Глущенко Валерий Владимирович
Московский политехнический университет
доктор технических наук, профессор Центра проектной деятельности

Предметом статьи являются информационные технологии анализа лояльности сотрудников организаций; объектом статьи является лояльность персонала организаций; целью статьи является повышение эффективности анализа лояльности персонала организаций; для достижения поставленной цели в данной статье решаются следующие задачи: исследование сущности лояльности персонала организаций; описание информационной модели лояльности сотрудника организации.; анализ моделей организационного поведения сотрудников организации; формирование математической модели оценки улучшения конкурентных позиций организации после анализа лояльности персонала; методами научного исследования в статье являются информатика, логический анализ, теория организационного поведения, модели поведения сотрудников, сравнительный анализ, анализ эффективности; научная новизна статьи определяется развитием информационных технологий и моделей анализа лояльности персонала организаций.

Ключевые слова: анализ, информационные технологии, конкурентная позиция, лояльность, модель, организационное поведение, оценка, персонал, принцип, управление, эффективность


Glushchenko Valery Vladimirovich
Moscow Polytechnic University
Professor of the Project Activity Center

The subject of the article is information technologies for analyzing employee loyalty in organizations; the object of the article is the loyalty of the staff of organizations; the purpose of the article is to improve the effectiveness of the analysis of the loyalty of the staff of organizations; to achieve this goal, this article solves the following tasks: research of the essence of the loyalty of the staff of organizations; description of the information model of the loyalty of the employee of the organization; analysis of the models of organizational behavior of the employees of the organization.; formation of a mathematical model for assessing the improvement of the competitive position of an organization after analyzing the loyalty of personnel; the methods of scientific research in the article are computer science, logical analysis, theory of organizational behavior, employee behavior models, comparative analysis, efficiency analysis; the scientific novelty of the article is determined by the development of information technologies and models for analyzing the loyalty of personnel of organizations.

Keywords: analysis, competitive position, efficiency, evaluation, information technology, loyalty, Management, organizational behavior, personnel, principle


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Глущенко В.В. Information technologies for analyzing employee loyalty in organizations // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2021. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2021/04/95398 (дата обращения: 07.02.2025).

Introduction. The relevance of this article in 2021 is determined by the fact that the problem of increasing staff loyalty is one of the main ones. Additional relevance to the problem of increasing staff loyalty is given by: the continuation of the global crisis; the aggravation of competition between organizations in the markets; the development of competition between organizations for personnel.

The hypothesis of the article is the assumption that conducting a scientific analysis of the loyalty of employees of organizations will improve the competitive position of the organization.

The purpose of the article is to improve the effectiveness of the analysis of the loyalty of the personnel of organizations.

To achieve this goal, this article solves the following tasks:

- research on the essence of employee loyalty in organizations;

- descriptions of the employee loyalty model of the organization;

- analysis of organizational behavior patterns of employees;

- formation of a mathematical model for assessing the improvement of the competitive position of the organization after analyzing the loyalty of the staff.

The object of the article is the loyalty of the staff of organizations.

The subject of the article is the formation of a methodology for analyzing the loyalty of employees of organizations.

At the beginning of the 21st century, research is being conducted on the essence of employee loyalty in organizations [1, p. 392-395]. They study loyalty as a scientific category of management systems in organizations [2, p. 221-226]. An important area of research is the theoretical basis for the formation of personnel loyalty programs [3, p. 137-138]. The analysis shows the possibility of creating unsuccessful programs to ensure the loyalty of employees of organizations [4, p. 31-33]. At the same time, studies show the existence of the influence of staff loyalty on consumer loyalty [5, p.165-173]. They form brand loyalty models in higher education [6, p. 49-53]. The factors determining the level of loyalty of the university staff are studied [7, p. 20-25]. The relationship between psychological comfort and loyalty of the organization’s personnel is revealed [8, p. 97-106]. Staff loyalty needs to be managed [9, p. 86-89]. Motivation affects the level of loyalty of subjects of professional activity [10, p. 116-123].

Systems for measuring loyalty are synthesized [11, p. 298-304].

They study the effectiveness of loyalty programs of leading companies [12, p. 336-340]. Assess the impact of loyalty programs on the competitiveness of the organization [13, p. 215-221].

It is possible to develop methods for assessing the degree of loyalty of the organization’s personnel [14, p. 4-8].

Studies show the dependence of the organization’s competitiveness on the effectiveness of personnel loyalty programs [15, p. 875-879]. Game theory is used to model the loyalty of an organization’s customers [16, p. 26-32]. They propose to form a policy of increasing the loyalty of employees of organizations, the paradigm of increasing the loyalty of staff [17; 18, p. 272-291]. It is necessary to develop the industry practice of creating programs to increase the loyalty of employees of the organization [19, p. 68-76]. Employee loyalty can be determined within the framework of the theory of organizational behavior [20, p. 75-88].

Employee loyalty can be assessed using management neuromarketing methods [21, p. 182-192].

The analysis of publications on the topic of the article conducted in this article showed the following:

1) employee loyalty is an important variable in the activities of organizations;

2) the work on the assessment of employee loyalty using information technology was not found.

Therefore, the topic of this article is relevant.

The fact that a generation of post-millennials is entering the labor market makes this article even more relevant. People of this generation believe that organizations should think about their loyalty to their employees [22, p. 109-111].

Method. The analysis of the loyalty of the organization’s personnel will be called the establishment of the relationship between the level of loyalty of the organization’s personnel and its competitive position. The competitive position of the organization is characterized by the following indicators: production volume; market share; profit of the organization and others.

The principles of analyzing the loyalty of employees of the organization will be called the main methodological provisions of such an analysis. The principles of analyzing the loyalty of employees of an organization can be considered: the use of a scientifically based analysis methodology; a systematic approach to such analysis; the timeliness of the analysis; the accuracy and reliability of the results; the practical use of the results of such analysis; taking into account the strategy and nature of the organization’s activities, and others.

We can recommend starting the analysis of employee loyalty with the analysis of this concept itself. At the same time, you need to take into account the nature of the organization’s activities. For example, you need to consider whether such activities are routine or innovative.

The term “loyalty” is often used. At the same time, this term can have different interpretations. The concept of “loyalty” comes from the French word “loyal”. This word means “faithful” in translation. In practice, loyalty is often understood as a favorable attitude towards something or someone. There are such types of loyalty: customer loyalty; employee loyalty; subordinates ‘loyalty; managers’ loyalty, and more.

In this article, we will distinguish such states of loyalty of an employee of an organization: full loyalty; partial loyalty; disloyalty (negative loyalty); formal loyalty; external loyalty; imitation of loyalty, and more.

Formal loyalty is characterized by the fact that an employee is loyal only in formally defined situations. The external loyalty of an employee concerns only the visible aspects of its activities. Imitation of loyalty consists in hiding the employee’s disloyalty by demonstrating ostentatious external loyalty, using flattery.

In this article, loyalty is considered as a type of organizational behavior of an employee. The organizational behavior of an employee of the company will be called the sequence of his actions within the framework of his official activity. By predicting the behavior of an employee, we will understand the extrapolation of his behavior. Extrapolation is the continuation of the process trends into the future.

Research materials of post-millennials give grounds to speak about loyalty as a state of two types of relations [22, p. 109-111]: the attitude of an organization to its employees; the attitude of employees to their organization. In this paper, loyalty will be understood as the employee’s attitude to the organization.

In his research, Frederick Hertzberg found that the process of satisfaction and the process of employee dissatisfaction are two different processes.

On this basis, we will assume the following:

- the positive loyalty process and the negative loyalty process are two different processes;

- positive and negative loyalty of the same employee can be observed simultaneously.

The concept of “loyalty” should be considered as a scientific category. The essence of a scientific category is revealed by its functions and roles. In this article, under the functions of loyalty, it is proposed to understand such functions in the organization’s management system:

1) ensuring the functioning of the organization’s management system on the basis of established rules;

2) formation and maintenance of a certain organizational culture of the enterprise;

3) creating a favorable internal environment of the organization;

4) formation of a favorable external environment of the organization;

5) an additional source of the organization’s resources;

6) reducing the risk of internal conflicts in the organization;

7) reducing the risk of external conflicts in the organization.

The roles of loyalty of the organization’s personnel can be called: the ability to predict the results of the organization’s activities; reduction of damage in the organization’s activities.

The loyalty of the organization to its employee consists in creating: a certain workplace; maintaining comfortable working conditions; a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere; conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of employees; a sufficient level of material remuneration; the existence of a system of non-material remuneration; a certain social status of employees; conditions for respect for human rights. The employee’s loyalty to the organization consists in: the employee’s compliance with the internal regulations; compliance with the requirements of labor discipline; conscientious performance of official duties; showing initiative and other things.

The loyalty of an organization to the elements of its external or internal environment can be considered.

The relations of loyalty of an organization with the elements of its external environment can be divided into the following parts: loyalty of state structures to the organization and vice versa; loyalty of the organization to suppliers and vice versa; loyalty of the organization to customers and vice versa.

Internal loyalty in an organization can be divided into the following parts: loyalty of the owners of the organization to the staff and vice versa; loyalty of the organization to individual groups (formal or informal) of employees and vice versa; loyalty of individual groups of personnel to each other; loyalty of the organization to individual employees (individuals) and vice versa.

Loyal (positively loyal) relationships between groups of entities in an organization can lead to economic and financial synergies. This synergy takes place as a result of the concerted actions of all participants in the organization’s activities.

The effect of economic and financial synergy in loyal relationships can be the result of: constructive use of all information; fruitful cooperation of system elements; joint innovative creativity of various entities of the organization; joint generation of ideas.

Disloyal (negatively loyal) relationships between groups of subjects can lead to an asinergetic effect. This effect occurs as a result of the implementation of risks, damages to the activities of the organization. Disloyalty of employees increases the risks in the organization’s activities. By their financial consequences, the risks of staff disloyalty can be: acceptable (loss of profit); critical (loss of revenue); catastrophic (loss of the organization’s solvency).

Risks in the organization’s activities arise as a result of: lack of timely solutions; conflict of parts of the organization; unsatisfactory solution of the organization’s problems; resolution of the conflict of interests in favor of the individual, not the organization; leakage of insider information; the occurrence of various types of conflicts between the participants of the organization’s activities.

The loyalty of the organization to innovation will be considered the behavior of the employees of the organization, which supports the proactive way of individual or collective behavior.

Innovative behavior is described by the systematic development of new ways of activity by employees.

Innovative behavior is characterized by the production of new objects of material and spiritual culture of the organization.

A model of innovative behavior of an organization employee can be developed. This model can take the form of a table. The rows in this table contain the last names of the organization’s employees. The columns in this model correspond to the elements of the employee’s loyal behavior. Elements of loyal innovative behavior of employees of organizations can be called: the proactive nature of their research (column №1, F1); a high degree of scientific novelty in creativity (column № 2, F2); the regular nature of creative processes (column № 3, F3); employee participation in organizational changes (column № 4, F4); information openness of the employee (column № 5, F5); democratic employee in decision-making (column № 6, F6); democratic employee in creative relationships (column №7, F7); employee’s focus on achieving high usefulness of the results of scientific research (column № 8, F8). This allows you to build a model of innovative loyal behavior of employees of the organization, which is shown in Table 1.

Table No. 1. Information model of loyalty behavior of an employee of the organization (fragment)



Loyalty Factors/ Last Name, First Name, Patronymic












Ivanov P. P.






Petrov S.I.






Sidorov I.I.   +





Source: developed by the author

Negatively loyal (disloyal) behavior in relation to innovation can be called employee behavior, which is characterized by: the use of formal restrictions to inhibit innovation (column №1-Fn1); information secrecy in the implementation of scientific work (column №2-Fn2); violation of objectivity in the evaluation of employees (column № 3-Fn3); underestimation of the results of the work of other employees (column № 4-Fn4); violation of fairness in the remuneration of employees (column № 5-Fn5); and others. Based on this data, a table can be built to predict the level of disloyalty of an employee. This table will have the same appearance as table № 1.

This type of table provides an integral assessment of the loyalty/disloyalty of the organization’s employees. These estimates can be extrapolated from the past to the future. This provides a basis for predicting the behavior of an organization employee.

It is possible to build information models of loyalty/disloyalty of employees of the organization in certain areas of its activities. The model for such forecasting can look like this. The rows in this table (as in the case of table 1) correspond to the surnames, first names, and patronymics of the organization’s employees. The columns of this table correspond to the actions of employees in the implementation of various projects (project №1, P1; project №2, P2; etc.). For example, a table of employee information openness in the implementation of a sequence of projects can be constructed. An example of an employee’s information openness model is shown in Table No.2. A value can be set at the intersection of a row and a column. This value is in the range from 0 to 1. The last column shows the average loyalty score for all projects (average value -AV).

This value characterizes the degree of information openness in the organization’s projects. Information openness is an expression of loyalty to the organization. Information secrecy is a manifestation of the employee’s disloyalty to the organization.

Table No.2. Information openness (loyalty) employee in relation to the organization (fragment).



Projects/ Last Name, First Name, Patronymic












Ivanov P.P.






Petrov S. I.






Sidorov I.I. 0,5





Source: developed by the author

In the process of analyzing employee loyalty, there may be errors in evaluating employee loyalty. When performing the “loyal”/ “disloyal” assessment, errors of the first and second kind are possible. These types of errors are known in mathematical statistics. The first kind of error in assessing loyalty is to recognize the actually loyal employee as disloyal. The second kind of error in assessing loyalty is the recognition of an actually disloyal employee as loyal.

The well-known fact of ambiguity in the interpretation of the concept of “loyalty” can also have a great impact on the possibility of various kinds of errors in the process of evaluating loyalty. Building a loyalty model reduces this risk.

When understanding the essence of loyalty, it should be taken into account that the concept of “loyalty” is closely related, but does not coincide with such concepts as “trustworthiness”, “satisfaction”, “integrity”, “discipline”, “motivation”, “stimulation”, “control”, etc.

The difference between the concepts of “motive” and “loyalty” is as follows. A motive is the psycho-physical urge of an individual to act. Loyalty is the assessment by the managers of the organization of the nature of the action or inaction committed by an employee (under the influence of a motive).

Let’s consider the specifics of the content of loyalty in various theories of motivation. Consider the motivation model called the “pyramid of needs” by Aboaham Maslow. The conditions of employee loyalty can be considered consistent satisfaction of their needs: physiological needs; security needs; social needs; needs for respect; needs for self-expression. Let us consider F. Hertzberg’s theory of motivation. The conditions of employee loyalty will be the satisfaction of their hygienic and motivating needs. Within the framework of David McClelland’s acquired needs theory, an employee will be loyal to the organization provided that their needs are met: in achieving success; the needs of participation (belonging); the needs of power.

For high-tech corporations, procedural theories of motivation may be more appropriate. These theories of motivation take into account: the cost of employees ‘ efforts in achieving the result; the value of remuneration for the employee.

Within the framework of Viktor Vroom’s theory of expectations, it can be said that employee loyalty is determined by the ratio: the value of the types of remuneration received/ the level of expectations of remuneration of various types. Employee disloyalty can occur if it turns out that the employee’s expectations related to working in the organization are not confirmed.

When considering loyalty in the structure of John Stacy Adams ‘ theory of justice, one can say the following. The condition for employee loyalty is that they recognize their personal remuneration as fair. Remuneration corresponding to the employee’s personal contribution to the scientific, practical and financial results of the innovation project can be considered fair. If an employee considers that they are not being treated fairly, then the following forms of disloyalty (negative loyalty) may occur): reduced effort in the innovation process; an attempt to make demands for an increase in their remuneration; the search for a new job, and more.

Douglas McGregor’s X-theory is more suitable for describing the motivation and loyalty of employees of organizations that carry out routine processes. In these organizations, there is a clear division of responsibilities of employees and strict control of execution. Within the framework of this theory, a disciplined employee who has the necessary work skills can be considered loyal.

In the case of applying the Y-theory of Douglas McGregor, the loyalty of managers and subordinates can be considered. A loyal manager can be recognized as a manager who: creates conditions for the disclosure of the potential (self-actualization) of subordinates; rationally delegates authority to them. A loyal employee should be recognized as one who is characterized by the following: performs his work efficiently; performs the work in a given time; takes the initiative at the right time; shows an innovative approach to the performance of his functions; initiates overdue changes, etc.

Within the framework of this theory, the forms of expression of the manager’s disloyalty to the organization can be: the inhibition of employee innovation; the creation of difficulties in the work of subordinate employees active in the field of innovation, etc. An expression of disloyalty of employees can be considered: the lack of innovative proposals; unwillingness to take on additional responsibility in the course of innovation; self-exclusion from taking responsibility for innovation, and others.

William Oachey’s Z-theory says that depending on the conditions created by the organization’s management, personnel can behave within the framework of X or Y-theory. This actually confirms the hypothesis formulated in this paper about the relativity of the concept of employee loyalty: an employee can simultaneously be loyal to the organization in some aspects of his work and disloyal to the organization in other aspects of his work.

This indicates the need to assess the loyalty of staff in connection with the following factors: the specifics of the economic, financial, technological activities of the organization; the organizational culture of the organization. The need to take into account the organizational culture is explained by the fact that within the framework of such a culture, the moral and psychological climate of joint work of the staff is formed.

The analysis of the essence of the “loyalty” category performed in this article creates conditions for creating a model of employee loyalty in the organization. The following factors can be included in the model of loyal behavior of an employee of an organization: compliance with the current legislation; compliance with the regulations; compliance with the internal regulations of the organization; compliance with their job descriptions; benevolence of the employee in relation to the strategic plans of the organization; tact, courtesy, and consideration of the employee in relation to colleagues; benevolence, courtesy, and consideration of the employee when communicating with clients; compliance of the employee’s professional actions with the requirements imposed on them by the qualification and / or technological map of his activity, and others.

This is a model of loyal behavior of an employee of an organization in its routine production processes.

When assessing the loyalty of employees of innovation departments, the model of loyal behavior of an employee can include his ability to: generate new ideas and proposals; respect other people’s copyrights; risk a promising career in order to achieve innovative leadership of the organization; a benevolent attitude to the innovative proposals of other employees; objectively evaluate the scientific results of other employees; fairly assess the scientific significance and scientific novelty of innovative concepts and proposals; pay employees in full the royalties due to them for innovations and other things.

In this paper, we propose a factor model of loyal behavior of employees in its routine or innovative versions. These models can be used to increase the degree of validity and objectivity of the assessment of employee loyalty in the organization. The proposed model can be formalized in the form of a table. These tables will have the same appearance as tables 1 and 2. This table can include all the listed factors in their expert assessment.

As a result of such modeling, an absolute and/or relative assessment of the employee’s loyalty to the organization can be obtained. In order to ensure the growth of objectivity, such employee loyalty assessments can be determined based on the opinions of several subjects (for example, direct and superior managers; work colleagues; employees of related departments; customers of the organization, and others). Such an estimate can be considered multivariate.

Comparing different types of employee loyalty assessments with each other: increases the statistical accuracy and reliability of the employee loyalty assessment of the organization; opens up the opportunity to get important information. This information will characterize the specifics of the loyalty requirements on the part of all participants in such an assessment.

The analysis of a retrospective (historical) series of employee loyalty assessments can open up an opportunity to study the dynamics of the level of employee loyalty over time. This analysis will allow you to identify management decisions that have affected the level of loyalty of employees of the organization.

If we approach the study of personnel loyalty from the point of view of the methodology of the behavioral direction in management, we can find the dialectical and situational nature of determining and controlling loyalty in the behavior of the organization’s personnel. The dialectical aspect in assessing loyalty in employee behavior is related to the following. The fact of loyalty or non-loyalty of an employee of the organization can be established by monitoring the actions of the employee. These actions are performed by the employee in the course of performing his official duties in compliance with the internal regulations.

In the methodology of organizational behavior, there are four types of human behavior in the organization. Identifying the types of employee behavior in an organization is based on studying the combination of key elements of behavior. There are such types of behavior of employees of organizations. A dedicated and disciplined member of the organization (the first type of behavior) is characterized by the following: the employee accepts the values and norms of behavior in the organization; the employee tries to behave in such a way that his actions do not contradict the interests of the organization. It is possible to reliably judge the loyal behavior of an employee only if the interests of the organization and its employee coincide and are interdependent. You should also consider the possibility of a conflict of interest between the employee and the organization.

The second type of behavior is characterized by the following: the employee does not fully or partially accept the values of the organization; the employee does not fully sincerely behave; the employee hides his opinion in order to preserve himself in the organization; the employee tries to formally behave correctly; the employee emphatically follows the norms and forms of behavior established in the organization. This type of behavior is called adaptive. This type of loyalty level of employee behavior can be recognized as the most common. Formal, external loyalty of such employees takes place in the successful course of business in the organization. If problems arise in the organization, the formal loyalty of the employee can be replaced by relative loyalty or disloyalty of the employee in the event of an organization falling into a crisis.

In relation to such employees, the management of the organization may make a second kind of mistake: to recognize an internally disloyal employee as a loyal employee.

The third type of employee behavior is called “original”. This type of employee behavior is characterized by the following: the person basically accepts the values of the corporation; the employee does not accept individual patterns of behavior or some formal aspects of the functioning of the organization; being a sincere person, the employee does not hide this. Such employees have a relative independence of thinking and behavior. Such employees can critically reflect on the situation in the organization. They can contribute to: timely detection of the organization’s problems; put forward options for improvements in the organization’s activities; suggest changes in the organization’s technology, the procedure for making and implementing management decisions, and more. Such employees are objectively and essentially internally loyal to the corporation. But they are formally recognized as loyal only if their proposals to change the work of the organization are accepted. If managers do not agree with the opinion of such an employee, then he can be formally recognized as disloyal to the organization. In this case, the management of the organization may make a mistake of the first kind: to recognize a loyal employee as disloyal to the organization.

The fourth type of employee behavior is called “rebel”. This type of employee behavior is characterized by the following: the employee ceases to share values, patterns of behavior in the organization; such an employee, being a sincere person, does not hide it. The rebellious type of behavior may include: destructive type of behavior (when new ideas are not put forward against the background of denial); constructive, creative type of behavior (when there is not only a denial of something, but also new constructive ideas are put forward that can improve the activities of the corporation); leadership type of behavior, characterized by the ability to put forward an idea that motivates the team and rally the staff; imitation type of behavior when a situation arises that is convenient, favorable for causing damage to the organization, and others.

Errors of the first and second kind are possible in relation to such employees. To reduce such errors, an additional analysis of employee loyalty is required, taking into account the following factors: the real situation in the organization; the reasons for the current situation; possible solutions to the problem; personal and group interests and other aspects of the situation under study.

When evaluating the level of loyalty and the type of employee behavior, we recommend the following:

- to establish what exactly the facts and circumstances of the activity in the organization caused such outwardly disloyal behavior of the employee;

- to study whether the employee has constructive suggestions for innovative changes in the organization’s activities;

- determine such a characteristic of behavior as the sincerity or insincerity of the employee’s behavior;

- determine whether the employee’s behavior contributes to the identification of hidden (latent) problems in the organization’s activities;

- establish the essence of the employee’s suggestions for improving the organization’s activities;

- study the personal and group interests of employees within the specific situation in the organization, and more.

When evaluating the loyalty of an employee of an organization, it is recommended to consider the following. With the correct assessment of the loyalty of the behavior of its employees, the organization increases its competitiveness. In case of errors in the assessment of employee loyalty, the organization can: lose its important internal human resource to improve competitiveness; catastrophically ignore problems in the organization’s activities; do not use the opportunities that open up to the organization.

In the process of analyzing employee loyalty, you need to take into account the peculiarity of open-minded and sincere employees. They are often recognized as disloyal employees. At the same time, it is they who are able to prevent the possibility of a catastrophic crisis in the organization by their initiative and critical constructive thinking. The criterion for the sincerity of the employee’s behavior can be recognized as the discrepancy between the words and deeds, the results of the employee of the organization.

To analyze the sincerity or insincerity of an employee’s behavior, the possibilities of managerial neuromarketing can be used [21, p. 182-192].

When evaluating the loyalty, place and role of employees in the organization, it is recommended to consider the following:

first, the well-known Wilfredo Pareto principle (the 80/20 principle) works in economics: 20 % of efforts bring an organization 80 % of the result;

secondly, there is a well-known principle that out of all those engaged in science, the real result is brought by people whose number is equal to the square root of the total number of employees (for example, with a staff of 25 researchers, only 5 people bring a real scientific result);

third, the formula of any technical invention includes a part indicating the shortcomings of the existing design of the device. Therefore, it is impossible to consider a disloyal employee of a scientist who, within the framework of his professional activity, must identify the shortcomings of the existing design of a technical device;

Fourth, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the logical formulas and bases of innovation and routine activities of the organization. This is an objective factor of differences in employee behavior;

Fifth, employees who are actively engaged in innovation are at an increased risk of mistakes, misunderstandings, and conflicts.

At the same time, open employees initiate the most effective efforts of the organization.

It is recommended to take into account that the modern competition of high-tech organizations occurs at the level of their corporate organizational cultures.

Discussion. Depending on the effectiveness and/or efficiency of the employee loyalty management system, an organization can achieve an increase in its competitiveness. Such an increase in the competitiveness of the organization is ensured by: increasing the scientific and economic efficiency of innovative projects; accelerating the scientific and technological progress of the industry and the corporation; reducing the likelihood of crises and conflicts in its development; success in developing pioneering technological principles for the functioning of products; success in the synthesis of projects for restructuring and / or reengineering innovative business processes, and more.

As areas of use of the results of the analysis of the loyalty of the organization’s personnel can be called:

1) implementation of the results of such analysis in the formation of the personnel policy of the organization;

2) building individual professional careers of the organization’s employees;

3) improvement of the organization’s personnel motivation systems;

4) development of programs to increase the loyalty of the organization’s personnel in the strategic and tactical planning of work.

Increasing the loyalty of the organization’s staff leads to the following effects at the same time:

1) improving the efficiency of management decisions in the organization;

2) reducing the damage caused by disloyalty of the staff;

3) improving the efficiency of using the organization’s market opportunities.

The effect of increasing employee loyalty on improving the competitive position of an organization can be described by the following formula:

Kp= Ki* A1*A2*A3;


Kp – a new level of competitiveness of the organization, achieved as a result of increasing the loyalty of the organization’s staff;

Ki – the initial level of the organization’s competitiveness before conducting a scientific analysis of the organization’s personnel loyalty;

A1-coefficient (greater than 1), reflecting the improvement of the competitive position of the organization as a result of improving the effectiveness of management decisions after analyzing the loyalty of the organization’s personnel;

A2-coefficient (greater than 1), which characterizes the improvement of the competitive position of the organization as a result of reducing losses from low loyalty of the organization’s staff;

A3-coefficient (greater than 1), describing the improvement of the competitive position of the organization as a result of increasing the efficiency of the use of market opportunities by the organization after conducting an analysis of staff loyalty.

Conclusion. The article describes the methodology for analyzing the loyalty of employees of the organization. Personnel loyalty is considered as a scientific category in the organization’s personnel management system. The functions and roles of the concept of “staff loyalty” are proposed. Information models are being developed to assess the loyalty of the organization’s staff. The differences in the analysis of staff loyalty in the routine and innovative nature of the organization’s activities are described. A mathematical model is described for evaluating the economic efficiency of the employee loyalty analysis procedures. The directions of using the results of the analysis of the loyalty of employees of the organization are discussed.

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