Зухрилаев Отабек Шухратьон Угли
Андижанский машиностроительный институт


Zuhrillayev Otabek Shuhratjon o'g'li
Andijan Machine Building institute
master degree

We know that today the demand for pump electric drives has increased. Pumps are widely used in industry, agriculture, household and machinery industry.

Keywords: capacity, driving modes in quadrant division, electric power, household, pump, step

Рубрика: 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Зухрилаев О.Ш.У. Analysis of water pump efficiency // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2021. № 3 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2021/03/94948 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024).

Water pump is a device to transport liquid from one place to another. This device is used in most of household in Indonesia. Small-scale water pump which is effective to lift more discharge is generally used. The ones that are most preferred are centrifugal types which having low absorbability. Pump performance is limited by pressure level in real electrical power whereas pump efficiency is influenced by head and discharge. The research aims to find out the efficiency of five distinct brands of home water pumps which are broadly distributed in market

pumps were classified by their design. However, a functional classification is often more relevant. From a functional perspective, a hydraulic machine has four driving modes since both the flow direction and the pressure difference over the machine can be varied. Therefore, it is common to divide the operation modes into quadrants, as in Fig.1

The flow direction can be changed by either changing the sign of the dis placement setting or the rotational speed. Therefore, there are in fact eight different driving modes, which are graphically represented in Fig. 3.4. However, it is hard to think of applications where it would make sense to be able to change both the sign of the displacement and the speed, since these cancel each other out. Therefore, the quadrant representation is sufficient, but with either displacement setting or rotational speed as a replacement for the flow direction. Traditionally, the displacement setting is used to define the flow direction since it has not been relevant to change rotational speed in machines driven by combustion engines. But again, electrification changes the conditions

Figure1. Driving modes in quadrant division

This study was conducted over several steps, including literature review, problem formulation and identification, concept development through theoretical study, field survey, collecting data, and processing data. The next step is to do the trial tool experiment towards 5 (five) water pump brands which are commonly used in the society. The 5 (five) brands of water pump are taken by equating in term of electric water pump, ammeter, electrical supply, power, capacitor, discharge, minimum flow height, suction power and thrust

Table-1. Specifications Of Pump

In the laboratory trial, water volume, time, pressure, ammeter, and voltage are taken as variables. Those variables will be used to analyze the data. Secondary data such as society scenarios, data technical and operational area taken by. Water demand at south lubuklinggau is about 100 l/d for 5 people in one house with tank capacity 0,5 m3. In analyzing the data, variables which should be evaluated are discharge, pressure, hydraulic power, electric power, and pump efficiency.

Discharge is amount of the volume of liquid which flows through a flow section per unit of time (m3/minute) or other units (l/s). The formula of volumetric flow is expressed as follow:

Pressure is defined as the amount of force in each area unit. If the force is distributed evenly on the area unit, the pressure is determined by dividing the force and area as given below

Hydraulic power is the power required for the pump to lift an amount of liquid at a particular height. Hydraulic power is sought with the following equation:

Electric power is electrical energy which is produced or needed per time unit. Electric power is counted through this following equation:

Pump efficiency is the ratio between energy which is added to water with the energy of the motor that add more energy. The equation of pump efficiency is written as follow:

While the total efficiency is a comparison between the received energy with the energy supplied by the electricity:

Figure 2. Skets of pumps on laboratory study

Number of household water demand at South Lubuklinggu per sector can be seen inthe following table2

Table-2. Household water demand

In the result of the result test, it is known that the water pressure is low on a high volume flow rate, whereas it is high on a low volume flow rate. So it can be inferred that volume flow rate is inversely proportional to the pump pressure. Due to a low pressure at the suction side of the pump, the liquid will go up at a certain depth, while because of a high pressure on the discharge side will force the liquid to go up to the expecting height.

  1. A study of water pump efficiency for household water demand at Lubuklinggau Anna Emiliawati AIP Conference Proceedings 1903, 100003 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5011613
  2. Anonymous, Lubuklinggau Dalam Angka, (Central Agency of Statistics, Lubuklinggau, 2013)
  3. Fermana. Abdhi, M.Eng. thesis, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 2012. 3. Helmi, M.Eng. thesis, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 2014
  4. Igor. J. Karassik, Joseph P. Messina, Paul Cooper, Charles C. Heald, Pump Handbook, Third Edition, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001) p 2.327 – 2.404
  5. Kalsim, Dedi Kusnadi, Teknik Irigasi dan Drainase : Irigasi Pompa, (FATETA ,Institusi Pertanian Bogor, Jawa Barat, 2013) p 62.
  6. Leland, Blank and Tarquin, Anthony, Engineering Economy Sixth Edition, (Mc Graw Hill, New York, 2005) p168-343.

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