Оразова Халлыбагт Рахмановна
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули
преподаватель кафедры английской фонетики и лексикологии


Orazova Hallybagt Rakhmanovna
Magtymguly Turkmen State University
Lecturer in the Department of English phonetics and lexicology

The great Turkmen thinker Magtymguly Pyragy is a master of words, who left an indelible mark on the history and spiritual world of the Turkmen people and the peoples of the East with his works. His words are valuable for every person living in this world, because his lines contain the spirit that is the main virtue of our philosophy of life.

Keywords: a great poet, great contribution, Magtymguly Pyragy, master of words

Рубрика: 09.00.00 ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Оразова Х.Р. Magtymguly is a great thinker // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/100939 (дата обращения: 21.04.2024).

Over the years, the poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker of the East, who made the name of the Turkmen people known to the world, shines more and more on the human soul. In the way of life of the Turkmen, there is an emphasis on the special use of the native language in the belief system. Because they are the ones which have managed to become the priceless value of the world with the share of nature that has been taken away from man. Magtymguly Pyragy is one of the people who has absorbed the dream of the people for centuries in his wise lines and lives forever in the human mind.

Magtymguly is a poet who is known as a poet who lived not only in books but also in hearts. His words are valuable for every person living in this world, because his lines contain the spirit that is the main virtue of our philosophy of life, not to lose hope at any moment, and to look to the future with confidence. Because he is a poet who decorates every word with meaning and takes a place in hearts.

At the core of the thoughts of the master of words in his poems is the problem of educating a perfect person. The immortality of the poet’s creativity lies in the fact that he exalted the dignity of humanity, raised it to a higher level, and tied his fate with them. A wise poet artistically expresses in his poetic lines that the human soul should be rich in feelings of love and affection, that life will be beautiful if people live in harmony with each other.

He emphasizes in every line that what adorns a person is humanity and spiritual wealth. He condemns those who are proud of their material wealth and lose their humanity:

Adam bolup adam gadryn bilmeýän,

Ondan ki bir otlap ýören mal ýagşy [3].

- he said, adding that cattle walking on their own land are a thousand times better than these noble people. The poet harshly criticized people of low character who lost the dignity of humanity, and praised the brave young men of his time as follows:

Namysly, gaýratly, arly  goç ýigit,

Söweş güni gurban eder başyny[2].

As we delve deeper into the creativity of the mind, the mysterious weaving of its meaningful lines takes us to the realm of wisdom. The poet himself said about it:

Magtymguly, syrym çohdur [3]

- he noted. As it turns out, the creative poet’s work flows like a fountain.

The work of the master of words has been highly valued both in his own time and in the times after his poetry, which are full of exhortations related to the way of life of the Turkmen and the education of the generation. Despite the passage of many centuries, his poems are becoming more valuable today, as real gold does not wear out, but on the contrary, they are even sharper. His lines, which can find answers to every difficult problem in life, are read with love not only by Turkmen readers, but also by the people of the whole world. He finds the answer he needs from him, because Magtymguly conveys to the public his wise ideas, which have become a proverb among the people, his wisdom, which has passed the test of centuries, has been refined and reached the level of art. The poet expresses:

Görmesem söýlemem, oý bilen çenden,

Maksadyna ýeter, ýykylan çyndan [3].

From these lines, we can see that laziness and lack of sincerity are completely different things. That means, to achieve the goal, you need dedication, you need hard work, you need determination.

In one of the great lines that the poet bequeathed to his people:

Hor galmasyn puştdan-puştum

Berkarar  döwlet  istärin [1].

He wants the Turkmen people to live happily in a powerful state. The poet’s dreams have come true in our days. The Turkmen nation has now united into a unified state and has become one of the prestigious states known to the whole world. His perfect views on human beings remained even higher during the Revival of the new era of Powerful state, because the poet’s beautiful lines and poems called our generations to patriotism and unity, urging that the sanctity of the Motherland is greater than everything. The international celebration of the 290th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, whose work has become a masterpiece of world literature is a symbol of world-class unlimited consumption. The classic works of the great master of words are the spiritual treasure of all times and live on from age to age. Because the life of the perfect works that influence the people and education is great. Magtymguly’s world of poetry is an undiminished and unfailing blessing. Anyone can find what they’re looking for in his amazing collection of poems.

Seni ýatlar türkmen halky Pyragym,

Berkarar döwletde, türkmen  ilinde,

Dana  akyldarlaň  öçmez çyragy,

Indi şygyrlaryň dünýä dilinde.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow. Ynsan kalbynyň öçmejek nury. TDNG, Aşgabat, 2014.
  2. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. I jilt. MGY, Aşgabat, 2012.
  3. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. II jilt. MGY, Aşgabat, 2012.
  4. Magtymguly. Saýlanan eserler ýygyndysy. TDNG, Aşgabat, 2014.

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