Байрамова Гулалек1, Мередова Кабегуль1
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади, старший преподаватель кафедры дальневосточных языков


Bayramova Gulalek1, Meredova Kabegul1
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Far Eastern Languages

Chinese and Turkmen belong to different language families. For a long time, it was believed that Chinese and Turkmen have the differences between them being obvious, with very little similarity. This article plans to start with the general nature and function of symbols, analyze the similarities between the two languages, and list other differences between the two languages.

Keywords: Chinese and Turkmen, contrastive analysis, differences, similarities


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Байрамова Г., Мередова К. The peculiarities of the word structure of the Chinese and Turkmen languages // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/100945 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

In linguistics, there is a widespread notion that phrasal verbs are inextricably linked to word groups. The word is used as a syntactic unit, and at the same time it retains its lexical features, which are important in the structure of sentences, and also affect its structure [4, p. 35]. A sentence means a final thought. Syntax and morphology make up the branch of linguistics, grammar, while syntax is the science that studies word structures, phrases and clauses [3, p. 48]. During the contrastive analysis of the word structure of the Chinese and Turkmen languages, similarities and differences can be found:

The Turkmen language differs from the Chinese language in its alphabet. Chinese does not have an alphabet, but is based on a pictographic script, and words are made up of hieroglyphs and graphemes. For example: “apple”, as we have seen, the word “apple” consists of letters of the Turkmen alphabet. In the Chinese language, the word apple 苹果 (píng guǒ) is formed by combining several graphemes into syllables.

Chinese sentence structure pays attention to word order, but word order is not the same as Turkmen word order. In Chinese, a sentence is formed in this sequence. For example:

主语 (zhǔyǔ)  +         谓语  (wèiyú)       +    宾语 (bīnyǔ)…

Subject       +           predicate             +    object…

In Turkmen, the subject comes at the beginning of the sentence, but the predicate comes at the end of the sentence. For example:

Men         +         bazara            +        barýaryn

Subject       +         object      +        predicate

Sentences in Chinese and Turkmen languages are divided into affirmative sentences, interrogative sentences, and exclamatory sentences.

It is difficult to understand the meaning of a sentence when translated literally from Chinese.


(wǒ hěn ài chuān nà jiàn bái yī fu)

When we translate the sentence word by word: Men örän gowy görýän geýmegi şol bir sany ak eşigi.

When we translate it completely: Men şol ak eşigi geýmegi örän gowy görýärin.

As a result of morphological analysis: Wǒ – men; hěn – örän; ài – gowy görýärin; chuān – geýmegi; nà – ol, şol; jiàn – eşikleriň sanyny görkezmek üçin ulanylýan sanaw sözi; bái – ak reňk; yī fu – eşik diýen manylary berýär.

Although the structure of the sentences is different, the meanings of the words are completely consistent in morphological analysis. Most of the time, compound sentences in Turkmen language are used to express our thoughts, that is, compound sentences and subordinate clauses. In Chinese, too, ideas are expressed through compound and complex sentences:

这样,穿着白颜色衣服出门的杨布,回家时穿的却是一身黑颜 色的衣服。(Zhèyàng, chuānzhe bái yánsè yīfu chū mén de Yáng Bù, huí jiā shí chuān dequè shì yīshēn hēi yánsède yīfu.)

When we translate the sentence word by word:  Şeýle, şeýlelik bilen, geýip, geýinen, ak reňk eşik çykdy gapydan Ýaň Bu, dolananda öýe (què-emma, shì – degişlilik goşulmasy), geýinen bir sany, beden gara reňkdäki eşik manyny aňladýar.

When we translate it completely: Şeýlelik bilen, Ýaň Bu ak eşik geýip öýünden çykdy, gara eşikli öýüne dolandy.

As a result of morphological analysis: Zhèyàng – şeýle, şeýlelik bilen;  chuānzhe – geýip, geýinen; bái – ak; yánsè – reňk; yīfu – eşik; chū – çykmak, çykdy; mén de – gapydan; Yáng Bù –Ýaň Bu (adam ady); huí – dolanmak, dolananda;  jiā shí – öýe; chuān de – geýinen; què – emma; shì – degişlilik  goşulmasy; yīshēn – bir sany; shēn – beden; hēi – gara, yánsède – reňkdäki; yīfu – eşik.

Based on the morphological analysis, it was proved that the meaning of the words is completely compatible.

In the Turkmen language, the regular degree is formed by adding the suffixes -yl, -il, -ul, – ül to the verb. In Chinese, these suffixes are imitated and the particle “被” (bèi) is obtained. This particle is placed before the verb:


( nà běn shū yī jīng bèi jiè chū le )

When we translate the sentence word by word: Ol bir sany kitap eýýäm bèi-hereketiň bolup geçenligini görkezýän bölejik, almak, bermek, berildi.

When we translate it completely: Bu kitap eýýäm berildi.

As a result of morphological analysis: Nà – ol, şol; běn – bir sany, kitaplar üçin ulanylýan sanaw sözi; shū – kitap; yī jīng –eýýäm; bèi – hereketiň gutarandygyny görkezýän bölejik; jiè chū le – almak, bermek, berildi ýaly manylary almak bolar.

As we can see, although the structure of the sentence is different in this sentence, the morphological analysis matched their meanings.

我的报纸被风刮跑了。 (wǒ de bào zhǐ bèi fēng guā pǎo le.)

When we translate the sentence word by word:Men, -yň –iň goşulmasy, gazet, üflemek, şemal, ylgamak, ýöremek, gitmek, etmek, gutarnykly hereketi görkezýän bölejik diýen manyny alýarys.

When we translate it completely: Meniň gazetimi şemal uçurdy diýip, terjime edilýär.

As a result of morphological analysis:Wǒ – men; de – yň, -iň goşulmasy; bào zhǐ – gazet; bèi – hereketiň gutarandygyny görkezýän bölejik; fēng guā – şemal, üflemek; pǎo – ylgamak, ýöremek, gitmek; le – gutarnykly hereketi görkezýän bölejik ýaly manylary ýüze çykaryldy.

In the sentence structure of the Turkmen language, repeating one word two or three times is avoided. But in Chinese, the same word may or may not be repeated several times in a sentence, and each time it is repeated it has a different meaning.

In addition to these, the Chinese and Turkmen languages also have several different aspects in the Chinese and Turkmen languages, which are affirmative, exclamatory and interrogative sentences.

Although the structure of the sentences is not similar to each other, the morphological analysis is completely consistent with their meanings. In the Turkmen language, the exclamatory sentence, like in Chinese, means to address someone, to express an inner feeling.

Research has revealed syntactic differences between the two languages. By conducting an analysis of the word structure of the Chinese and Turkmen languages, it was found that there are significant differences between them. The translation and morphological analysis of the sentences taken from the Chinese language led to the following conclusion. In the Chinese and Turkmen languages, affirmative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences differ from each other in terms of structure and sentence structure.

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