Айдогдыева Бахар Ровшеновна
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули


Aydogdiyeva Bahar Rovshenovna
Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Our honorable Arkadag not only cares about the education of the young generation, but also pays special attention to the fact that the education of the generation should be carried out at a high level, and makes every effort to create valuable books that help in the education of the generation.

Keywords: education, generation, people, proverb


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Айдогдыева Б.Р. «Source of wisdom» is a treasure of education // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2022. № 11 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2022/11/99279 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

Our beloved Arkadag is not only concerned about the material welfare of our people, but he is also very concerned about educating the young generation who are developing spiritually and morally. If we want to have a generation who will develop our country even more than before, we should be a generation who is patriotic, loyal to our nation and our national Leader, morally clean, hardworking, and has a wide outlook, then it is a great year to carry out the important educational work that should be carried out in this regard, that is, people working in various professions. Those who are taking professions, elders, mentors, masters, and pedagogues must have a special service to complete.

In this regard, the books written by our Hero Arkadag, as well as the works were created by his great efforts, are valuable treasures. One such work is the book “Source of wisdom”. Narrations from the lyrical genre of folk creative works, which have not lost their importance even today, have found their rightful place in this book. They used to say, «If you have a mind, follow the mind, and if you don’t have a mind, follow the story». Narratives, which are the source of wisdom and intelligence, play an important role in human life. Therefore, this folk creative resource is widely used in the context of school education, which is not used only in one year. School, in turn, prepares young people for society.

Man is the greatest value of society. Man has created society and has been managing it, reforming it, and continuing it for centuries. It strives to maintain a strong foundational approach to community governance. Each society has its own distinctive features, and its attitude is determined and shaped by the people living in that society. Because the treasure of upbringing is concentrated on his folk works and stories. Perhaps it is called a national characteristic. Many books were written, reprinted, material and non-material cultural heritage was created, studied, and folk works were passed on to the future generations in order to transmit those national characteristics to the future generations.

Of course, parenting is a very responsible, complex, non-stop, continuous, day-to-day work, a phenomenon. If we turn to scientific sources, we find that education begins in the family and is formed in society. Cared by the state is important for the growing young generation to be brought up in the family in accordance with the requirements. From that point of view, the policy of the state guarantees what kind of person the child will be in the society. Thus, the «chain» of «State – school – family» is formed. As an example of such logic, our honorable Arkadag not only cares about the education of the young generation, but also pays special attention to the fact that the education of the generation should be carried out at a high level, and makes every effort to create valuable books that help in the education of the generation.

In the book «Source of wisdom» the narratives, which are pearls of Turkmen folklore, are grouped.

In the section «Faith to heart, inspiration to soul» of the book, our beloved Arkadag  said to the readers: – National heritage is the source of human perfection, the golden crown of elegance and beauty. The book also contains the following words: «The wise words of our forefathers, which have come down to us today, are our treasure, which sums up the life and destiny of our people, the sweet value of words and music, and are a diamond of beauty.»

The book «Source of wisdom» is a collection of stories, in which attention is paid to five main directions in human life: patriotism and heroism, manners and morality, science and education, nature and labor, and philosophy of life. Let’s give some examples. It should be noted that stories are actually not only a source of education for the younger generation, but also a source of education for the older generation.

In the section «Patriotism and heroism advices» of the collection of stories: If the country is prosperous, no one has worry; He who loves his parents greatly loves his Motherland; Even the smoke of my country is much more pleasant than other countries fire; The people is the mirror of the people; The mouth of country is a miracle; The perfect man is known from perfection; Brave in war, wise in council; Think of yourself as milk, and your friend as cream; the young man is in war and the old man is in council, there are sayings like those in book.

The section of the book «Courtesy and moral advices»: A man lives one life, and his manners – two; People are known by culture, country – by flag; A clever son is respected, a clever girl is valuable; The world of the father is kind to the son; A true friend is known in council, a brave man in war; Don’t fear from a wise enemy, fear a foolish friend; a sweet-tongued person has many friends, there are sayings like those in book.

In its section «Science, education and profession advices»: A man is known by his mind, a caravan by its bell; Peace brings virtue, but conflict loses virtue; Mind is the master of science; The scientist will bring flowers, the bee will bring honey; Art is a source, science is a light; True genius will leak out even if it is between two rocks; The book teaches the past and the future; To take science is to dig a well with a needle; Without a disciple, there is no teacher;

In its section « Vital philosophy »: If you want to be virtue – don’t say too much, if you want be healthy – don’t eat too much; There is no wealth greater than intelligence, nothing more valuable than health; Inheritance from father to son, from mother to daughter;; Health is wealth;  Mother is Kabe, father is Qibla; If the brave is born, the countryr is happy, if it rains – the earth; Truth is worth more than gold; there are sayings like those in book.There are proverbs such as the one who perseveres will get what he wants.

The section of the book «About nature and labor»: A high tree has a heavy fruit; Plant the apple in the desert, but plant pear in the hill; A garden will not be without abundant, a horse will not be without beauty; Movement from the farm is an abundance from the earth; The garden said: «Look after me, I also look after you»; I have luck, I have everything;; Legal labor is an eternal state; there are sayings like those in book.

In the section of the collection of narratives «The light of the principle of life»: «Behind each narrative, which has a deep meaning of folk creativity, emerged on the basis of people’s life experiences and creative research over the centuries, lies incredible meaning, common sense, our ancient language wealth and speech culture.» . – said the observer, doctor of philological sciences Annagurban Ashyrov.

The book provides explanations of old and outdated Turkmen words that match in proverbs, describes the beauty of Turkmen nature, national characteristics of our people, traditions, national children’s games, first schools, teacher-apprenticeship school, our national heritage, scientists, thinkers of the East, historical books, historical figures. The illustrations add value to the collection.

As we have seen, in the book «Source of the wisdom» there are proverbs and sayings of ancestors, which contain the wisdom of our ancestors about all aspects of education. It is important to educate the younger generation in morals, intelligence, beauty (aesthetic), body, work, professional orientation (polytechnic), civilized behavior in public (ethical), ecological, economic education. In the book “source of wisdom”, we are taught life lessons by sayings about all aspects of education. That is why this book can be called, literally, a treasure of education and upbringing.

The book «Source of wisdom» is deeply studied by our people, as well as in all educational institutions of the country. It has become a favorite book of people, especially pedagogues. This important work of our beloved Arkadag, dedicated to the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, consisting of Turkmen proverbs, has been translated into several languages. Because the book « Source of wisdom » serves as a treasure of wisdom and education for generations, so it is really precious treasure.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhameov, “Source of wisdom”. Ashgabat,  2016.
  2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Education – happiness, prosperity, success. Ashgabat, 2014.
  3. H. Gochmuradov, Turkmen folklore. Ashgabat, 2010.
  4. G. Otdiyev, Turkmen folklore. Ashgabat, 2010.
  5. Turkmen folk proverbs. Ashgabat, 2005.

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