Алтыева Айбиби1, Аннаева Жерен1
1Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, преподаватель кафедры стилистики и грамматики английского языка


Altyyeva Aybibi1, Annayeva Jeren1
1Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Lecturer in the Department of English Stylistics and Grammar

Magtymguly Pyragy's poems are a school for developing artistic expression in the Turkmen language. We should read the poems inherited by the great sage and use them in different areas of life, we should make them our personal book.

Keywords: analysis, Magtymguly Pyragy, poems, similarities of languages, synonyms


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Алтыева А., Аннаева Ж. The use of synonyms in Magtymguly's poetry // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/100941 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024).

The poetry of Magtymguly, the thinker who laid the foundations of classical Turkmen literature and combined the literary language with the colloquial language of the people, covers all the problems of the Turkmen life of his time. In addition to philosophical attitudes such as manners, science, education, morals, bravery, heroism, patriotism, national state, his works depict his daily life – the joys of the times, the sins of life, the Turkmen nature, heroes. There are also countless poems in praise of her boyfriends. In the poems written by Magtymguly Pyragy, he paid more attention to language features, artistic means, in particular, synonyms and antonyms, in order to express the story more effectively. We see this in the artistic creation of Magtymguly Pyragy, which is similar to Jemshid’s bowl, with many colours, as wide as the ocean, as strong as a mirror, as precious as a pearl, as a composition of pearls. His poems are classics for every language. In the works of Magtymguly Pyragy, linguistic units such as synonyms, antonyms, professional words, terms are used. Regarding the use of synonyms in Magtymguly’s work, the following can be mentioned.

Words that belong to the same group of words according to their lexical-grammatical properties and have similar and similar meanings, but often differ in terms of meaning, stylistic function or features of use, are called synonyms. Synonym comes from the Greek word “synonymia” which means “similar” meaning words that are close in meaning. [2, p. 42]. For instance: at, bedew, ýylky, gylýal, ýaby; adam, ynsan; gurt, böri, möjek; akyl, huş; göreş, jeň, uruş, söweş; namys, ar; ýykylmak, ýumrulmak and so on.

Although synonyms have a common, similar meaning semantically, they differ from each other in terms of meaning, stylistic accent, expressiveness or scope of use, and they have different semantic relations with each other. Depending on their characteristics, it is customary to divide synonyms into complete (absolute), incomplete (ideographic) and stylistic synonyms.

The fact that their meanings are very close and their stylistic characteristics are similar allows some synonyms to be used interchangeably, one to replace the other in one sentence. Such synonyms are complete synonyms. For example: gowy, ýagşy, oňat; gurt, böri, möjek. Gowy (ýagşy, oňat) adama sylag etseň ýa aýdar, ýa gaýdar (Proverb). Gurtdan (möjekden, börüden) gorkan köpek saklar (Proverb). These synonyms are rare in the language.

Second, although the words related to incomplete (ideographic) synonyms have a common meaning, they differ in meaning, scope, and each has its own characteristics. [2, p. 43]. For example, The words kelle, baş have the general meaning of a body part of a person or an animal. These words refer to a person in a similar sense, and both are used actively. For example: Adam başy daşdan gaty (Proverb). Başyny egeniň başy alynmaz (Proverb). Kellede akyl bolmasa, jan azapda (Proverb). Kelle bolsa, selle tapylar (Proverb). Baş sag bolsa, telpek tapylar (Proverb).

The third is stylistic synonyms. Stylistic synonyms are words that differ in stylistic tone from words belonging to the same synonymous line with similar meanings [2, p. 43-44]. Although the meaning and concept of the words in the same synonymy line are the same, stylistic synonyms have an influence of image and effectiveness. Accordingly, they are characteristic of a certain style – poetic, formal or colloquial. For example, if adam is a common word, its synonym is a high style of ynsan, that is an artistic style, and it is a stylistic synonym of the word adam. “Bir sözüň ornunda sözleý bilmeýen, // Adam diýen beýle ynsan bolarmy? (Magtymguly Pyragy)”.

Stylistic synonyms are often used in works of art to perform a stylistic service as some kind of artistic device.

In the poems of our wise poet Magtymguly Pyragy, synonyms are skillfully used. Let’s take a look at them.

Magtymguly Pyragy’s ” Dünýä, heý!” The poem contains the following lines:


Ahyr ne belaň bar, soňun sanmaz sen,

Ýykylgyn, ýumrulgyn, loly dünýä, heý!


Here the words ” ýykylmak, ýumrulmak” are synonyms.

Göreşde ýykylyp, jeňde ýeňilen,

Içi doly namys bilen ar bolar.


In the lines of the poem above, the same word is not repeated several times, synonyms are skillfully used: göreş – jeň; ýykylmak – ýeňilmek; namys – ar.


Misgin bolsun mydam seniň syrdaşyň,

Oldur ýürekdeşiň hem-de gardaşyň.


In these examples, words such as syrdaş, ýürekdeş, gardaşare stylistically different, but they are synonyms, and the regular use of such synonyms is called gradation in literary science.

One of the things that increase the beauty of Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetic divan is that the wise poet can skillfully use a word in the Turkmen language in the same poem, in the same stanza or line, as well as its synonym in the Arabic and Persian languages, and absorb it into his lines.


Birewe beripdir gaýgy-gam, mähnet …


The word ” gaýgy” in this example line is an ancient Turkmen word that is synonymous with the Arabic word “gam” used there. Gam I (a) – gaýgy, gussa, tukatlyk [3, p. 191].


Kimsäniň tutaşyp janynda nary,

Har-tiken tenine batyp baradyr…


The Parsi word “har” in the above example lines means ” tiken” in Turkmen. Har II (p. ha:r) – tiken, ýandak; çör-çöp [5, p. 923].  Şahyr şol setirinde pars dilindäki «har» sözi bilen onuň türkmen dilindäki sinonimi «tiken» sözüni ussatlyk bilen ulanypdyr.


Kimseleriň ajap ermişdir ýüzi,

Kimleriň roýun örtüp baradyr…


The first of the two lines above contains the Turkmen word ” ýüz” (human face). In the second line, the poet did not want to repeat that word a second time, but used the Persian synonym of that word, ” ruý”. Roý (p. ru:ý) – 1. Ýüz [4, p. 685].

There is a line in the his poem ” Bir-birine bezenip”:


Magtymguly, galmaz egsigi-kemi


In this line “egsik” is an ancient Turkmen word, and the word that comes after it is from the Persian word “käm”, which is a synonym of the Turkmen word. Kem (p. käm) – less, not more [4, p. 417].

As Turkmens have lived in close proximity to Persian-speaking peoples for thousands of years, with the development of mutual trade, economic and kinship relations between them, just as Persian words have mixed with Turkmen language, Oghuz-Turkmen words also have their own influence on the vocabulary of Persian language. Accordingly, there are not a few Oghuz-Turkmen words in the dictionary of the Persian language.

In the poems of Scholar Magtymguly, it is possible to cite many other examples of such language devices being used in the home country. This shows that the wise poet carefully observed the life and understood it very well, as well as his knowledge of the values in the spiritual world of the Turkmen. When we read these poems, you will once again realize that Magtymguly Pyragy is a sage who deeply studied Eastern literature, people’s history, scientific works inherited by scientists, and folklore.

Thanks to his skillful use of the resources of our meaningful mother tongue, the master’s poems have a permanent place in the hearts of the people. Regardless of where they live and what age they are, every Turkmen easily understands Magtymguly’s language, and that’s why he considers his wise advices as a guide to his life.


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