Чарыярова Маxри1, Мyрадов Шохрат2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка
2Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, студент 5 курса


Charyyarova Mahri1, Myradow Shohrat2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, 5th year student

This article is about the books Magtymguly Pyragy had. Magtymguly’s books. Magtymguly is the greatest expert of Turkmen literature, credited with creating Turkmen written literature and whose literary form has become a powerful symbol of the historical and emerging national consciousness of the Turkmen people.

Keywords: Dovletmammet Azadi, great books, Magtymguly Pyragy, manuscripts, poetry


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Чарыярова М., Мyрадов Ш. Books in the hands of Magtymguly // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 10 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/10/100913 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker of the East, who created a huge poetic revolution in the opening of the national spirit of the Turkmen people, acquired his books from his youth. There are various folk legends and scientific facts about it.

During Magtymguly’s lifetime, some house served as a school in the villages where there was a mullah to teach. Azadi opened a school in his hometown of Ginjai and taught children who were interested in science. Magtymguly started attending his father’s school with boys of the same age.

Ýediňde mekdep gördüň(gördüm),
Okydyň, ýola girdiň
[4, p. 293]

Magtymguly studied every lesson with his keen talent. At home, his father Azadi’s advice and books he read by heart were lessons for him. This environment opens the way to find answers to questions about life, living, and the world. Thus, he entered from the edge of the world of science and for some time studied in the village under the scientist-educator Nyyazsalyh.

When Magtymguly came of age, he studied in Khiva and Gogeldash madrasahs. There, he got acquainted with samples of Eastern and world literature, and books that opened discussions on various fields of science became his eternal friend.

Kitap okan gullar manydan dokdur,

          Olaryň kalbynda şeýtan bolarmy? [4, p. 195]

                Okar men, görer men Föwzi-Kelamy [6, p. 350]

Depderler içinde bir kitap gördüm,

Kasasyl enbiýa” atly ýaranlar. [5, p. 5]

The books in Magtymguly’s hand can be divided into three directions:

Books you read;

Books containing the words of the sages of his time who lived before him;

Collections of his works.

Literary science has not yet succeeded in identifying all the books in Magtymguly’s hands one by one. Because the political and social conditions of ancient times, the scarcity of written sources and reliable information do not allow this. However, valuable information is known about some of them.

In some of his poems, the great wordsmith gives information about some of the books he has read. It should be noted that the poet took the Holy Qur’an as his constant companion. In his poem “Gören gözlerim” he describes his experiences in this field as follows:

         Ýüz-de on dört derwezeden at çapyp gezdim rowan,

   Dört bazary gezip, bir göwheri aldym biguman,

Üç bölek agrap gelip aldy daşymny nägehan,

    Dört pudakly bir şejerge gaçyban çykdym rowan,

                 Şol dört üstünde köp nagmany görgen gözlerim. [3, p. 147]

In the first line of the verse, Magtymguly says that he has completely mastered the 114 periods of the Holy Quran. In the second line, he says that he got his true knowledge from the Qur’an alone, after reading four books – the Torah, the Psalms, the Bible and the Qur’an.

Magtymguly pays great attention to Nowayy’s “Çar diwany”, “Perhat-Şirin”, “Sakynama”, Zahyreddin Babyr’s “Mizan öwzany”, Saady Shirazy’s “Bossan”, Hakany’s “Median”, Firdowsi’s “Şanama” stories in his poem “San bolsam”.

       Okyp bildim Saadynyň men Bossanny”,

Gör, ne ajap Hakanynyň Mediany”,

Istär men Şanama”, Sakynamany”,

       Halyf Omar bilen Süleýman bolsam [6, p. 81]

These books that mention the poet’s name are a small part of the thousands of works he read. Because it is clear that one has to master hundreds and thousands of works in order to talk about world science and think about almost all areas of life.

As for the books written by the great thinker who lived before him and included the words of the wise men of his time, as a result of long years of scientific research, scientists found out that there are works related to Magtymguly in the manuscript collections of different countries of the world. In his time, scholars of Eastern literature in this field were A.N. Samoylovich, Y. E. Bertels, Turkmen scientists B. Garryev, M. Kosayev, R. Rejebov, G. Nazarov, Z. Muhammedova, D. Nuralyev, G. Geldiyev, A. Mulkamanov, N. Gullayev, K. Atayev, A. Meredov, E. Gajarova, Sh. Gandymov, M. Charyev conducted scientific research. As an example, let’s turn to the literary scholar Kakajan Atayev’s collection ” Edebi tapyndylar (Literary Findings)”.

K. Atayev spoke about it in detail and said that while he was reviewing materials related to Turkmen classical literature in the manuscript fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Biruny of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, a manuscript belonging to the great thinker Magtymguly was stored: “It is stored in folder No. 8507 of this treasury. On page 391 of the manuscript, there is an inscription “Heza kitap molla Mahdymkuly” – “Şu kitap Molla Magtymgulynyňky”. These words make it possible to say that Magtymguly wrote it with his own hand.

First of all, the inscription “Şu kitap molla Magtymgulynyňky” may not have been written by anyone other than Magtymguly. And at that time, that is, in the era of illiteracy. Generally, in the East, there is a tradition of marking a book by its owner. Another person does not write his name on a book that is not his.

Second, even though such notations may have been made by the copyists, those inscriptions differ from the letter of the manuscript. It was written in bold capital letters on one side of the manuscript. The letter of the scribe who copied the book is different. His letter is different in style and even political. The inscription “Şu kitap molla Magtymgulynyňky” is also found on the margins of other pages. It is possible that Magtymguly may have marked the necessary parts of the books he read in this manuscript.

Thirdly, the manuscript in folder number 8507 was copied almost a hundred years before Magtymguly lived. It is possible that Dovletmammet Azadi got the manuscript from someone, and Magtymguly inherited it from him. This guarantees that the manuscript belongs to Magtymguly’s personal library, and the last notes on its pages were written by the poet. [1, p. 88]

Such works are not one or two. If scientific research continues, it is possible that such a valuable heritage will be discovered in different parts of the world.

It is a well-known fact that Magtymguly was able to perform the secretarial course at a high level. According to the stories that have become a legend among the people, he used to copy the books in black ink in Nash and Nestali letters of the Arabic alphabet, sitting on the floor in the house of Dovletmammamet Azadi, turning wheat into dry flour, pouring vinegar into it, pouring sugar into it. This work will be completed in 1 month, sometimes 40 days. Azadi signed “Kitap Döwletmämmet ibn Magtymguly Ýonaçy” on the back of his finished book.

In those days, when the manuscript was copied, it became a practice to make notes or scribbles about various issues of life in the blank space at the edge of each page. Magtymguly believed that Azadi wrote various inscriptions in the margins of his manuscript, which he faithfully copied following this rule. Magtymguly approached this work with sincerity and wrote various lines of “Hadis” and “Kasasyl-enbiya” in the margins of the main text.

Magtymguly also absorbed his labor in the margin of the manuscript copied by his grandfather Azadi. One such work, which was copied by Dovletmammet Azadi himself, is a valuable manuscript called “Muhteser”. This valuable manuscript is stored in folder 546 of the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan.

Manuscripts written by Magtymguly did not come down to our days due to various reasons. Here are some lines from the poem “Girýan eýledi” about the poet’s famous works:

Ýazan kitaplarym sile aldyryp,

Gözlerim yzynda girýan eýledi.

Bäş ýylda bir kitap eden işimiz,

                Gyzylbaşlar alyp, weýran eýledi. [2, p. 131].

As told in the folk legends, the Redheads once came to the village, looted the houses, and Magtymguly’s books were gone. Among them, the poet’s essay “Toty guş dilli” was a prey to redheads. People called that book “Hünärler kitaby”. Magtymguly was particularly saddened by this book.

Today, with the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan, the life and creativity of the world thinker Magtymguly Pyragy is thoroughly studied and a wide path is opened for scientific research. As a result of these activities, it helps to carry out scientific research on the works of the master of speech, which are spread not only in the Turkmen land, but also in the countries of the world.

  1. Ataýew K. Edebi tapyndylar,  – Aşgabat: Türkmenistan, 1990.
  2. Magtymguly. Saýlanan goşgular. – Aşgabat: Türkmenistan, 1977.
  3. Magtymguly. Saýlanan eserler. – Aşgabat: Magaryf, 1983.
  4. Magtymguly. Şygyrlar. Üç tomluk. I tom. –Aşgabat: Türkmenistan, 1992.
  5. Magtymguly. Şygyrlar. Üç tomluk. II tom. –Aşgabat: Türkmenistan, 1994.
  6. Magtymguly. Eserler ýygyndysy. – Aşgabat: Ylym, 2014.


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