Нурбердиева Огулкейк
Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади
старший преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка


Nurberdiyeva Ogulkeyik
Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language

The rich and valuable literary heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy, included in the treasury of world literature, his secular views, philosophical thoughts in his poems, especially the great influence on Turkmen life of the 18th-19th centuries, including his inextricable connection with the scientific and cultural life of the entire East.

Keywords: an independent state, bravery, Magtymguly Pyragy, poems, unity

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Нурбердиева О. Development of the theme of courage in Magtymguly's poetry // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/100946 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

When you look at the pages of the history of the Turkmen people, you can see that the spiritual and cultural development of our nation is connected with many historical figures. Such individuals appeared in different periods and social stages of the past and made great contributions to the development of science, consciousness, and moral ethics of our people. Our Hero Arkadag describes the services rendered by such historical figures and the respect given to them in Turkmenistan. : “It is our sacred duty to glorify the name and honour of our intellectuals who spread the spiritual world of the Turkmen people to the world with their immortal scientific and literary heritage, and to give due appreciation to their place in history. Now the work of discovering the names of our intellectuals who have left an indelible mark in the history of our national heritage, finding, studying and conveying the literary values created by them to the public is on its way.” [1, p. 237]. One of our great personalities is Magtymguly Pyragy, the wise son of Turkmen.

Literary heritage of the Great Philosopher has been considered the pride of our people for almost three centuries. His soulful poetry leaves no one indifferent. The thematic scope of Magtymguly’s poetry is wide. It is a literary-spiritual treasure that encompasses all the problems of life. Although the issues and views put forward in the poems of the wise poet are primarily related to the time he lived in, most of them retain their relevance even today. The fact that most of the problems raised in the works of the master of the word are connected with concepts such as humanity, morality, and spiritual perfection is the main reason why Magtymguly’s poems always retain their importance. One such theme that runs throughout Wise Pyragy’s poetry is the theme of bravery. In this article, I also intend to discuss some features of the treatment of this theme in the poems of our great poet.

It should be noted that Magtymguly Pyragy’s attention to the theme of bravery was brought forward by his time. The wise poet understood better than anyone the importance of building a powerful state in realizing the dream of the Turkmen people to live a peaceful life, to develop social consciousness, science and education, and to work hard all day long. Also, the great thinker emphasized that it is important for the entire Turkmen country to act in unity and unity for the success of this idea. Due to the political tension in the region, Magtymguly called on the nation to be united and courageous in order to achieve independence:

Ol merdiň ogludyr, mertdir pederi,

Görogly gardaşy, serhoşdyr seri,

Dagda-düzde kowsa, saýýatlar, diri –

Ala bilmez, ýolbars ogly, türkmeniň [2, p. 56]

He inspired by such passionate poetic words. We need to emphasize two points here. Firstly, Magtymguly was the first poet who openly called the entire Turkmen country to stand against the enemy in unity. Secondly, It is clear that the call to establish a powerful state in a turbulent time required personal courage and risk from Pyragy. If we analyze the poems of our poet, we come across lines that can be an explanation for these two situations. In particular, Magtymguly has no doubt that the idea of building an independent state should be supported by the public, because he is fully aware that the people’s dream is to build a powerful state and that they are ready to show courage and bravery to achieve this goal. The wise poet wrote about this in his poem ” Türkmen binasy”:

Aryplary dem-dem geler, toýy bardyr her zaman,

Merdi-merdan sözlüdir ol, ýokdur göwün hilesi [2, p. 87]

He artistically comments on the bravery of Turkmen realities. In his poem “Otgul, Pyragy”, Magtymguly says that he does not stop at anything for the sake of freedom of the people:

Ile ýagma degse, çyk sen söweşe,

Görogly dek esräp girgin döwüşe,

Mundan gaýry fuzun kylma bir işe,

Iliňe bagş eýläp ötgül, Pyragy [3, p. 152]

At the same time, the great sage said that we need a fair, intelligent, warm-hearted, brave leader who will lead the entire nation:

Uly iller dagar, çaşar,

Mert ärden hany bolmasa… [2, p. 322]


Sypah bolup, ata çykan, her ýerden,

Akly känden kesen başy gerekdir[2, p. 324]

he says in such poetic lines.

In Magtymguly’s work, such qualities as bravery are not only in the sense of bravery and cowardice, but the wise poet uses these words in a broader sense. In most of the poet’s poems, bringing the concepts of bravery and cowardice together, in our opinion, is related to their interrelationships and showing them in a clear way. Magtymguly:

Mertden aşna tutsaň, abraýňa şärik,

                                       Namart aşnasyna hile getirmiş

In his lines, he says that a man considers himself an equal sharer in his partner’s reputation, while a man looks at his partner’s success with a blind eye and warns him that he arranges all kinds of tricks for him. A wise man can expect bravery only from a brave and courageous man:

Mert ýigit mert ärden öner,

Namart asyl-ha mert bolmaz.

Gurduň gözünde ot ýanar,

Şagal-tilkiler gurt bolmaz [2, p. 103].

As can be seen from the third and fourth lines of this stanza, the master poet proves his point through artistic metaphor.

Magtymguly mentions some of the characteristics of men in the poem ” Başy gerekdir”:

Mert oldur ki, bolsa köňli rehimli,

Göwresi giň gerek, özi pähimli,

Giň ýerde garga deý bolsa wehimli,

Ýerinde hünäri, işi gerekdir [2, p. 425]

In one verse, he mentions some of the characteristics of a brave person, such as compassion, generosity, prudence, and ability. As we can see from the verse, Magtymguly presented a clear and final opinion in each line of this verse. This is an example of very high poetic skill. As far as we know, such literary and artistic skills are often found in the works of Pyragy.

In the lines of the poem, the wise poet talks about another characteristic that distinguishes a brave man from a coward one, saying that brave men are generous people and are always ready to finish the important things:

Mertden dileg eden namut öwrülmez,

Namarda düşen iş, mälim, gaýrylmaz [2, p. 483]


… Mert ýigit baryn ýoklamaz,

Her iş gelse il biläni [2, p. 301]

The wise poet said that this kind of charity and generosity protects a brave person from various calamities and makes his work successful:

Mertden dileg etseň aýdar: “Hup bolar”,

Bir bagşaşdan ýetmiş bela dep bolar [2, p. 485]

The great Turkmen scholar Mahmyd Zamakhshari, who lived in the XI-XII centuries, says that bravery and generosity are inseparable qualities in his book “Altyn halkalar”: “…People who can be brothers in this world are only brave and generous people. With the friendship of brothers like these, sick souls will be healed, broken bones will be recovered. These will help you do what you lacked. He will remove your accumulated pains and troubles from you [4, p. 179].

When talking about the views of the great sage on courage, Pyragy’s poem ” Birýana boldum imdi “:

Magtymguly, her zaman neýleýin olmaý girýan,

Pikir palçygna batdym, çyka bilmen men bir ýan,

Göwre harap, ten turap, köňlümiň şähri weýran,

Jan, jeset, dil, akyldan aýrylyp, galdym urýan,

Iş geldi, başa düşdi, merdana boldum imdi [2, p. 223]

I would like to draw attention to the last verse. In this poem, Magtymguly talks about his spiritual condition and informs about his inner transformation. As can be seen from the context, Pyragy artistically expresses his general discomfort because he cannot get out of the “mud of thought” in his secret. And in the last line, the great orator exhorts us to deal with this situation “with courage”, no matter how difficult it may be. Thus, it comes to the conclusion that bravery is inextricably linked with concepts such as tolerance and patience.

In Magtymguly’s work, the development of the theme of bravery is not limited to what has been said.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Ösüşiň täze belentliklerine tarap.Saýlanan eserler, I tom, Aşgabat,  “TDNG”, 2008.
  2. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. I-jilt – Aşgabat: Ylym, 2013.
  3. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. II-jilt – Aşgabat: Ylym, 2013.
  4. Mahmyt Zamahşary. Ýagşyzadalaryň bahary. VI-jilt – Aşgabat: “Miras” 2004.

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