Чупрынин Евгений Александрович1, Левицкий Андрей Александрович1
1Севастопольский государственный университет, студент магистратуры

В условиях непрерывно растущих объемов информации, а также источников ее получения, ставится вопрос качества получаемой информации. Наиболее полным и в тоже время избыточным источником информации в современном мире является глобальная сеть Интернет. В работе будет рассмотрен процесс получения человеком информации с помощью открытых источников в глобальной сети Интернет и выполнен анализ процесса с точки зрения полезности, качества информации и затраченному на поиск времени.

Ключевые слова: интернет, информационный поиск


Chuprynin Evgenii Aleksandrovich1, Levitskii Andrei Aleksandrovich1
1Sevastopol State University, Master's degree student

In the context of continuously growing volumes of information, it is important to study its quality. The most complete and at the same time, a redundant source of information is the Internet. The article will consider the process of obtaining information by a person using open sources on the global Internet. This process will be analyzed in terms of usefulness, quality of information and time spent on searching.

Keywords: Internet, search process

Рубрика: 05.00.00 ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Чупрынин Е.А., Левицкий А.А. Analysis of the quality of the information search process on the Internet // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2021. № 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2021/01/94347 (дата обращения: 18.04.2024).

In the process of searching for information, a person often faces difficulties caused by many factors. These include the lack of interesting information in the viewed resource, a mediocre level of quality and completeness of information, the human factor, the manifestations of which depend on the subjective characteristics of a particular person. Such characteristics include the skills of orientation in search resources, ways of searching for information, and organization of the workflow. As a result, these factors can lead to inefficient use of time and mediocre search results.

Studies show that a modern person is able to focus on a specific task, on average, for 11 minutes, that is, so much time he will spend on one task without getting to the next. The work of University of California Professor Gloria Mark also demonstrates the consequences of switching (distractions) of attention during the work process. Based on the observations made, it is stated that with each distraction, a person spends more than 10 minutes to re-focus on the original task [2].

It is worth noting that the time spent is not always proportional to the results obtained. This occurs as a result of the fact that a person is not able to thoroughly study their capabilities before solving the problem and rationally allocate their resources. In this situation, there is an exaggeration of the load and low concentration of attention.

The described factors can affect the results of the work of not only one person, but also a group of people whose work is related to the search for information. In this case, the effectiveness of the search can affect the results of the entire organization. It becomes relevant to analyze such a search within the framework of the working process, which would indicate the level of rational use of working time, and make it possible to assess the productivity of employees in this process. Given the mass nature of the issue under consideration, it can be noted that the process of information search has a significant impact on each person, each field of activity, and with the increase in the amount of information, the issue of analyzing such a process will remain relevant.

It is proposed to allocate time intervals from the general array of user requests. In these intervals, the system considers that there was a distraction from the main topic. As a result, the system provides results for analysis in the form of a list of intervals. In each interval, the main topic and attention stimuli from the main topic are determined.

Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of the system operation.


Figure 1 – Schematic representation of the system operation


Of interest is the process of allocating time intervals from the general array of requests. Such intervals are consecutive requests, the totality of which satisfies different conditions. List of conditions: the presence of at least two queries on the main topic; the presence of at least one attention stimulus; the topic of the first and last queries in the interval is the main topic of interest to the user in this interval; the time spent searching for information in the interval is at least 8 minutes.

Among the requests related to the same time interval, attention stimuli are distinguished-requests that are not related to the main topic of the interval. Figure 2 shows a generalized scheme for identifying attention stimuli in the time interval.

Figure 2 – Generalized scheme of identification of attention stimuli


The algorithm procedure is based on the developed requirements for the added query. If the request is on the main topic: the time elapsed from the opening of the previous added request to the opening of the current one should not exceed 30 minutes. If the request is not on the main topic: the time elapsed from the opening of the previous added request on the main topic to the opening of the current one should not exceed 10 minutes. Also, the share of requests for the main topic, in the case of adding the request in question, should be at least 50% of the total array of requests in the interval.

The condition for stopping the formation of a time interval is that the request under consideration does not meet the above criteria. Upon termination of the formation of the gap, a decision is made to save (not save) the gap itself and reflect it in the results of the research of the information search process. The reasons for maintaining the interval are the general requirements for time intervals described above.

As a result of the research conducted by the system, the user receives information about the process of searching for information that is suitable for further analysis. Information is always relative, and depends on what information system it is perceived by [3]. When investigating the problem of the effectiveness of the information search process, it is necessary to understand the importance of such an analysis and its high impact on the result and quality of the search by the person himself. The above method of analysis allows you to create a universal tool for evaluating the process of information search, which is not tied to a specific area of professional activity, and solves the problems of correcting such a process.

The indicated problem of the effectiveness of information search in the global Internet is subject to a more in-depth study. Current trends show the importance of analyzing powerful volumes of heterogeneous information, the so-called “big data” to highlight useful information that is of practical use. Further research of the authors will be aimed at the development of the described method using data mining algorithms, the study of the dependencies of the information search process on the list of subjective factors related to the person performing such a search.

  1. Yusupov R., Zabolotskii V. The scientific and methodological basis of informatization. St. Petersburg Un., 2000.
  2. Mark G., Gudith D., Klocke U. The cost of interrupted work: More speed and stress // Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems Association for Computing Machinery. 2000. P. 456.
  3. Lyapunov A. The relationship between matter, energy and information. // Lyapunov A. The problems of theoretical and applied cybernetics. Novosibirsk. 1980. P. 320-323.

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