed, absolutely indivisible and inseparable, other Idioms are phrases consisting of two or more words that cannot be directly translated into languages and require appropriate stylistic transformation when translated [5, p. 28-29].

G. Achilova defines idioms in her work “Phrase Structures in the Modern Turkmen Language” as follows: Phraseological combinations based on the level of semantic integrity are connected and they are called idioms. [4, p. 108.]. In this work, the author puts forward another complex idea in this regard: Idiom is a broad concept. If it differs from other types of linguistic devices in that it is metaphorical and does not translate literally, then these properties are characteristic not only of certain types of word formations, but also of certain independent words and compound words [4, p. 110].

Y. Chongayev in his work “Phraseology of the Turkmen language” based on Bally’s Phraseologisms theory, it is divided into two groups: phrase with original meaning and phrase with figurative meaning. In the examples analyzed in this study, idiomatic phrases are also represented on the basis of figuratively stable phrases. It is in the works analyzed after this work that the concept of idioms begins to be defined in the sense of stable word structures with figurative meaning. [6, p. 52]

Phrases include the uniqueness of the people’s culture, nationality, consciousness, and serve to effectively express the life experiences and wisdom of the nation accumulated in history. Thus, we come to the conclusion that the phraseology of the language is an artistic depiction of the culture, history, and lifestyle of the Turkmen.

In the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy, there are a lot of stable phrases related to these lexical units. One of them is related to the concept of “land”:

Döwlet başa gelse, dost-ýaryn görmez,

Kaza gelse, bagryn ýerden götermez (The poem “Begler”)

- here the phrase Bagryn ýerden götermez/ýerden bagryny götermezlik – is inverted and means to be in a very sick state.

In the poet’s poem “Bolar Sen”, the phrases “ýer-ýegsan bolmak”, “ýer ýaly bolmak”, “ýer ýüzüni almak” are used in the following lines to mean the destruction of the earth. artistically expressed:

Isgender dek ýeriň ýüzüni alsaň,

      Ýere-ýegsan bolup, ýer dek bolar sen.

In the poems of the poet, there are phrases with figurative meaning, such as “gam sili”, “hijran ýagmyry”, related to the concept of “water”, and he expresses his sorrow in the lines:

Hyrydar gözi birle kim gelip gördi meni,

      Hijran ýagmyry ýagyp,  gam sile berdi meni (The poem“Buluda gardy meni”).

In the wise lines of the master of words, the poet Magtymguly, phrases related to the concept of “air” are often found, such as “seri dumanly bolmak”, “baran ýagdy”, “Hazan ýeli”:

Götergil gojalan başyň,

      Seriňde dumanyň galdy (The poem “Hanyň galdy”) –

In the poem of the wise poet “Turgul diýdiler”, the phrase “ýel ýaly bolmak” used in the meaning of being fast/quick/moving is given as follows:

      Ýel boldum, ýüwürdim ýeriň damarna,

Hazarym tokundy Arşyň kemerne.

Metaphorical phrases associated with the concept of “fire” are even more dominant in the poems written by Magtymguly Pyragy. Phrases such as Aşyk bolmak, yşka düşmek manysynda ulanylýan yşkyň ody, oda salmak express the emotional feelings in the lines given below:

Elde ýolukdyrdym çeşmi-jadyny,

Ölçerdim, el çoýdum yşkyň oduna (The poem “Gyzmaly boldum”).


Aşygy saldyň oda,

Goýduň gitdiň uýada (The poem “Aýa döndi”).

We find such lines in the poet’s poem ” “Burýana boldum imdi”:

       Yşk ataşyna düşdüm, perwana boldum imdi,

       Şowhun közüne köýdüm, burýana boldum imdi.

In most of the poems of the wise poet, phrases with figurative meaning related to the concept of “fire” are actively used, such as da salmak,oduna çoýmak, yşk oduna ýanmak, aýralyk oduna ýanmak. For instance:

Meniň janym yşk oduna ýakypdyr,

Başlary tylladan jygaly geldi (The poem “Kulahly geldi”).

In general, in the poems analyzed above, in the poems of the favourite poet of the Turkmen people, Magtymguly Pyragy, we can see that phrases with figurative meaning, which are a complex problem of Turkmen linguistics, were chosen with great significance, and made a great contribution to the world literature. In the world of poetry, which has become the artistic school of the poet, it is clear to us that there are still a number of problems that need to be taken into account.

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