Мурадова Гурбангул1, Джумаева Огуляй1
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка


Myradova Gurbangul1, Jumayeva Ogulay1
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen Language

This article is about new terms used in the digital system. When moving into the tech industry, you may notice that people who work in tech often use industry words. These terms can help people communicate more effectively and accurately, so if you're new to the industry, you'll benefit from learning the most common terms.

Keywords: browsers, Internet, Neologisms, technology, terms related to the digital system

Рубрика: 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Мурадова Г., Джумаева О. Terms related to the digital system in the Turkmen language // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/11/100937 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

For the first time, 26 years after the creation of the Internet, that is, in October 1995, the term “internet” was put into circulation based on the analysis of information and communication technology experts by the Federal Network Council of the United States. The Internet is a global communication (communication) system that ensures the circulation of global multimedia information, makes news available to everyone, and is also a useful tool for individuals and community groups [1, p. 30].

In today’s informational society, large-scale databases have been created in the digital space. This article provides information on terms related to data management, preservation, transfer, and verification. As it is known, the fundamental changes taking place in social life, technique, and technology in our time require the formation of a new set of terms. Most of these terms are English words, as modern English is one of the world’s fastest growing languages in terms of word meaning. Therefore, it is very important to know the origin of words, the history of their use in the language and the limits of semantic change (Etymologies and Semantic Change). In terminology, it is important to consider that words expand their meaning according to historical periods, and new words and expressions are formed on the basis of the same word. The possibility of translating and using terms from the English language is small, because the development of the language and its adaptation to serve the information and communication system lead to the formation of new meanings. That’s why we decided to show the translation of the terms we have taken as an example, or their interpretation using the means of the Turkmen language, in cases where they do not affect meaning. Examples include the following neologisms [1, p. 78]:

Heşteg - (“hash” means “gözenek”) by registering a certain message, it means that it belongs to some event, topic. The widespread use of the Internet has led to the formation of new linguistic phenomena, which, in turn, convey previously unknown meaning and require special interpretation. It’s about hashtags created in 2007 for use on Twitter. Hashtags consist of 140 characters and are inserted into the text using a punctuation mark and are used to mark topics posted on microblogs [2, p. 39].

Cookies web - a piece of data that identifies a particular browser when you visit a server. At the time of re-login, the server already “knows” the user and takes into account the previously declared preferences, instead, it does not show the client the information it has already seen.

CAP (computer-aided design system) – computerized project management system.

QR Code (Quick response means “çalt jogap”) iki ölçegli ştrih-koduň görnüşi bolmak bilen, sanly enjam tarapyndan aňsatlyk bilen okalýar we gara-ak nagşa meňzeýän inedördül gözenekde piksel görnüşinde birtopar maglumatlary saklaýar. Gündelik durmuşda QR Code görnüşinde ulanylýar. Ştrih-koddan tapawutlylykda, QR kody iki ugurda – keseligine we dikligine okalýar. Bu bolsa has köp maglumatlary saklamaga mümkinçilik berýär [2, p. 85].

User ID (Identify) –a unique identifier for accessing a website or online service. This can include username, account number, email address.

GIF (Graphic Interchange Format means “Grafiki alyş-çalyş formaty”) is a format for displaying graphic images. Capable of storing 256 colour images. It is very popular on the Internet. GIF has a good compression algorithm and is capable of creating compact graphic files.

IP adresi – A numerical identifier assigned to each computer (host) connected to the Internet, the IP address consists of a network address and the address of a given host on that network, defined as four decimal digits (0-255) separated by periods.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator means “Bitewi çeşme tapyjy”) the web address assigned to each web page. Every URL on the Internet is unique.

Spam – unsolicited e-mail messages. As a rule, for the purpose of promoting goods and services, it is sent to several groups at the same time.

Log on – (ulgama giriş) accessing a secure computer system or website.

Site – (saýt) a set of logically related web pages, usually hosted on a single computer.

Server – (serwer) a computer that provides its resources to other computers on a network, or a program that serves requests for access to computer resources.

Mail address (poçta salgysy) – user’s mailbox identifier, address.

Portal – a website that offers the widest range of services to meet the needs of the average web user. The list of services provided usually includes information search, free e-mail, news, weather forecast, exchange rate information, list of links to web resources, etc. Sites with consistently high (traffic) can be considered portals.

Browser – client program for global cruise. Allows the user to view the content of web pages. The browser accesses the web server (the page), requests the HTML document, interprets the received data, and displays the document on the computer screen. Browser examples: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla.

Zenware – Being specially designed computer programs, they avoid distracting ads and extra buttons on the site and help you focus on the tasks you need to do.

Webmaster – page editor.

Ringxiety =ring+anxiety – an unsettling sense of always hearing the phone ringing.

Textpectation = text + expectation – the feeling a person experiences while waiting for a reply to a text message.

Spyware – software that monitors computer user activity. Modern communication systems make it possible to be informed of events happening anywhere in the world in digital time. This phenomenon is evident in all areas of life, especially those dealing with computer technologies. Particular importance is attached to the development of the higher educational institution, which is a real center for training highly qualified personnel for various sectors of the national economy. Neologisms are a means of enriching the language system, because new words and terms that appear to express concepts emerging with the development of society occupy an important place in the lexicon of the language.

Neologisms, new words and terms, related to the use of the Internet and the digital system, have been transferred from English to Turkmen. It is a requirement of our time to know new lexical units that allow us to use digital technologies and multimedia media appropriately.

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