Меретмухаммедова Айсолтан Тачмухаммедовна1, Гылыева Шемшат Керимовна2
1Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, преподаватель романо-германской кафедры
2Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, преподаватель кафедры туркменской литературы


Meretmuhammedowa Aysoltan Tachmuhammedovna1, Gylyjova Shemshat Kerimovna2
1Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, teacher of Romano-Germanic Department
2Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, teacher of Turkmen literature Department

When talking about the rich literary heritage of Garajaoglan, first of all, it should be mentioned that he is a prominent representative of the famous love poetry in the history of Turkish peoples. In Turkmen literature, the folk song (love song), which is the basis of the national language and songs, traces its roots back to ancient times. An example of this can be the creativity of Bakshis (singers) and poets who have a great reputation among the people.

Keywords: create, famous, heritage, Literature, poet


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Меретмухаммедова А.Т., Гылыева Ш.К. Garajaoglan and lovers’ poetry // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2023. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2023/01/99868 (дата обращения: 28.04.2024).

The Turkmen people have a rich literary heritage and literature that goes back thousands of years.  It is notable that there were a number of eminent masters of words and poets who have done great services in the formation of a unified system of our  literary values.  Ozan – among the poets, who was absorbed into the minds of the people with his poems imbued with the national anthem – is Hasan, the son of Kara Ilyas.

When talking about the rich literary heritage of Garajaoglan, first of all, it should be mentioned that he is a prominent representative of the famous love poetry in the history of Turkish peoples.  Who are the lovers?  To answer this question, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the origin of the culture of lovers.

In Turkmen literature, the folk song (love song), which is the basis of the national language and songs, traces its roots back to ancient times.  An example of this can be the creativity of Bakshis (singers) and poets who have a great reputation among the people.

If we look at the history of the Turkish tribes, they lived in a very large spaces in their ancient history.  They had no written literature.  Ancient poets were called by Turkic tribes in different ways.  People engaged in literary creation were called shaman in the Tungus, bo or bugue in the Buryats, oyun in the Yakuts, kam in the Altai, baksy or bagshi in the Kyrgyz, and poets in the Oghuz tribes.

After the adoption of Islam, it became a basic tradition for the Oghuz to consider their music as sacred.  If you pay attention, Grandfather Gorkut comes out from all sides with his music in his hands.  When Alys blesses the journey, and when the baby needs to be named, she always has music in her hands.  In «Gorogly» folk song, it is traditionally to express one’s words, wishes, and desires with music and words.  This tradition, which comes from the ancient Oguz poets, has become «yeast» for all Turkmen poets.

According to the Turkish scholar, professor Umay Gunai, poets have preserved their religious and literary qualities, and the representatives of this group were called lovers.

In the book «Dictionary of Literary Terms» by Rahman Rejepov, a well-known Turkmen scientist, this term is called «lover» and an explanation is given.

Lovers’ poems are widely used in Turkish literature at the beginning of the 16th century.  Poets such as Yunus Emre, Pir Soltan Abdal, Garajaoglan, Dadeliogly, Dertli are the main representatives of lovers’ poetry.  Although the representatives of this poetry are generally close to each other in terms of creative traditions, each of them has its own creative features.

In contrast to other representatives of lovers’ poetry, the concept of beauty gradually takes the main place in Garajaoglan’s poetry.  The poet regards beauty as the main sign of life and becomes its true light.  The desire to see beauty everywhere, to make life meaningful with beauty, to be motivated and inspired by beauty is a characteristic of Garajaoglan’s creativity.

The name of the famous poet of the 17th century Garajaoglan gained great popularity among the Turkmen people.  As a poet, Shahir did not introduce himself to the Turkic world, but his fate turned into a tragedy, and even though he lived in a foreign place, he took a worthy place with his sharp talent.

There are many different sources of information about the origin of Garajaoglan.  The poet mentions that he was born in 1606 in the following lines:

In one thousand and fifteen they called my name –

According to the available information, it is said that Garajaoglan is supposed to have lived Balkan, Sonudag, Gyzyletrek regions two centuries before Magtymguly.  In honor of Uzin Hasan, the ruler of the Akgoyunly Turkmen state, his parents named him Hasan, then he was called as Garajaoglan among the people, and his name Hasan was forgotten.  The poet died around 1679 or 1689.  Another information says that the poet lived till the age of 96 and died land of Jesel in Malash.

Garajaoglan has a unique creativity. As his poems are as sweet as the spring breeze, they are turning into songs by themselves. His except his Garajaoglan poetry, Garajaoglan was also a famous musician. Though there is no information about his family status and academic level, there is a lot of information that shows that he is a famous musician and singer-poet.  He traveled from country to country, province to province with a pen and a musical instrument and visited many cities and countries.  As it can be seen from his poems, the poet lived in cities and provinces such as Marash, Urfa, Aleppo, Damascus, Mumbuj, Egypt, Aydin, Ankara, Diyarbakir.  The poet created his poems for music.  His songs deserve the great love of our readers, and they are listened to with great pleasure.  This event itself informs that he is a poet who has won the love of people.  Let’s look at the following lines from the poem «Yaz bilen»:

… Wish I could go to Munbugaga, and wander in plains

Wish I could fresh water with ice

Wish I could have the right roads to Friend,

Wish I could have tongues like a nightingale,

Wish I could have lakes to row a boat,

Wish full of ducks and geese in it

As it can be seen from the lines of this poem, Garajaoglan informs about the poet’s keen talent and skill in expressing his views on friendship and brotherhood based on the wonders of nature – beautiful plains, stagnant water, and lakes.

Garajaoglan, who lived with the dream of returning to the land where he was born, was absorbed in his poems praising the beautiful nature of the Motherland. He often mentions the beautiful views of the huge Kopetdag, the ancient Karakum slopes, and brings to imagine us fancy the rich flora and fauna.  Irrelevant plains, mountains surrounded by thick forests, gardens, streams, grazing cattle, wild animals, birds, and hardworking livestock seem very warm to his eyes.  The gentle breeze blowing in the green field, the beautiful sight of various flowers, the sound of fountains and birds cheers him up:

The rain will fall, the flowers will blossom.

As the wind blows, it will bring the scent of flowers.

Yellow flowers will blossom everywhere

Your posy will be adorned with flowers, mountains.

Garajaoglan does not talk about human beauty, his high dignity, sacred love, country, friendship, unity, moral purity with simplicity. In every poem, he hits the grain of a person’s delicate feelings, awakens love for life, makes him remember the past – the future, get excited, passionate, be happy, sad, and think deeply.  Poems of the poet impress many people with their simple gentleness, easy and fluent reading, melodiousness and perfection.  The depth of his point of view, wisdom, wealth of thought, kind and warm love for man, the beauty of humanity awakens sweet dreams in the heart of every reader.

The life and creativity of Garajaoglan, the influence of his poems on the development of the literature of different countries, are widely studied not only in Turkmenistan and Turkey, but also in Europe and America.  Scientific conferences dedicated to the poet’s works are held, bibliographic works are published, films and  plays are staged.  Art works dedicated to Garajaolan are created.  Doctoral and candidate dissertations dedicated to his creativity are defended in scientific centers.

Garajaoglan left his people beautiful poems as haritage.  According to some sources, the poet has about 500 poem including 9000 verses. What’s more, there are four types of folk songs created about Garajaoglan.  Polish scientist Aleksandr Hodzko-Boreyko, Turkish ethnographer Aly Ryza Yalgyn, German scientist Klaus-Detlew Waning, Turkmen scientists A. Mulkamanov, Doctor of Linguistics and Literature Annagurban Ashyrov have the great contribuition to the study of the rich literary heritage of Garajaoglan.

  1. D. Rejebov. Welcome me with music and words… // Literature and Art Magazine.  March 3, 2017.
  2. History of Turkmen literature. Volume I.  – Ashgabat, 1975
  3. R. Rejepov. Dictionary of terms related to literary science. – Ashgabat, 1966
  4. Karajaoglan. – Ashgabat: Heritage, 2006

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