Панкова Мария Сергеевна
Димитровградский инженерно-технологический институт филиал "Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет МИФИ"

Данная статья посвящена проблемам современного образования в России.Проведенное исследования позволяется утверждать, что у современного образования достаточно много как положительных, так и отрицательных сторон, но образование в нашей стране не стоит на месте, а развивается.


Pankova Maria Sergeevna
Dimitrovgrad Engineering and Technology Institute branch "National Research Nuclear University MEPhI"

Keywords: development problems, education, Russia


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Панкова М.С. Positive and negative sides of modern education in Russia // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2017. № 8 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2017/08/84029 (дата обращения: 15.03.2025).

As you know, the amount of new information that appears every year in the world is constantly increasing. This imposes certain obligations on a modern person: in order to become successful, he must first get a good education, and then regularly raise his level of knowledge. Given the above, it can be concluded that in a short time a person will have to study throughout life (with a high probability, and after retirement).

Over the past 10 – 15 years in Russia there has been a huge number of educational institutions. Even in the most remote corners of our country there were universities: institutes, academies, universities. They offer applicants to receive the most popular and popular specialties (lawyer, economist, etc.). At the same time, training is conducted using new technologies and, in particular, distance learning. In this case, lecturer’s lectures are first recorded on electronic media, and then played back in the lesson. Distance learning can also go online: control and coursework are sent over the Internet; In addition, it is possible that when the training is over, it turns out that the teacher and the student are not personally acquainted with each other. The advantages of learning by this method are obvious:

1. You save time and money on travel to and from the place of study.

2. During the delivery of the regular session (in case the educational institution is located in another settlement), you avoid additional expenses for food and accommodation.

However, such training has also negative aspects: in this case, the teacher can not be completely sure that the student’s knowledge corresponds to the estimates he has made (and, accordingly, that someone does not write and does not pass exams for him, exams , Control and course work).

In addition to increasing the total number of educational institutions, in Russia in the past 10 – 15 years, the number of paid non-state institutions of higher education has also increased noticeably. Competition in them is almost non-existent, so anyone can enter it. As a result, the quality of education has significantly decreased.

Quite often it turns out that graduates with diplomas of a lawyer or economist in practice do not know anything and can not be considered qualified specialists. Mistakes of a lawyer can still be forgiven, but if such a diploma was received, for example, by a doctor? Summary: a “half-educated” expert is dangerous to society. However, in the pursuit of profit, many universities do not consider this. Naturally, the quality of education in such “universities” leaves much to be desired: they are ready to transfer from the course to the student’s course with “zero” knowledge, so long as the money for education is paid in time. This situation led to the fact that higher education in our country has practically depreciated. So, even with a diploma of higher education, you can work as a janitor or cleaner.

In the labor market, most graduates of several of the best and oldest universities are listed: the State University – Higher School of Economics, MSTU. N.E. Bauman, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and some others. In addition, in recent years, employers have begun to pay more attention to the availability of work experience for applicants for a particular position. But where to get this experience to a young specialist who just graduated from high school and who no one takes to work, again, because of a lack of experience? It’s a vicious circle.

Conclusion: modern Russian education has both positive and negative sides. However, the most important in this situation is that the Russian education system does not stand still, but is constantly being developed and modernized (albeit for the time being by “trial and error”). And this, of course, can not but rejoice (inspiring optimism and belief in a better future for us and our children).

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