Гумелёв Василий Юрьевич1, Юдин Тимофей Михайлович2, Постников Александр Александрович3, Филиппов Дмитрий Александрович4
1Рязанское высшее воздушно-десантное командное училище имени генерала армии В. Ф. Маргелова, канд. техн. наук
2Рязанское высшее воздушно-десантное командное училище имени генерала армии В. Ф. Маргелова, доцент
3Рязанское высшее воздушно-десантное командное училище имени генерала армии В. Ф. Маргелова, адъюнкт
4Рязанское высшее воздушно-десантное командное училище имени генерала армии В. Ф. Маргелова, начальник научно-исследовательской лаборатории

В статье рассмотрен этногенез древних скандинавских и германских народов. Народ «азы» и их вождь Один покорили скандинавов и стали их богами. Также рассмотрены вероятные причины, из-за которых азы Одина вынуждены были покинуть степи Приазовья. Выдвинуто предположение о том, что предки русских и осетин входили в союз народов, известных под названием азы-аланы.

Ключевые слова: азы, мифология, понтийский царь, поражение, сага, союзник


Gumelev Vasiliy Yuryevich1, Yudin Timothy Mikhailovich2, Postnikov Alexander Alexandrovich3, Filippov Dmitrij Aleksandrovich4
1Ryazan High Airborne Command School named after of the General of the Army V.F. Margelov, candidate of technical sciences
2Ryazan High Airborne Command School named after of the General of the Army V.F. Margelov, associate professor
3Ryazan High Airborne Command School named after of the General of the Army V.F. Margelov, adjunct
4Ryazan High Airborne Command School named after of the General of the Army V.F. Margelov, Head of Research Laboratory

The article describes ethno genesis of ancient German and Scandinavian folks. Folk Aesir and their leader Woden conquered Norse people and became their gods. Article also describes possible reasons, under the influence of which Woden and Aesir were forced to leave steppes of Azov region. It is suggested, that ancestors of Russians and Ossetians were part of the Alliance of the Peoples, known as Aesir- Alans.

Keywords: Aesir, ally, defeat, mythology, the king of Pontus

Рубрика: 07.00.00 ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Гумелёв В.Ю., Юдин Т.М., Постников А.А., Филиппов Д.А. German and Scandinavian gods were originally from south Russia steppes // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2017. № 9 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2017/09/84349 (дата обращения: 24.09.2024).

Snorri Sturluson, an Icelandic skald, who wrote at the end of XII – beginning of XIII century, left collection of sagas. In his sagas Snorri Sturluson in detail stated main provisions of pagan Scandinavian and German mythology that developed no later than in V century AC.

Ancient pagan Scandinavian main group of Gods were Aesir. Aesir’s leader [1] was Woden (Odin) from the country of Aesirs, which was situated in Asia, which lay east of the river Tanaksvil (Tanaksvil is, apparently, river Don, which the ancient Greeks called Tanais). On the left bank of the Tanais began Asia, and on the right bank ended Europe. The capital of Woden was the city of Asgard.

Woden (the supreme god of Scandinavians and Germans), according to Sturluson, before he became a god, fought against the Romans. After the defeat, he was forced to flee and reached distant lands in the north of Europe. There, according to [1]: “… when Woden (Odin) and his dias [priests of the Ases] came to the Northern Countries, they began to teach people the arts that people have since mastered.”

In the new lands, Woden managed to introduce the laws of the country of Aesirs, his distant Fatherland. That is, the Scandinavians and Germans began to live according to the laws of the Aesir, alien to them, the people, whose representatives they deified. In this regard, a question arises as to how fierce and ruthless the Aesirs and their leader were, what made the ancient Scandinavians believe in their divine origin? Apparently, the cruelty of the Aces was unlimited, and all the doubters depicted exponentially. Therefore, the ancestors of the Scandinavians broadcast their lives [2]: “And I believe that Woden and his brothers are rulers in heaven and on earth.”

Recall that, in fact, the name of the supreme god of the Scandinavians is just a quantitative numeral in the Russian language.

About the son of Woden (Odin), the saga [2] reports: “At their head [gods] stands Thor, which is also called Asa Thor ...”. Scandinavians and Germans considered Thor the strongest among all the gods and people. His name, most likely, is simply the name of a wild bull – a mighty tour, exterminated in the Don steppes in the early Middle Ages.

However, who were the Aesirs who got from the steppes of Don River to Scandinavia? More than a thousand years after the appearance of Woden and the Aesirs in Sweden with real Aesirs, but not pagan gods, but the most ordinary Christians, V. de Rubruk [3, p.83], the monk and ambassador in 1253 – 1255 Louis XI, King of France, to the kagan, that is, the emperor, of the Mongolian Khaganate. The Aesirs by Rubruk are Alans. They became the ancestors of modern Ossetians, but were descendants of ancient Aryans and Scythians.

It should be noted that at the time, when Rubruk wrote, the country of the Alans- Aesirs was indeed located at the east of the Don.

T. Heyerdahl, the world-famous Norwegian traveler and scientist, believed that Woden (Odin), the leader of the people of the Aesirs, was forced to leave the Scythian lands at the Sea of Azov (Aesir) [4], and is it still called Azov Sea. During the third and last for the Pontian king Mithridates VI Eupator war against the Romans in 74 – 63 BC. his army was routed by the Roman legions. The king committed suicide. At the fig. 1 you can see the map of Pontus Kingdom.

Fig. 1.  Kingdom of Pontus from 302 to 64 BC.

Woden (Odin) most likely, was a devoted ally of Mithridates in his wars against Rome. Therefore, the leader of the Aesir with his retinue and with all his clan left the lands of Azov to avoid cruel punishment.

Woden (Odin) and Aesir departed far to the north [an excerpt from the saga is quoted from 4]: “… into a country that is now called Sweden. The name of the local king was Gulvi … he went out to meet them and said that Woden (Odin) can rule in his state … noble people saw that neither the beauty, nor the wisdom of the Aesir were not like any other people they had seen before. “

God Woden – Odin (in Old Norse O’ðinn), a native of the people of the Aesir (Ases, Azov), had a simple Russian name – it simply should be correctly stressed. The miniature depicting Woden (Odin) is shown in figure 2.


Fig.2. Woden (Odin) with two raven on his shoulder.

Miniature from the Icelandic manuscript (XVIII century) 

Woden (Odin) civilized the Germans just as long before him the Chinese their first “Yellow Emperor” Huangdi [5].

Who are these Aesirs (Ases)? The Russians called Ases as Alans [6], the warlike Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes of the Sarmatian (Scythian) origin, who in the 1st century AD according to the Romans settled the lands of the Azov Sea and the North Caucasus. The Georgians called the Alans- Ossi, and their country-Ossetia.

However, it follows from [7] that the Aesir lived in the Azov Sea for a rather long time. Since according to [7, II, 16], the fifth century, Herodotus considered Asia to be a separate part of the world, probably derived from the country of the Aesir, bordering on the Don River, according to the concepts of the Greeks – the contemporaries of Herodotus, with the east of Europe. In addition to the above, there are, of course, other versions about the origin of the word Asia, which named the largest part of the world. Nevertheless, these versions are too contradictory.

We have to note that in the Old Slavic alphabet according to [8]: “As the first letter,  first person, I “.

Therefore, in ancient Russian, the word «Az» also means I – a personal place-the first-person estate of the singular.

Hence, between the Slavs, the Russians (the Slavs and the Russians are different folks [9, Pt. 2, VII, § 37], although close enough) and Ossetians (the modern self-designation of this people – the Alans), there are very ancient ties. What kind? We will analyze them in the next publications.

Let’s return to Woden (Odin), his ravens and Iranian-speaking Alans. According to Zoroastrism, the ancient religion of the Aryans of Iran, on the shoulders of each person were two invisible mythical ravens. The raven on the left shoulder inclined man to sin, and on the right – to righteous deeds. So far, in order to avoid any unpleasantness, we are modern Russian people, overwhelmingly right-glorious (verbatim), or orthodox thrice we spit through the left shoulder into a bad tempter bird whispering in our ears vile thoughts leading to trouble.

The memory of our distant ancestors lives in each Russian.

In modern Danish language, the word “ace”(Aesir) means an ace, a card of the highest dignity. As you know, in the card game the ace always beats the king, that is, the pagan gods of the second level are always stronger than any king.

We will repeat once again:

- in Old Slavonic the word “ ѻдинъ ” is just a quantitative number, and in Old Norse the word “O’ðinn” is the name of the supreme god;

- in Old Slavonic the word “Az” is the first letter of the alphabet (the Slavonic alphabet) and, simultaneously, the personal pronoun of the singular of the first person “I”, and in Old Norse the word “as (Aesir)” means younger gods and assistants of the supreme god Odin (Woden);

- Woden (Odin) and Aesirs were real people who lived in the Azov Sea in the I century BC. The high culture and unlimited cruelty of the Aesirs (Azov) and their leader “convinced” the ancient Scandinavians in their divine origin.

As you know, the skillful retinue, if desired, can play not only the king, but even God. However, for such a game, a rather wacky audience is required. Is it possible, even theoretically, that the Scandinavians, the descendants of savages for whom the ancient Aesirs became gods, could found a state in Russia in the 9th century?

The Georgian (Ossi) and Danish (Aesir) name of the Azes (Aesir) are very similar to the Russian plural number of the word AZ-AZY. Think for yourself, is this coincidence is coincidental, or the Slavs were part of the Alan community. Do not forget that the leader of the Aesir (Aces, Azy), who became the main god of the ancient Scandinavians, was called Odin (Woden).

If you want to find out new facts about the Scythians and the ancient Slavs see the publication [10], about Scythian cities, manners and customs – articles [11, 12].

From the above-mentioned material, we should make a completely logical conclusion that the so-called “Norman theory” about the origin of the Russian state is some age-old scientific insanity or political fraud [13]. The last is many times more likely.
FOR HELP AND CONTEMPLATION. The Swedish people are a product of mixing of two nationalities: Swedes (Germans) and Geats. The Geats lived in the south of Sweden (and in our time southern Sweden is called Goethe-Land, and its center is the city of Gothenburg). Swedes – to the north of the Gets, in our time the historical region where they lived in ancient times, is called Svealand [14]. The Geats are a very interesting ethnic community. It belonged to the ancient Hittites, who founded in the II millennium BC. mighty kingdom in Anatolia, the Scythian people of Massagetae, who at the end of the sixth century BC. extremely successfully repulsed the attack on them by the troops of the Persian king Cyrus II the Great.  Another people who lived in the north of the Balkan Peninsula and fought against Rome for two whole first centuries of the new era, the Romans called dacians, and the Greeks – Getae. The capital of the kingdom of the Dacians was Sarmisegetusa (Latin Sarmisegetusa). In its name you can clearly hear the self-name of the Dacians. Sarmats were related to Getae (dacians) and, apparently, also belonged to the Getae ethnic community. To her the attitude, most likely, also the Aesir (Aces, Azy). So the basis of the military valor of the Scandinavian Vikings was the Scythian blood of their distant ancestors and, at the same time, the gods. Therefore, in the course of a comparative study of Russian and Swedish history, there arises a completely natural and very interesting question: who, when and who brought them out of the dense wildness onto the high road of European civilization? And the solution of this question still still requires tremendous efforts of many honest and unselfish researchers.

The most surprising thing about the history of the German-Scandinavian gods, which were from the southern Russian steppes, is as follows. The insane and semi-literate German Fuhrer in the middle of the twentieth century (!) managed to declare the Germans as the highest race, apparently without even suspecting who the Aesir (Ases) were originally from the Azov Sea for the ancestors of the Germans. Many Germans, even more surprisingly, sincerely believed in this wild delirium of Hitler. That is, the supreme god of the ancient Germans, first of all the Scandinavians, was a warlike and competent leader with a beautiful Russian name Odin (Scandinavian O’ðinn). The leader’s name fully corresponded to his social position among his people – the Aesir.

Hitler, fond of mysticism and German paganism, despite the elementary logic flowing from his hobbies, attacked the power of the descendants of the ancient Aesir (Ases), the descendants of the pagan gods of the Germans. He did not think about what would happen if on the side of the Aesir, Wodan (Odin) himself entered the battle against the enemies.

For such an unpardonable barbarous stupidity committed in the civilized twentieth century, the German people were severely punished – Germany, after the defeat in World War II, was occupied by foreign troops and deprived, to this day, of sovereignty.

During the Great Patriotic War, not only Russians but also representatives of virtually all peoples of the USSR, including Ossetians, fought against the fascists in the Red Army. The Ossetians who raided the German army in the Red Army were quite possibly relatives or even direct descendants of the ancient German gods. Similarly, probably the descendants of the Aesir – the pagan gods of the “higher race” – there were many among the Russians.

From the stated above, very simple conclusions follow.

1. Apparently, it is impossible for ordinary mortal Germans to encroach on the lives of Russians and Ossetians – very distant relatives and descendants of ancient pagan Germanic gods. For the Germans, the war against the Russian state is a pride, a terrible mortal sin, cruelly punished by higher powers.

2. And, if to say seriously, then no one should go to Germanic or any other Fuhrer until he has at least learned at school the history of his own folk. Otherwise for his life will come the distant descendants of the “divine” Aces (Aesir).

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