Балалаева Елена Юрьевна
Национальный университет биоресурсов и природопользования Украины
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры украинского и классических языков

В статье рассматривается специфика обучения анатомической терминологии как первой из субтерминосистем, с которой знакомятся студенты-ветеринары при изучении латинского языка, а также описывается возможности электронного пособия «Elementa Linguae Latinae», которые могут быть использованы в этом процессе.

Ключевые слова: анатомическая терминология, методика, модель, перевод, структура, термин, электронное пособие


Balalaieva Olena Yuriivna
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

The article deals with the specifics of the teaching anatomical terminology as the first of the terminological subsystems that veterinary students learn in the Latin language studying, and also the possibilities of electronic textbook «Elementa Linguae Latinae», which can be used in this process, are described.

Keywords: anatomical terminology, electronic textbook, Methodology, structure, term, translation


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Балалаева Е.Ю. Teaching anatomical terminology using electronic textbook // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2018. № 6 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2018/06/86899 (дата обращения: 28.09.2024).

In teaching Latin at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine much attention is paid not only to the phonetics and grammar topics , but also to professional topics aimed at disclosing the specifics of the functioning of Latin in the terminology subsystems (anatomical, pharmaceutical, clinical) of the general terminology system of veterinary medicine.

In the system of training veterinary specialists, the leading place is given to the study of anatomy of domestic animals, which forms the general understanding of ​​an organism as a whole, the structure of which is determined in the interconnection of organs, their apparatus and systems, as well as the interdependence of structure and function on the background of development in ontogenesis and phylogenesis.

Anatomical and histological terms, regardless of origin are Latinized – their reading, writing, grammatical changes are carried out according to orthoepic, spelling, grammar norms of the Latin language.

According to scientists (Yu. Brazhuk, B. Golovin, R. Kobrin), Latin anatomical terminology is a means, that provides obtaining information and understanding of communicators in the process of joint professional activity. The terms form a professional component of information, are linguistic units, both included in receptive and productive vocabulary of specialists [5]. Therefore, in the logical-didactic structure of the subject “Latin language” the study of anatomical terms has priority to both by the sequence of introduction of the material and by the volume.

The main object of the study of anatomical-histological terminology in the Latin course is the terms for the denotation of basic anatomical concepts: the names of organs and body parts, the anatomical formations in an animal’s organism; terms that name the location, size, shape, color, etc. Training students in anatomical terms starts with the first lessons when the features of the Latin phonetic system are illustrated in the terminology material, so students are already offered exercises on translation of anatomical terms and lexical minima on the first grammar lessons. The lexical minimum of anatomical terminology is not less than 300 units, which should be learned both oral and written form in long-term memory at the level of the active terminological vocabulary [4].

Although the study of anatomical terms permeates the whole Latin course and occurs in all grammar lessons two special lessons are given for study of the topic “The structure of anatomical terms”.

The purpose of the first lesson is to form the general understanding of the structure of anatomical terms, and its tasks are following: to train students in models of multicomponent anatomical terms; teach doing grammar and syntactic analysis of terms that consist of two or more words; develop the skills of analytical thinking, ability to consciously study and apply theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of terminology, the ability to find information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks; promote the development of vocational and terminological competence. After lesson students should know the following: components and model of anatomical terms, types of syntactic relation in terms-collocations; be able to: determine the structure of multicomponent anatomical terms, identify the type of syntactic relation in terms-collocations, construct Latin terms according to a given scheme, translate multicomponent anatomical terms from Latin into Ukrainian and vice versa. The aim of second lesson is to systematize knowledge about the structure of anatomical terms.

Thus, the teaching the translation of terms is given a leading place in the Latin course. In general, the principle of transferability is one of the main in the teaching classical languages. As V. Shovkovy notes, translation is both a goal of learning, and a means of its achieving, and the main way of semantization of grammatical material [7].

Skills and abilities of terms translations are formed together with receptive and reproductive ones and, in turn, are composed of smaller skills: transition from one language to another, the analysis of the original text, editing, that are common to the translation process. An important point is the organization of development the skills of switching from the Ukrainian language to Latin and vice versa, because its necessity increases with the reduction of the time for translation.

According to researchers, the functioning of the switching mechanism is carried out on a thematic basis, by combining similar semantic subsystems of two languages ​​into one common system. Switching from one language to another in the translation process is carried out in automated operations on finding and implementation a solution for the transcoding of the situation presented for the transmission of the statement [6].

Therefore, for effective development of switching skills, students must have a certain Latin word-stock, well-learned both in oral and written form. Translated dictations based on lexical minima (that close to simultaneous written translation by form) can be used for automatization switching skills.

The electronic textbook “Elementa Linguae Latinae” (2014) has wide opportunities for development of translation abilities and skills. In the electronic textbook the training material is presented with the simulation elements [2], in particular, main components of the models of the anatomical terms formation, the ways of their expression (part of the language, grammatical form) are given, that allows illustrating the translation mechanism that can be applied to any anatomical term.

The procedure of setting the correct order of translation of words is rather difficult for students, even if meanings of all components of the term are clear, the overall translation could be wrong. In the electronic textbook all components of the original term are numbered and an algorithm for the sequence of words translation is given, that facilitates the mastering of a generalized way of doing tasks on the analysis and translation of veterinary and medical terms. According to scientists, (G. Atanov, V. Bykov, V. Kukharenko), in terms activity approach, in the learning task no result has utilitarian value, but the process of its achievement, because the way of action is formed primarily in the solving process [1].

The material of the module “Tutorial” of electronic textbook “Elementa Linugae Latinae” can be used for the presentation of educational material in the classroom, systematization and updating knowledge both at the lesson and at home, doing exercises on translation.

The material of the module “Dictionary” can be used by the teacher for illustrating theoretical aspects by concrete examples, by students for doing exercises and control tasks on translation and terms modeling, self-checking and self-correction of learning actions and operations etc [3]. Special learning commentaries on the term contains information about its grammar structure, but   student should to determine its model on its own by analogy with other models, that creates great opportunities for the application of heuristic method in teaching.

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