Халмырадова Селби
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули
преподаватель кафедры стилистики и грамматики английского языка


Halmyradova Selbi
Magtymguly Turkmen State university
Lecturer in the Department of English Stylistics and Grammar

Magtymguly Pyragy, who rowed the oar of the intellectual boat and won the love of generations and people, is held high. Not only the Turkmen reader of the poet's poems, but many peoples of the world read his eloquent lines in their own languages.

Keywords: brave men, literary heritage, Magtymguly Pyragy, wise poems, young generation

Рубрика: 24.00.00 КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Халмырадова С. Magtymguly Pyragy's literary heritage is an inexhaustible spiritual treasure // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/100940 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

Magtymguly Pyragy, a prominent representative of Turkmen classical literature, lives forever in the minds and souls of the people as a master of the human soul, a master of wise words. When you read the his poems, hearing the voice of the heart of the Turkmen people, the nation tries to gather. It is possible to observe the great wisdom that guides people to the right path. Among the poet’s poems about patriotism, humanism, moral purity of man, many of them are written in Turkmen. Opinions about the status, honour, and ethical standards of the people have become widespread. These poems have served as a guiding force for the people for centuries.

Magtymguly is a champion of giants, a preacher of stability and unity. The creativity of the poet is deep and multifaceted. For centuries, the Turkmen people have considered it a sacred duty to protect and be loyal to their Motherland. Indeed, even in this context, there is probably no poet or writer who did not speak about the Motherland and did not create a work. The period in which the master of eloquence lived was a period in the history of the Turkmen people. That’s why the poet, who is in harmony with the fate of the people, who has shared its pain and sweetness, dreamed of “Powerful State” and “Independent State”.

Pyragy ýüz tutar, türkmen iline,

Duşman gol urmasyn gyzyl gülüne, [2, p. 42]


Pyragy, yşka ugraşdym,

Derýa girdim, möwje düşdüm,

Hor galmasyn puştba-puştum,

Berkarar döwlet istärin.  (“At istärin”) [2, p. 147]

As can be seen from these lines, the poet’s highest dream is for the people to have a united, free and powerful state. He does not just dream of a powerful state. He is looking for ways to realize this dream of the Turkmen people to become a united state. When it comes to loving the country and living with the problems of the country, Magtymguly’s own family – his father and brothers – was a model school for him. Especially in the matter of becoming an independent state, the services of the poet’s father Azadi and his brothers are great. Magtymguly’s poems “Bular gelmedi”, “Gözlär men”, “Terk eýleme bu mekany” are about his brothers Mammatsapa and Abdylla, who sacrificed their lives in the interests of the nation. Magtymguly erected a great monument to his wise father, the great master Doveletmammet Azadi, by making a poetic image of him. The poet respects his father very much. Because he reaches the depths of perfection by following the footsteps of his father Azadi. He also learns from his father to talk about the country with love. By following his father’s example of creativity, science, and life, he realizes the need to learn the truths that have become his problem.

The poet learns from his master to love the day, to think about the era, about the strong state, about the Motherland, to think, and even to dream. The national leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero Arkadag, said: “Magtymguly Pyragy, a true patriot of the beloved land and its passionate worshipper, dreamed about the unity and integrity of the people, the freedom and happiness of the Motherland hundreds of years ago in his poems ” [1, p. 32].

- he aptly notes about the poet’s dreams. According to the creativity of the wordsmith, Magtymguly’s dreams are the dreams of his father, his brothers, and the country.

Looking at the history of Turkmen literature, it can be seen that the theme of patriotism was the main theme in all periods of the history of literature. This is indeed the case. In the works of Magtymguly Pyragy, the theme of patriotism is one of the most elaborated themes. Not only in the poet’s works, which praise the mountains and plains of the Motherland, and call for its protection, but all his creations are devoted to the idea that loving the country, serving the people and the Motherland is the greatest duty of a person. Because for the country to be strong and powerful, first of all, a strong, united family, a perfect generation is needed. Educating perfect generations, who are the future of the country, is a necessity that ensures the perfection of not only the family, but the entire society, and the bright future of the people. That is why the master poet in his work lists the necessary conditions for a true patriot one by one. According to the poet, a person who defends the country must be mature and his armour must be ready anytime. In the same way, he should raise a generation to continue his profession and patriotic traditions, that is, he should have a son to take his place. The poet thinks about this in his poems “Ýat ýagşy”, “Göze myhmandyr”, “Aty gerek”:

Ýigidiň  dünýäde   üçdür   myrady,

Mahbup gerek, ýarag gerek, at ýagşy. [2, p. 493]


Ýürekleri at başy dek batyrlar,

Hatynça ýok, at-ýaragy bolmasa. [2, p. 495]


At gazanar goç ýigidiň

Owwal bedew aty gerek.

Gelene garşy çykmaga

Ýagşy muhupbeti gerek. [2, p. 235]

These works, created for the age, are the poems that people read with love and guide them in life even now. Even in his poems about the moral integrity of his person, he never loses his value because the interests of the people are taken first. In such poems, the qualities that form the basis of the Turkmen people’s life, the ideas about moral standards are artistically expressed. His “Il ýagşy”, “Baş üstüne”, “Bolar sen”, “Zor bolar”, “Ýoluksa”, “Ýör biläni”, “Iliňni”, “Başy gerekdir” poems it is talked about what kind of character brave men adorn.

Döwlet gonsa bolajagyň başyna,

Hemaýaty— ili gerek daşyna,

Ýigit özün mälim eder işinde,

Gylyjynda, zybanynda bellidir. [2, p. 320]


Magtymguly, söweş bolar,

Ýigidiň syry paş bolar,

Ýa baş berer, ýa baş alar,

Goçaklar ýoldaş üstünde. [2, p. 233]

Today, the poet’s ” Çoh garaşan ajap eýýamy (Much expected era)” came. Today, during the Revival of the new era of the Powerful state, the wise man Magtymguly Pyragy’s poems are the voice of Turkmen’s heart. This means that the dream of a wise man has come true. During the Revival of the new Era of Powerful state, the poems, which reached the highest value, revealed the reputation of the poet to the world. A new life has begun for the gifted poet. His poetry is a “diamond crown with a thousand colours”, and with its beauty, it invites us to white paths, throws light on our path. Dreams made three centuries ago came true during the period of Turkmen independence. All the tribes unite, become one soul, one body, live in unity under the shadow of our green Flag, which goes back to our father Oguz Khan. Friendship and brotherhood blesses the country.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Garaşsyzlyga guwanmak, Watany, halky söýmek bagtdyr. — Aşgabat: TDNG, 2007.
  2. Magtymguly.  Şaýlanan eserler ýygyndysy. —  Aşgabat: TDNG, 2014.

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